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Messages - Tjm86

Books & Comics / Re: Whats everyone reading?
31 May, 2024, 04:57:36 PM
DeadMan Love After Death / Exorcism Baron and Jones.

I read the first part of this literally decades ago and it never left me.  Baron's take on the character is radically different to what little I've seen of other takes on the character but the absolute star of this is most definitely Kelley Jones.  His artwork takes macabre to a whole different level.  I'd seen it in places in the early Sandman run and some of his Batman work.  Here it is absolutely sublime and perfectly captures the bizarre and horrific world he is caught up in.

Baron weaves a couple of fascinating little tales mixing together Deadman's search for some sort of emotional connection and his struggles with his past experiences.  Baron casts him as a schizophrenic, struggling with conflicting aspects of his self.  Not entirely sure how necessary it was to throw that in although Deadman's behaviour is certainly off the wall throughout.

There is apparently also a run of issues in Action Comics Weekly that Baron and Kelley did.  I'm seriously tempted since the graphic novel of Kelley Jones' work on the character also includes these two mini-series which I've already got.  It might be worth the double dip but then again it might be better sourcing the original comics.

Anyway, this is a prime example of Vertigo at its very best.  An amazing creative team let loose to take the character where they want.  Sufficiently bizarre, obscene and horrific for those who like something more intellectually stimulating than the standard slash and gore so many seem to think is the sole extent of horror.
I'm not a massive fan of all the content of Regened and generally skim read it on a prog slog but it's not absolutely horrendous.  Granted there is a bit of a tendency to assume that it has to be school based to appeal to youngsters and Lowborn High has been flogged to death for my money.

Overall though, there has been a good balance of stuff.  I'd say some of the strongest has been the original material; Pandora Perfect, Enemy Earth.  That said, there have also been successes with material set in established Tooth worlds. 

You can forgive a degree of inconsistency when folks are trying out new stuff to see if they can find something fresh.  Would I rather have a section in the Meg each month given over to experimental material as opposed to regurgitating American dross?

If anything this makes me more likely to continue supporting the Meg. Give new artists and writers a platform to try out ideas and build a new audience. Push the envelope a bit and see what succeeds.

And yes, I'd prefer it as part of the Meg rather than interrupting the flow of the prog every couple of months or so.
We always used to say that Forbidden Planet was where you went to until you found out there were real comic shops out there.

Unfortunately these days so many of them have gone the way of the Dodo while FP somehow manages to survive in an even more neutered state than before. 

Mind you, that might be because I object to the sort of prices being charged these days since someone buggered up the exchange rate.  Not to mention that so much of what comes from the other side of the pond these days just doesn't seem worth the effort.
Film & TV / Re: New Doctor Who series
20 May, 2024, 10:20:32 AM
Quote from: Daveycandlish on 19 May, 2024, 06:58:59 PM
Quote from: Doomlord66 on 19 May, 2024, 01:09:41 PMAlso is it me ...?

It's you.

Yep, definitely.  No one else at all, just you ....

(What are we talking about?)
Prog / Prog 2383: Blood Work
18 May, 2024, 02:35:40 PM
Cover work by Culbard – up to his usual standards, excellent colouring and hinting at where things might be heading.
Dredd: Iron Teeth (2) – Percival is definitely the artist to go to for dark, moody and atmospheric.  He's made a name for himself in that respect and long may it last. 

Niemand nicely intertwines the info-dump with Dredd's slow descent into the Undercity.  The introduction of Judge-Professor Hobbes and her droid is quickly dealt with.

Loving the Bakhtin-esque reference with "Call-Me-Rabelais".  This delving into the multiple levels of grotesquerie that reveals the contradictory forces at work in MC1 – total authority versus monstrous anarchy as Dredd digs deeper into both the physical and metaphorical undercity is intriguing.
It certainly taps in neatly to some of the other allusions noted from last weeks prog and the allusion to King's It as well as the Gorbals vampire.  Aligning Dredd with the monstrous of MC1 urban folklore is a deft touch.  There has always been this element to the judicial system and to Dredd himself.

