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New Boarders beware. This board can seriously overpower your thrill buffers!

Started by Carlsborg Expert., 08 March, 2005, 05:02:02 PM

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Carlsborg Expert.

Ohoh,yes,I was a freshman too. Until I freaked. Too much,going on upstairs.

 This is the world of 2000ad.Its not to be taken lightly.

There I was all smart and cocky, being funny and derivitive, showing off. Thinking, " Whats the problem? Cant people handle a wifffy old comic site or what? Eh??

Then, out of the blue, it whapped full on like the undefyable light of an Atomic blast.There was no place to hide, I freaked big style!

My brain twsted inside my skull 360 degrees.

There were confidence looters everywhere I looked,inhibiters, critics and paranoids.

Justice men and women,standing side by side,super-religious gruops at woar with one another.

My mind spasmed,my soul became unguarded. It was leapt upon in fury of seething spirits and then...

Then I blacked out.
( My modem went down).

When i came to, it was as if, as if Id been accepted and I could accept those who,well,were.

So the letter writers make the place sound like a hellish, street of Mega-City One.

Well maybe it is. Maybe thats the acceptance you have to make in yourself all along.The future is frightening when your strange to it.

Hey ,don't think you'll be the exception,ever.Some real powerful types have skidded into the crash barriers.

When you get here,take it for what it is. 2000ad.

Godspeed young newbie,dont feed the wildlife and get in before a certain time.

This is not a warning, but an invitation.A welcome to the Galaxies greatest and most thrilling site,on the net, dude.

Jus...Just don't take it for granted,hey?


Bit early in the day to be pissed, isnt it? ;p


Talk sense. It's never too early to be pissed.
Nobody warned me I would be so awesome.

Max Kon

This is the Low Life my friend, the meanest, grittiest part of MC-1. Danger lurks in every shadow.....

Max steps out of the shadows
Any of youz want an icon? Anything you like? The J's no nutin about this, they won't trouble you. Well, you know where to find me if you do.
Max steps back into the shadows




I quite like the phrase "confidence looters", Jimmy.  I sort of wish I'd put it in my Mother's Day card...