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Started by JOE SOAP, 01 March, 2007, 10:07:02 PM

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I, Cosh

Has anyone else had a mySpace friend request from Zeta Reticulan?
We never really die.


Has anyone else had a mySpace friend request from Zeta Reticulan?

yep... i've not yet checked whether he/she/it is some kind of porn thing...

what's the link between us? tmo?

you think this isn't me? that's so sweet...


"If it's any help, I can confirm that they're both pretty good."

Frankly, that's bugger all help!


I've had a request from Zeta Reticulan! Who could it be? Maybe the truth IS within?


Video may have killed the radio star, but we don't care!
Our local radio station KMFM is running a contest for the band with the highest vote to have a track played on the radio!
Please vote now for Savalas and the love of ROCK!

Simply cut and paste this link and vote away!
Rock on!

PS, Tell all your Myspace friends to vote too, ya dig? Remember to cast your vote every day too, to increase our chance of airplay!

Savalas Seed Bandcamp:

"He's The Law 45th anniversary music video"


Savage is the best thing in the prog two weeks running.  

I never liked the Noddy character till now, but I feel strangely sympathetic after this week's episode.


Not revceived The Meg or the weekly yet, usually takes until Wednesday to reach my local newsagent in Ashford. Savage had a strong start and I'm digging Rennie's Dredd thriller, so hopes are high they will continue there high quality.
When's Big Robots start in The Meg, by the way? Seems an age in comming.
Savalas Seed Bandcamp:

"He's The Law 45th anniversary music video"

Funt Solo

Another cal-habber here with no prog or meg.  *sniff*

I'll give it a couple of days before I call for replacements.
An angry person from the nineties who needs to get a room.


It's a letter thwarting conpiracy Funt!

I got a Zeta friend request too. Of course I accepted and he's coming to tea tomorrow.


Funt, Another cal-habber here with the prog and the meg, so its not a Calhab thang

DDT did a job on me


I rang and complained today because I've been having problems with my subs and it looks like it's a wider spread thing. Mind you, it took four times to sort out the problem in the first place.


I can't wait 'til this thread disappears, solely for the fact that every time I look at the board, I get *this* fucking thing looping in my head.">


Any sign of Prog or Meg yet Funt? Nothing here. Sniff.


very glad this site work!!! it was bugger over weekend! have to says Prog 1527 is brilliant, good story with Judge Dredd on Judgement!

Dante story was good and very nasty, but i dont want Lulu to be killed off! even by Dante! just want mightly Romanov family to be back!

Future Shocks was not bad, but dont the artworks looks like stiffs, and emotionless?

Robo-Hunter was bored, should end long time ago...

Savage was great!!! Dont mess with him! :)

Funt Solo

Button - they arrived fashionably late on a Wednesday.  I try to be adult about it, but I can't help feeling somewhat stood up when they don't grace my doormat on a Monday.  Tuesday, I can just about cope with - lets me know I can't take them for granted - but Wednesday ... maybe I should take them out for a posh dinner.
An angry person from the nineties who needs to get a room.