This sets up a neat contrast between Dredd and Hobbes' brief discourse on these and that of the children further ahead of Dredd and closer to IT.  Sharing their takes on the different stories.  Shades of Stand By Me there (if we're going to keep up with the King allusions here).

... and we start to see them picked off one by one but to what fate?  As IT carries off the first of the children, Percival and Niemand impeccably contrast the serenity of a child at perfect peace with the horrors that surround him.  As horror tales go, this is up there with the best.

Intestinauts: Busted Flush (2) An interesting narrative structure to this one as Wyatt leverages the old Livingstone Adventure Books approach.  Following the story takes a bit of effort but the approach serves to underscore the confusing nature of the situation.

I know I commented last week on the various questions the episode left rolling around.  Understandably I was challenged on that and I would have to say that this week does serve to underscore the validity of that criticism.

Answers of a sort are revealed this week to draw a link between the containment lab and the threat the Intestinauts face.  In some respects, more questions are posed by events than are answered.  The difference this time is that events serve to intrigue rather than confuse. 

It might have been better to have started this run as a double episode as this one leaves off in a far more interesting place.  Certainly interest is now piqued for this somewhat sceptical (of this strip) reader.  Be interesting to see where this tale goes.

3rillers: Blue Skies Over Deadwick Well, the episode serves to set things up neatly.  Characters and setting are deftly established.  There is still plenty to wonder about as the story progresses but this is definitely a strong opening.

Brokenshire's artwork is first rate.  A hint of European influence, possibly?  Either way there is a fascinating shift between tight, personal scenes and grand vistas.  Strong, dynamic action is no problem either.

Two episodes to go but the key questions are lain out.  Hopefully this will be landed as well as it is launched.  If so, there is certainly scope for further exploration as a fascinating world is established in a few short pages.

Brink: Consumed (6) There are parallels with Dredd here as the tour of Belleholme Habitat serves as a backdrop to talking heads once again.  Another parallel as Kurtis is led into those hidden parts of the habitat few often go to and even then only when necessary.

This tale is burning slowly as the audience are left to wonder about the body dump last week and Kurtis' colleagues are simply left to their own devices.  The theme of food overwhelms this episode, pointing towards the title of this run.  Of course. there is the question of how the food is 'treated' from earlier runs to consider.  At this point in the run though, little is seriously revealed.  Rather, far more is hinted at.

Proteus Vex: Devious (9) As we've already noted, the utterly alien of this strip is its standout.  Then again, it's also interesting how terrestrially familiar it can seem as we learn more about Midnight and her species.

Where last week events switched to Vex, once again we get another shift as well as a fascinating historical reveal that speaks so much to current events.  As much as it points to the past though, it also points to the future and what is undoubtably going to be a serious confrontation.

Overall then, this is the Prog firing on all cylinders.  Action, intrigue, horror, new worlds ... something for everyone.  It might not be its finest but it is damned close to be sure.
Prog / Re: Prog 2381: A grizzly fate
12 May, 2024, 07:23:04 AM
Quote from: Le Fink on 09 May, 2024, 04:57:12 PM
Quote from: Le Fink on 09 May, 2024, 04:50:24 PM
Quote from: IndigoPrime on 09 May, 2024, 09:55:51 AMThat MC1 would be screwed without Dredd, even though he's ultimately largely responsible for the city being in bits?

How so (genuine question)?

(I agree with the first bit. I don't understand how he's ultimately largely responsible for the city being in bits)

That's a fair point.  Perhaps a scattered review of those events that have had a major impact on MC1?

Okay, so the Apocalypse War was initiated by the Sovs.  Half the city decimated in a "total-nuke-out".  Dredd 'responsible'?  Doubtful.

Necropolis - dark Judges take over the city and cheerfully proceed to murder the population.  Dredd took the long walk off the back of what he saw as questionable decisions by the Chief Judge and those around him.  Again, not really Dredd.

