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Messages - hellscrape

Off Topic / Re: RIPs
02 April, 2024, 05:29:25 AM
RIP to Ed Piskor, American comics guy and 1/2 of the YouTube channel, Cartoonist Kayfabe, deleted himself today. I'll keep my opinions about the issue to myself, as I don't want to get sucked into a discussion of the politics and issues around him. He left a goodbye note online, should you choose to read it.
I bought Charley's War when it was OOP for stupid prices for volume 2; volume 3 was also tricky to find in the States. It seems there's a new print run out as of recently and prices have dropped to normal. The point is, very much worth getting the whole run, at whatever cost!

Is Darkie's Mob recommended? I personally enjoy bleak tales and can accept racism in a story, given that it is true to the time of the story. Also, that Wagner writer is alright.
Off Topic / Re: Random Pics from Comics
18 February, 2024, 04:05:44 AM
The life-sized Commie is a gag ad from 1963, Alan Moore's winking homage to silver age comics. That six issue series is excellent, although technically never finished.
I told myself the Heresies were "good enough." I breathed a slight sigh of relief when the first hardcover seemingly went out of print. Then I saw it available again, with volume 2 ready for pre-order.

I can only avoid temptation for so long. Torquemada's cries fell on deaf ears here. Now bring on volume 3!!!
Chiming in as a reader who was initially not interested in this series at all, despite the glowing reviews, let me just say... I was wrong. So very wrong. This series is objectively fantastic and I cannot wait for volume 5!!! Do yourself a favor and devour this series if you have not, already.
Announcements / Re: Kevin O'Neill Apex Edition
17 November, 2023, 08:00:30 AM
I just got my copy in the mail today. The wife balked at the giant book, as expected. It really is an incredible tome. I don't really buy such luscious books often, so I was floored by the size of the book, as well as the bounty of incredible art within. The Robusters pages are incredible! I'm already planning how to tell the wife that there will be a Nemesis counterpart I will be getting, too...
General / Re: Which Apex Editions would you like to see?
25 September, 2023, 03:45:55 PM
Brendan McCarthy, Bret Ewins, John Hinkleton, and Bryan Talbot would be fantastic!
I know I'm just a dirty yank, but this sounds like it's just over one foot (12 inches tall) tall by 9 inches wide. That's a hefty book! But as I found online, the Apex Editions (the Bolland one, at least) are 19 inches tall and 15 inches wide. So, definitely much smaller than the luxurious Apex editions, but still a princely book.

Having just read through my Heresies HC recently, it pains me to say this but I'm going to sit these editions out. I am not sure if the reproduction clarity will be better than the Titan editions, and I can (sigh) live without the return of color to some of the pages.

TL;DR - I'll be buying these on ebay once they are out of print, as I usually do.
General / Re: Forthcoming Thrills - 2023
08 July, 2023, 05:46:40 AM
Thanks for the heads up, Dash! I've got the complete Volgan War en route to my grubby hands, this will have to follow!
Having paid a prince's ransom twice for Nemesis in the past couple years (for the Heresies HCs and the Titan paperbacks), I think I will be skipping on these upcoming books. Color inserts do sound nice, but I could also put that money towards other 2000ad books (took up the board's advice and picked up Lawless, will probably also get the Insurrection books). Although, I may come to regret that decision and get the TPB's of these new editions down the line.

Having collected comics since 1993 (thanks, Sam Kieth!), I must say there is something uniquely addictive about 2000ad. I've never had this kind of curiosity for an entire line of comics; I was never a DC/Marvel/Image nut, per se. I was always more about collecting specific artists.
Sorry to resurrect a dead thread, but I recently did a biggish purchase on the website, with the main focus on floppies!
I already have the Milligan Faces and Nemesis Monograph from ages ago, but decided to pick up the following (for better or worse!):
278 - Canon Fodder 1 (for the low of Weston and weird Catholic superheroes)
281 - Pussyfoot 5 (John Smith!)
291 - Canon Fodder 2 (more Weston Catholic weirdness, apparently much better written this time)
295, 305, 306 - Strontium Dogs (not sure why, they were cheap?)
301 - McMahon
310-311 - Shamana (I have a soft spot for Mills; I recently picked up the Complete Accident Man and Finn TPBs as well)
319 - Durham Red (a full Ezquerra tale! SIGN ME UP!)
411, 412, 413 - Defoe stories (cheaper than paying nearly $50 for the Ultimate Collection on Ebay).

Anybody have any floppies they consider to be minor treasures or hidden gems? A lot of the older Megs are super affordable and this seems like a fun way to get some stories that are likely never to be collected formally. I'm still holding out for a Shaky Kane/Soul Gun Warrior collection!
Hello, I was writing to see if some valiant board-member could assist me in my hunt. I'm after these books from the 2000AD Ultimate Collection

Savage 1, 2, 3 (UC 75, 85, 95)
Defoe 2 (UC 107)
Tyranny Rex (UC 109)

Ebay hunts mean that I will play about 40 pounds per book (obviously not ideal!) I'd be willing to find a middle ground, so that someone feels that their time and effort is appreciated, but I'd prefer to not be fleeced as well. Thanks for reading, and I look forward to your assistance.
General / Re: Now I Know My ABCs...
28 May, 2023, 08:11:53 PM
As a relative neophyte to in depth 2000ad appreciation, I want to thank you for a your work! I'll be taking time to pore over it and soak up the information it provides.
General / Re: Quick Question re: Robo-Hunter
27 May, 2023, 06:39:37 PM
I think most of us would agree, one wife is more than enough!