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film recomendations

Started by psycho_slaughterman, 12 September, 2005, 07:01:53 PM

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Night Watch - bloody good
The Cave  - not bad
Wolf Creek - not bad.


Charlie and the Choloate Factory - bloody excellent film, almost, if not as, good as the original. Grinned like a six year old all the way through it.

The Machinist - Great film, Memento meets Fight Club (according to the posters) and that's not far from the truth.

Hide and Seek - CRAP! DeNero could and has done much much much better.


i agree De niro has done better but i still think it's ok out of 10 i would give it 6. i made my own film marathon last night i watched,

Queen of the damned-the sequile of interveiw with a vampire, i think of it as a stand alone film because compared to the original it can't match, it's got some good songs on it  that Stuart Townsend dosn't actually sing, the singers are Marilyn Manson, David Draeman-Disturbed and Chester-Linkin park.

The Crow-i don't know how many times i've seen this but it remains my fave since it was made, the sequiles can't match the emotion from the original.

Friday 13th part 1- the one where mrs voorhese is the killer, i like the friday series though they are repetitive and jason is my fave on screen serial killer, some people forget that jason was only in the first for a minute before taking the lead roll in part 2.
(little info, they are meant to be making freddy vs jason 2 but Robert Englund wants michael in it as well.)

i want to see the machinist with the guy not sleeping for a year he sounds like me.

when is the Sin City special out is it December like pyroxian says?

The Enigmatic Dr X


Sorry, but the word is "sequel"

Anyway, I haven't seen any films in ages that I would recommend. Seriously - the last thing I saw that I recommended to anyone was Layer Cake, about two years ago.

Lock up your spoons!


sorry please don't exterminate me.

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Sin City details;

'Dimension has provided us with the first details on Sin City: Recut & Extended which stars Bruce Willis, Clive Owen and Jessica Alba. This new cut of the movie will be available to own from the 13th December, and priced at around $39.99. The set will include both the 124 minute theatrical release, along with the 147 minute extended cut. Both will be presented in 1.85:1 anamorphic widescreen, along with English DTS 5.1 and Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround tracks. Extras will include a commentary with director Robert Rodriguez and Frank Miller, a second commentary with Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino and a third commentary containing Austin Premiere crowd reaction! Also included will be a 15 minute film school with the director, a Movie in High-Speed Green Screen feature, 17 uninterupted minutes of Tarantino's segment, footage of a Sin City cast/crew party, and a 10 minute cooking school with Robert Rodriquez. Completing the package will be four featurettes on the cars, special effects make-up, costumes and props, a featurette on how they convinced Miller to assist with the film, another featurette on casting, a featurette on Tarantino the guest director, trailers, bloopers, and an interactive game. Topping it all off will be a complete Sin City graphic novel (The Hard Goodbye), worth around $17.'


very informative thanks matthew.



The last three films I saw:

Dr Who and the Daleks;bloody awful stuff, although the line about "the boy with a knack" is funny in the preview. I wouldn't recommend it unless to a roomful of stoned students.

Spanglish (not sure about the title); whingy unfunny  , dumb Adam Sandler movie, in which he has his selfish rich person life transformed by a saltoftheearth hispanic woman.  Urgh. I was on an airplane at the time. Wouldn't recommend it to my worst enemy.

Helldrivers: complete genius movie, which I recommend to one and all; stars Sean Connery, William Hartnell, Jill Ireland, Herbert Lom, that bloke from the Man from Uncle who wasn't Robert Vaughn, Sid James and Patrick MacGoohan. The opening titles inform you that this is a British film.

I want to see:
Mad Max again
Constantine; I'm an optimist and it looks like it might be a fun action movie
Three Dollars; an Australian movie about retrenchment and poverty in the mid-90s (which gets very good reviews here)


"Sin City details;"

You know, I was fancying the extended version until I read that.

Graphic Novel, which I already have.
All the usual crap documentaries, assorted useless stuff which they fill up a new disc with to justify the price difference, same as the LOTR extended versions, 50 useless discs full of rubbish again, so they can justify the price jump. Bah, the consumer can only feel aggrieved.

Sod it, I'm just buying the normal one. I really don't see why you can't just buy the extended film itself. Well that's not true, I know exactly why...

"and an interactive game" - AAAAAAAARGH, WHY????

Rex Banner

I was impressed by the '10 minute cooking school'.

Could start a new thread. Best/worst/meaningless extra on a dvd.


Ah, well that's got to be Bill Bailey's Shed Game on the "Bewilderness" DVD.
Dan Dare will return for a new adventure soon, Earthlets!

Will I. Cooling

Full Metal Jacket- Fucking brilliant film, some great performances from a truly ensemble cast and an "anti-war" film that doesn't push the message at the expense of the action.

Who Shot Liberty Valance-Some great old school Western action with brilliant performances from Wayne and Stewart. The frist confrontation between Valance and "The Duke" shows while there are many better actors they'll never be a star quite like John Wayne.

Fistful of Dynamite-Probably the best film I've every seen and better than any of the Dollars films. Leorne's powerful exploration of revolutions with the IRA terrorist Sean slowly dragging the Mexican peasant bandit Juan deeper and deeper into the Mexican Revolution. A truly brilliant film.

Films I want to see-

Once Upon A Time In America-The only Leorne film I haven't seen.

Godfather I/II-nuff said

Sin City and the new Batman film-can't believe I didn't get round to seeing these at the cinema.

The I is for 'I can't remember the password to my other account' or Ian. One or the other.