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Messages - JayzusB.Christ

General / Re: my father the thrill power for...
07 December, 2002, 07:56:04 PM
Respeck to devon's daddy's daddy.
General / Re: Dexters' Midnight Runners........
07 December, 2002, 07:53:18 PM
I'd love to give you my old Bart Simpson alarm clock that repeatedly shouts 'Yo, dude! Wake up and get out of bed!' You'd like that, wouldn't you?
General / Re: Johnny is dead. Or is he?........
07 December, 2002, 08:06:10 PM
Me too. And what's more, I'm not even sure too many 'missing tales' should be told.  He had a long and interesting career, but I really feel his story has been told.  I think we've seen all the really interesting bits of his life already (birth, childhood, adolescence, entering war on earth, becoming Strontium Dog in space, exacting revenge against his father, partner dying, exacting more revenge, falling in love with vampire, meeting evil brother, sacrificing himself for mutantkind). Is there really anything important missing?
General / Re: 2000ad and music
09 December, 2002, 06:57:11 PM
'She hasn't aged well at all...'
I don't know, she still looks pretty damn sexy to me. I like the brunette secretary look she's gone for.
General / Re: 2000ad and music
09 December, 2002, 06:14:25 AM
Can't beat a bit of Kraftwerk for nice German proto-techno so clean you could eat your dinner off it. 'Komputer-lieben!'
Next stop, das Zentrum in Stuttgart! Get a room, funboys!
General / Re: 2000ad and music
07 December, 2002, 07:33:58 PM
'There was also that brief flirtation with 'lad' culture in the 90's, too'.
I don't know if you remember, but I once asked David Bishop about that on this board. Fair fux to him, he gave me a very detailed and honest account of that particular era (including his own calculatedly laddish Loaded interview, which I believe boosted sales, and the sad 'Women just don't get it' Loaded ad that he was very much opposed to.) I'm looking forward to reading more about it in TPO myself, and at the time, the Bish seemed to be looking forward to writing it.  
General / Re: 2000ad and music
06 December, 2002, 09:28:27 PM
'Liking 2000ad in a sort of retrospective, nostalgic way Is generally considered pretty "cool" these days. Actually reading the damn thing isn't, and probably never will be. '

Truth be told, I actually think 2000ad right now is better than it has been for years. I was only wondering whether it still has an influence on musicians or music. And I was kind of having a larf by using the word 'cool', but I suppose it didn't really come across well in writing. Ah well.
General / Re: 2000ad and music
06 December, 2002, 09:03:25 PM
I remember seeing Transvision Vamp live when I was about 16.  Mmm, nice. Wendy james also used to drink at my local pub now and again, but I never met her there. Where is she now? Right, a Google search, i think...
General / 2000ad and music
06 December, 2002, 07:49:47 PM
As I dimly recall,in the 80's there used to be loads of bands advocating the joys of 2000ad either within its pages or on vinyl. Most were of a metal or gothic ilk such as Anthrax, Motorhead, Alien Sex Fiend, The Cure etc., but also the likes of Madness were proclaiming their love of Thrill Power.  
Would I be right in saying you just don't see that kind of thing any more? I think 'trendy' Tharg never quite got the acid house / rave crowd he was chillin' wit at in the late 80's / early 90's, and after that in the mid-90's 2000ad started catering more for the TV sci-fi (X-Files, Babylon 5) audiences. Personally, i believe it didn't need to; it had its own identity. Although by then, maybe it had lost that identity.
So is still 2000ad cool or what? Was it ever? Does it still have that popular culture / music cross-over appeal that I'm just too old to appreciate these days? Or am I just spouting shite?
Off Topic / Re: Let's all help poor sad Gary.....
07 December, 2002, 08:55:22 PM
Actually, i don't think that sentence makes sense. You may cease applauding.
Off Topic / Re: Let's all help poor sad Gary.....
07 December, 2002, 08:53:45 PM
'And on a seperate note,I just remembered Kevin Spacey... '
I propose that Kevin Spacey and Gary Oldman each manage to single-handedly rescue both their Christian names respectively.
Thank you, you may applaud now.
Off Topic / Re: Let's all help poor sad Gary.....
06 December, 2002, 07:53:04 PM
'Daughter, actually. His son's called Dweezil.'

Ah, well that's alright, then.
Off Topic / Re: Let's all help poor sad Gary.....
06 December, 2002, 07:33:51 PM
'Somebody who couldn't see the wood for the trees, that's who... '

Ohhhhhhh, you vicious bastid.
The saddest thing is, last I heard Mark's son was in a hip-hop band called 'Rolan Bolan and the Brotherhood of Bounce'. It's not something to be proud of, Roly boy.
And Zowie Bowie (who inspired the name Rolan Bolan) is now called Joe Bowie. I thought Zowie was alright.
What about Bob Geldof's daughter, Fifi Trixabelle? And Frank Zappa's son Moon Unit? You're LUCKY you're called Gary.
Off Topic / Re: Let's all help poor sad Gary.....
06 December, 2002, 06:36:58 PM
True.  Still, though, he did better than the Bolan lad's own son, Rolan.
Off Topic / Re: Let's all help poor sad Gary.....
06 December, 2002, 06:22:11 PM
My mate's mother was unsure whether to call him after Mark Bolan or another obscure singer called Colin somethin-or-other. Bolan lost.