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Messages - Trooper McFad

AlexF another good read I'm enjoying these blogs and looking forward to the rest of the month 👍🏻
That's a cracking little story Pete and even though I didn't have the sensory items at hand I could imagine the sense they would give and it really works well.

Love the Judge Sheldon image
Creative Common / Re: Does My Figure look big in this?
03 December, 2021, 06:11:16 PM
Thanks guys but my hope is that this thread would winkle out more model makers (amateurs like myself).

This board is full of talent from the short stories, Dread heads, sketches, Lego builds etc I can't believe I'm the only one trying his hand at model mashups!

Creative Common / Re: Does My Figure look big in this?
03 December, 2021, 02:06:36 PM
First a big shout to those fellow Squax budding model makers who still have those projects that they have hidden away for years. Please post on this thread and share this with us your fellow 2K fans.

Anyway now that the Advent has started and I have posted my efforts here are a few more pics.

Details of the project are:

I used the minis from Warlord games (bought extras) and old pine curtain rings that were lying up in the loft.

The Anderson santa hats, string of baubles and tinsel are all made from milliput. (I did look for silver and gold pipe cleaners but couldn't find any).

I prefer the Anderson - I think the hat does it.

I did have another 3 minis to change but time ran out so I will park the for next year.

I'm currently busy with 3 other mash ups at various degrees of completion but with the crimbo holidays about to give me some spare time I should finish at least one.

Anyway have a happy Christmas when it comes.


Hope the Boy child had a great day Colin- it's quite something when the Parent is making a home made card rather than the child. I hope he appreciated the effort and thought that went into it 👍🏻.

Let's hope there's more Squaxx getting the home made feeling soon as there's not many dates filled in 🙁 I've always enjoyed everything posted on the Advent
Morning all

My 2nd offering is called Psi-lent Night , Lawfull Night there's a song in there

Quote from: NapalmKev on 01 December, 2021, 04:30:36 PM
I'd like to participate but the best your likely to get (from me) is a festive Gronk story...  and I'm not sure if any of us need that.


O my poor hearties I'm sure everyone needs a  Gronk tale or 2
Thanks guys it's a pleasure to add something to a great little feature like the Advent.

AlexF I read your blog and enjoyed your insight on these specials. However on a personal note I hold the 1980 Annual in high regards as this was my initial foray into the world of Thrag and from that deformed shrivelled acorn of content I was as hooked and now I have a great big oak tree of books, comics & tat as my wife calls it in the corner of my office/spare room.(Admittedly the content could only get better from that first read)
I look forward to your other entries 😁 👍🏻
It's an honour to start this years Advent.

I've even named my efforts after a popular Xmas song.

I give you Driving home for Christmas

Quote from: Colin YNWA on 30 November, 2021, 09:36:04 PM
Trooper McFad can I be cheeky and share 2nd - what I have is neither 2000ad or X-Mas but I will make clear when I post why its very fitting - in the YNWA Household anyway for the calendar. So am I okay to share the slot?

You certainly can ti's the season to share  😀

(You can have it all yourself if you want and I'll take the 3rd ?)

Quote from: sheridan on 30 November, 2021, 05:04:35 PM
Quote from: Trooper McFad on 30 November, 2021, 04:51:55 PM

Never participated in this before but l'd been  working on a couple of things in anticipation. So I can do the 1st & 2nd to give some breathing  space for others.
Do i just post on this thread  tomorrow or will  you create  a specific one?

Trooper McFad

Good question - I'm new to this but it seems to be tradition to have an advent calendar thread and then a comments thread - or am I getting mixed up with the art competitions?   I guess they're similar in many ways so it looks like I'll be starting two new threads tomorrow!

I'll reply to Colin's calendar adding your name...
Quote from: sheridan on 30 November, 2021, 02:54:54 PM
I've not seen anything along these lines suggested for this year, but wouldn't there normally be an announcement about the advent calendar by now?  'Lovely' Pete Wells is a bit busy this year (announced why on Facebook but I can't remember if it was for public consumption or not, so I won't go in to specifics here, but it's good news for Pete) so I can see why there hasn't been anything so far.

With nine hours until December it's a bit short notice (as opposed to the week or two usuall) but here's a list of numbers for people to reply and fill in with their names.  For myself I'll do what I did last year and post daily translations of 2000AD blurbs (so I won't put my name down on any particular day).

1st -
2nd -
3rd -
4th -
5th -
6th -
7th -
8th -
9th -
10th -
11th -
12th -
13th -
14th -
15th -
16th -
17th -
18th -
19th -
20th -
21st -
22nd -
23rd -
24th -
25th - EVERYONE!

Never participated in this before but l'd been  working on a couple of things in anticipation. So I can do the 1st & 2nd to give some breathing  space for others.
Do i just post on this thread  tomorrow or will  you create  a specific one?

Trooper McFad
Quote from: Dash Decent on 25 November, 2021, 12:02:26 PM
Quote from: IndigoPrime on 25 November, 2021, 08:32:57 AM
Companies make what sells.

I totally agree, but it's also true that consumers can only buy what's available.  (Like the old Ben Elton routine about dog food adverts - '"My dog woofs it up!" - well of course he does!  If he didn't he'd starve, seeing that's all he's got to eat!')

My sales graph for Rogue Trooper figures shows sales of zero units this year.  None at all.  That's got to at least be partly down to the fact there isn't a RT figure to buy.  Now, I'm not arguing they should put out Rogue Trooper instead of Dredd, but Mortis & Fire could easily be substituted for some other well-regarded and visually interesting enemies.  And even Judge Fish sold when it was available for sale.
Hence why I gave up waiting and started up mashing up model kits to create some of my favourite characters.
I've got plans for my own own articulated figures that I know will never get done as they may not sell in sufficient amounts. Hopefully they will be ready to share with the board in the new year 👍🏻😁
Reading the full press release from 2000AD and it's not clear if the Lawmaster will be in both sizes and what's included in the "set"
But the last line from Mr Kingsley is promising "There are so many amazing characters to choose from in this world, we can't wait to see what's next!'"
These look great and and will be purchasing. However I would love for them to expand into other ranges like  ABC warriors, anything in the Rogue universe and definitely something from SD. 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