Inferno (much as we would rather ignore this altogether) - psychotic criminal judges take over the city and just go nuts.  All have it in for Dredd but can we really blame him?

Judgement Day - inter dimensional Zombie Lord decides to turn the planet into a global version of the living dead. Nope, can't blame Dredd for this one.

Total War - bunch of lunatic terrorists decide to nuke their way out of Judicial rule.  Okay, you can argue the judges were the reasons they decided nuclear surgery was the only way to excise their control but as solutions go there is something a bit askew here.  Dredd's responsibility is limited to his being part of the judicial system.

Day of Chaos - group of former Sov City operatives decide to get their own back on MC1 by initiating a biological attack.  They all hold Dredd responsible for what happened to their city and his final retaliation.  We can debate the ethics of Dredd's decision until the cows come home but ultimately they had initiated a war against MC1 and invaded.  You can certainly argue that it was Dredd's actions that precipitated this event. 

Possibly the only time it is fair to say he was directly 'responsible'.  Admittedly a more nuanced approach would have argued that the Sovs started it, Dredd did what he thought was necessary and the Sovs chose to harbour a grudge for decades before taking it out on MC1.  That being the case, once more we end up with Dredd shouldering far less of the blame.

Is it fair then to say that Dredd is responsible for the shape of MC1 or is it more accurate to say that despite his seemingly unlimited powers he is actually impotent, or at least far less powerful, against forces, powers and events that transcend his more parochial role as judicial arbiter?

If anything, these events point to the limitations of the law.  In fact, one could argue that ultimately that is a them that runs through Dredd.  The whole premise as originally conceived took the most extreme alternatives expounded at the time and created an entire system and iconic character around them. 

Folded into this was a future scape not a million miles removed from where we are today.  You only have to look at some of the debates around crime in major cities across the UK and US (amongst other nations) to see how prescient the concept actually was.

Dredd has only ever been able to hold the tide at bay, so to speak.  Everyday crime that can be dealt with swiftly and simplistically is possibly the limits of his powers.  He struggles with exactly the same problems current judicial systems do when it comes to organised crime, never mind state-backed criminal activity aimed at undermining opponents.

Given these limitations, his culpability is certainly highly questionable.  At least that would be my take on this.  Feel free to dismantle my arguments though.
Prog / Re: Prog 2382: Beware Iron Teeth
12 May, 2024, 06:45:44 AM
I would have to agree on the standard of this prog.  Some outstanding artwork across the board.  Dredd sets its basic premise nicely, highlighting exactly how dire the straits are for MC1. 

Actually, I'd say this is something that hasn't fully been explored properly before.  Other than the TC1 takeover attempt and other oblique references in the odd story, it's a bit of an unspoken issue.

When you consider what MC1 was like when we first started, how powerful Justice dept was and how it stood on the world stage, present day MC1 is a pale shadow of this (kind of like Britain ....).  The effects of these events have never fully been laid bare.  So it's nice to see Niemand leaning into this shortcoming.

As for the rest of the prog, aye, Aquila's ending and setting up the final story make for a fine ending to this chapter.  On one level it will be a shame to see this go but at the same time, that closure is welcome.

Agree on Brink.  Having been working my way slowly through previous runs to try and bring myself up to speed, it really has been interesting to see how this has 'evolved' so to speak.  Culbard manages to create an impressively disturbing environment at times, conveying the claustrophobia of living conditions in habitats that are so massive in scale.  This episode might have been a bit 'talking-heads' in scope but there's still a scintilla of action to keep things moving.

I have to admit to being less than impressed with Intestinauts to date.  Not entirely sure why but this just hasn't clicked with me.  Shades of Banzai Battalion but without the characterisation maybe?  The fact that it is literally toilet humour perhaps?  Possibly the stories to date that haven't done much for me. 

Clearly this is personal so I'm going to be careful with my assessment of the tale.  Maybe this will be the one that finally clicks and forces a reappraisal?

Certainly I can't fault the artwork.  It's up there with some of the best Tooth has to offer.  There's that fine balance between humorous, cartoonish and serious sci-fi.

