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scojo the modest!

Started by nathan, 30 October, 2001, 03:33:41 PM

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In [General] Re: Re: Re: The only good ? is a dead ? on 30 Oct 01 at 00:54, scojo wrote:
> As for other writers not harping on about how great they are, do I?
> No.
> scojo the modest!

Really, scojo? How about this?

"I believe I can write a screenplay as good (or nearly as good!) as John  Wagner.
Hand on heart I do."

Or this?

"My Helter Skelter was far better than Garth's and I only wrote it in about 2 hrs!! ... I bet till my daying day i can write better than every 2000AD
Any character any time."


"I may be arrogant but I still bet I can write a better Dredd screenplay than you anyday."

"I can write better than Rennie without a pen.
Any day."

"My idea of an alternate Judge invasion headed by Cal and his cronies was far better than Ennis'... I will never accept my H Skelter was inferior to

"Mine was far better. More imagination in my 4 parts than his 12 or how ever
long it was!"

"... My future shocks are as good or bad as any Alan Moore, Peter Milligan,
Steve Moore etc have seen printed in 2k."

"I can show you an inferior fs by alan moore. I read it yesterday. Prog 251.
Two pages in length. Called 'All of them were empty'
It was terrible. Far worse than mine."



Aww, c'mon. Nathan - I just promised to stop feeding the troll and you go and rattle his cage ...!


Stupidly Busy Letterer: Samples. | Blog
Less-Awesome-Artist: Scribbles.

Thread Zero

Nathan, I was being funny when I said that.

scojo the modest.



IT'S IRONIC!! Nathan, are you stupid? Does he have to explain it to you in simple letters???

I. R. O. N. I. C.

See, because he's NOT MODEST -- but he said he was. IT'S CALLED IRONY. Not Silvery or Goldy. IRONY.

- mrcomicus
the not helpful

(You see, I WAS BEING HELPFUL but I called myself NOT HELPFUL, that is IRONY!!!)

(Makes mental note: must write a spoof dredd script where I call Nathan names because he's on of the those people who conspire against me. I'll get them, I'll GET THEM ALL!)


Hey Wake, when you redesigned the site did you remember to call it I mean he is the only topic of debate on this board. Come to think of it maybe if I post some absurd messages people will only talk about me? H'mmm...change the record people!!!!!!!!

MATT (the hacked off)


Sorry Matt!

It's like a bad tooth, you keep prodding when you know you shouldn't. So I'll leave it out :)

mr c


scojo: Nathan, I was being funny when I said that.
Oh my aching sides!

OK, enough of this time-wasting. From now on. I'll talk about 2000AD, not scojo