The plotting is neatly done.  The premise for the tale is lain clearly with the multiple threats comfortably established.  TBH I can't remember where the 'bots were at last time round so there on scene arrival and the tribulations they'd just overcome are lost in the recesses of my addled memory.  I imagine for new readers that might be a problem and deter from appreciation. 

The same holds for the 'big bad' introduced in the final moments.  Who is it?  What do they want?  Why have they got it in for the Intestinauts?  How does this link with the incident in the lab? 

If this episode has any flaws it is here.  Don't get me wrong, it's a nice, dramatic ending.  Unfortunately it lacks the full punch it deserves as a result.  Certainly for me, anyway.

This series of Proteus Vex has been far more interesting than previous ones.  This week we literally dig into who or what Flesh Pilots are.  Revelations produce as many questions as they do answers.  To say that this tale is multi-layered is an under-statement of epic proportions.

This is rapidly becoming one of my favourite strips, Tooth at its finest.  It is so far removed from the 'Federation-esque' styling of far too much Sci Fi - a pseudo-human world in which aliens are the periphery.  Everything about it is alien, every single character, events, relationships ...

I would also have to say that on this strip Lynch has utterly transformed himself as an artist.  He has capably and ably stepped into Flint's shoes after the first storyline, no mean feat for a man second only to Belardinelli for the creation of the utterly alien in Tooth for my money.  Gone is the artist who delivered the grotesquerie of the Orlok strip.   He may well have taken Flint's template but he has also made it his own, building deft touches that set it apart from that first run.

With a couple of weeks before the new Rogue Trooper run, I'm guessing we've got another Thr3ller to come.  Be interesting to see what this one comes up with.  They seem more challenging than Future Shocks with a bit more space to breathe but the challenge of delivering the story in 3 acts, so to speak.

BTW, IP has not done full justice to Percival's cover work.  The full wraparound is up to his normal standards with the back cover focusing more on the main protagonists of this tale. 
Quote from: Colin YNWA on 03 May, 2024, 01:41:08 PMWow! That sounds like a really impressive Batman collection, really impressive. Which are your fav runs. I have two more Batman runs still to appear here. Nothing as exciting as is in your collection I imagine.

I'm currently picking my way through No Man's Land from the early 90's.  Read it back in the day and in all honesty it is not one that really shines in any coherent way.  Given this was the hey-day of the 'million titles per best-selling character' policy of the main two American publishers, it is not surprising.

I do think this is the biggest problem with Batman.  There is just so much stuff out there it is hard to find anything consistent.  Year One was something special when it first came out and it is fairly easy to understand why Dark Knight returns was as well received as it was but quite often you can end up going to the other extreme with some stuff.

I mean, Death in the Family is actually quite a mediocre tale.  Dark Knight 2 was dire and I've still not got round to reading Master Race.  Hush benefits from Jim Lee on artwork but otherwise there is not that much to recommend it really.  Knightfall is in the same vein as No Man's Land, for me.

I think the New 52 confused the living daylights out of me.  There are some nice stories there but overall it was hard to make sense of what was going on.  Is it an alternate universe story?  I don't know.  Some of the latter tales certainly didn't blow me away.

I'd have to say that some of the best stuff are the 'hidden gems' that people tend to neglect.  Norm Breyfogle's Detective Comics stuff is, for my money, criminally under-rated with some absolutely insane stuff going on.  I love Gotham by Gaslight with Mike Mignola's sumptuous artwork and any of Kelley Jones' work on the title (as well as his amazing Deadman miniseries' that are well worth a look).  Batman Year Two is a nice little read, lifted by Alan Davies' artwork.  Then of course there is a lot of Alan Grant's work on the character across the various titles.

I'm still looking to track down some of the Ra's Al Ghul stuff but at the moment, other than the Hachette collection, print copies are bonkers prices and I refuse to buy digitally from Amazon since they've locked me out of all my old Comix purchases. Plus, I really am a luddite when it comes to comics.  It is a physical medium, sorry.
Prog / Re: Prog 2378: Underworld Uprising!
28 April, 2024, 04:44:09 PM
Quote from: Colin YNWA on 27 April, 2024, 04:27:07 PMFinally my replacement copy loads (went to eBay as I gave up hope of my sub turning up which means it will land Monday - its happened before!

Had a couple of progs get lost in the dimensional oubliette of RM over the last few years.  One thing I will give subs is that they always sort out a replacement no quibble and PDQ.
Books & Comics / Re: Whats everyone reading?
24 April, 2024, 07:17:13 AM
Just finished Susan Cooper's Silver on the Tree and the full Dark is Rising Sequence.  A fascinating collection that follows that tradition of merging English folklore with Arthurian Legend.  One of those books that I'd always looked at down through the years but for some reason never got around to reading. 

For my money it leaves Rowling's Harry Potter in the dust.  The quality of writing is an order of magnitude better than those books.  Even though it's a fairly standard tale of good versus evil, it is far more original and lacks the over-dramatisation of that more popular series.

It's fair to say that Cooper's work deserves its status as a classic of British literature even if it is criminally under-appreciated.
Power Pack was one of my first experiences of Marvel, especially the early Snark's run.  A couple of tidy crossovers with X-men and the Morlocks before the Mutant Massacre but it kind of lost its way after issue 25 when it went bi-monthly.  Think it was always one of those titles that was bumping cheerfully along. 

Prices tend to be a bit all over the shop and, as with so many things, tracking down the last dozen or so issues can be a bit of a challenge.  That said, unless you're an obsessive completionist, they're nowt to write home about.

Early 80's Marvel does seem to be its hey-day.  By the late 80's they seem to have crawled up their own backsides before completely losing the plot in the speculator boom of the 90's. (trillion's of covers, holograms, card covers, die cut covers, cover covers ...)
Books & Comics / Re: Whats everyone reading?
14 April, 2024, 05:01:07 PM
Been slowly working my way through much of King's work of late (along with quite a few other writers).  It's interesting how he has shifted in some respects but also remained quite consistent in others.  I sometimes wonder how much of his having been pigeonholed as a horror writer is down to struggling to find a category for his work.

Granted there are seriously disturbing aspects to his books at times but quite often the themes and ideas are actually more fantastical than horror, it seems to me.  You've got books like Carrie, the Dead Zone and Firestarter that are all about psychic powers.  Talisman and the Dark Tower could more accurately be classified as fantasy.  To an extent the same can be said for The Stand.

Cujo is an absolutely fascinating piece of work for me.  The focus on the dog by so many folks ignores the plethora of monsters that inhabit the novel.  It's almost like a psychological thriller.

In defence of the Dark Tower I would say that the first novel is probably the weakest (at least of those I've got through so far).  Once the Gunslinger picks up with his fellow travellers it becomes far more interesting.  Of course it is going to be interesting to see whether this holds for the last few books ...
Off Topic / Re: RIPs
12 April, 2024, 12:57:11 PM
Feel a little that this thread might stray into some rather disturbing territory if we're not careful. If nothing else is does highlight that the currently blended social and legacy media spheres are reacting in dangerous ways. 

Trial by (social) media is becoming too commonplace.  It is leading to tragic consequences too often. Ultimately only a handful of people know what really happened.

Perhaps something best left alone other than acknowledging the passing?
... and a fella without a shovel in his head is called ...
I can appreciate that.  Some of the best tales I've read over the years have been the short one and done.  I'm on constant record as absolutely loving Wagner and Dillon's Alone in a Crowd which is such an amazing piece of work on absolutely every level.  The run of crazy crime stories before and after Judge Child Quest and even after Apocalypse War.  Both the Chopper stories are great (although much prefer Midnight Surfer ... Cam Kennedy artwork ... 'nuff said).

That's possibly the best aspect of Dredd, there's just so much variety to it.  I just wish we could move away from these interminable "there's something rotten in Justice Dept" stories though ...