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Best PS3 games?

Started by Pete Wells, 21 February, 2011, 01:48:46 PM

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Pete Wells

I bought a PS3 a little while ago (I've got an XBox 360) and am enjoying playing all the classic games.

My faves so far by a country mile have been the Uncharted games and I also really enjoyed God of War 3 - despite not playing 1 or 2.

I've just started playing Metal Gear Solid 4 and am not really enjoying it at all - loooooong talky bits, a tiny bit of action then more long talky bits.

So, my questions are, is it worth sticking with this and what else should I play? In my 'to play' pile is: Heavy Rain, Little Big Planet 1&2, Killzone 2, Resistance Fall of Man, God of War 1&2 and Haze.

Have I missed anything?


I've not played it myself but a friend of mine goes on and on and on about Demon Souls. Fair warning, it will kick your arse.


I'm no fan of Metal Gear Solid for pretty much the reasons you stated above - some good ideas and gameplay elements that are utterly smothered by the pompous, pretentious garbage that surround them.

I have played Little Big Planet and didn't like that either - the built-in platforming levels are boring and I don't really understand why anyone would want to spend time making their own - it just doesn't appeal to me at all - a definite try before you buy!

God of War 1&2 are good, but damn hard - especially the original, which includes some truly hair-pulling/controller-throwing platformy bits the likes of which I haven't experienced since the 16 bit era. I actually bought all three GoW games as a bundle, but have yet to play the third one as I haven't finished 2 yet! There's also the issue that as a series it's a bit repetitive. If you can get this for cheap it's worth it but on reflection I'd skip over the first game and jump straight into the far superior sequel.

As for the others, Heavy Rain looks like a load of pretentious bollocks and Haze and Resistance both look decidedly mediocre.

The obvious one missing from your list is Gran Turismo 5 - I got this at Christmas, and it's very good but seriously flawed - the most annoying thing about it being the extraordinarily long loading times, which pretty much make it impossible to have a 'quick go' on - I haven't had the time to play it for ages.

I have enjoyed a couple of the PSN download titles, mainly Joe Danger and Dead Nation - again neither of which I have got round to finishing yet! I've heard good things about The Last Guy, Flower and the Pixeljunk games too.

Other than that, I can't think of any exclusive PS3 titles to recommend - I intend to get hold of the Uncharted and Killzone (I'm quite intrigued by the motion controls on KZ3) games at some point, but apart from those my future purchases will probably all be multi-format titles like Dead Space 1&2, Batman Arkham Asylum, Hardcorps Uprising etc.

Edit: Good point about Demon's Souls, though I suspect that it's one of those games that life is simply too short for.

Roger Godpleton

Heavy Rain is worth playing. The story is laughably bad throughout, but there just seems to be an ineffable quality that keeps you playing. Even if it's just the once. I think Demon's Souls only comes alive through the online features, dunno if there's much of a community around at the mo.
He's only trying to be what following how his dreams make you wanna be, man!


I have yet to really take advantage of the PS3's PS1 backwards-compatibility, but I'd love to get hold of the original Ape Escape at some point - one of the finest games on that system, and one that I suspect will have aged very well indeed - I actually owned an original copy until recently when I sold it on eBay, thinking I'd never need it again, dammit! There's also Resident Evil 2 and Final Fantasy VII - another two all-time favourites of mine, and Kula World, which I have fond memories of.

I hear that an HD, psuedo-3D remake of Abe's Oddysey is in the works too, as well as a PSN release of Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath - one of those critically acclaimed games I never got around to playing on it's original release.

Beyond Good & Evil is also getting a rerelease soon I think (if not already!) - another of those 'critical darling' type games that I never got around to - though I've heard it's not all that.


Quote from: radiator on 21 February, 2011, 02:15:47 PM

God of War 1&2 are good, but damn hard - especially the original, which includes some truly hair-pulling/controller-throwing platformy bits the likes of which I haven't experienced since the 16 bit era. I actually bought all three GoW games as a bundle, but have yet to play the third one as I haven't finished 2 yet! There's also the issue that as a series it's a bit repetitive. If you can get this for cheap it's worth it but on reflection I'd skip over the first game and jump straight into the far superior sequel.

God, I did that, went back to finish 2 before I played 3. I gave up in the end (the very end). As you can imagine there's a tricky big boss fight. Does the game end once you've shown the skill to defeat him? No, it depends on having the reaction times of a neurochem-enhanced teenage mutant to hit a few buttons in the right (random) order. If you get it wrong? Yep, big fight all over again. Well, maybe not the whole thing, but enough of it. I enjoyed the puzzles etc up to that point, but they can go fuck themselves if they think that's a good way to end a game. I seriously felt that there was no possibility that I could do it. So that was that, a classic hack n slash, beat em up, mad puzzle, majestic adventure game ends with making you play fucking Simon.

Since then I've played 3 for 5 minutes, said wow and I've not played it again since.

GT5 is the only game that's got me away from the PC (aside from Assasin's Creed 2) in the last couple of years. Got Uncharted 2 but still never even opened it. I know what you mean about loading too, 2 minutes to load a freakin menu!!!


QuoteI know what you mean about loading too, 2 minutes to load a freakin menu!!!

Yeah. I could almost understand the epic loading times if the graphics were mind-blowingly good, but they're really not - quite unremarkable in fact.

When I first started playing I hoped that it might be one of those games that load for ages at the beginning so you don't have to endure it when playing the actual game (a bit like what GTA does), but no - it's pretty constant - and especially infuriating when you accidentally enter the wrong race or equip the wrong car and have to sit through about 5 minutes of loading screens to get back to where you were....


I bought a PS3 last November.
I own two games for it Red Dead Redemption, and Fifa 11.
Red Dead Redemption is still in the wrapper.

But my eldest lad and I play Fifa all the time.

Gotta love computer football!



If your are a fan of the Lego games they seem much better on the PS3 format.

Drokking since 1972

Peace is a lie, there's only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.

Professor Bear

Split/Second: Velocity is cheap enough now to take a butchers at it.  Played the crap out of it recently.  Good fun.
Uncharted 2 is fantastic, and 1 is pretty damn good too.
Heavy Rain's quality is hard to dispute, but some glaring problems practically sink it depending on your temperament, particularly that the makers' first language isn't English.
Metal Gear Solid 4 I cannot speak for, for much the same reasons outlined above - there aren't even any cheevos for the platinum whore to consider giving it a gander, and the ending movie is apparently over 90 minutes long.  Thank you but no, "best giant robots fight ever" or not.
Little Big Planet is deceptively simplistic, but it comes into its own with the online levels.  It's something you need to play to make up your own mind, but young 'uns seem to lap it up.
Resistance 2 is pretty good, and improves upon the original (which was a good shooter, but generic to a fault), while Killzone 2 is pretty damn awesome in places as long as you make sure to download the software update before playing it for the first time, as there's a 'drag' effect added to the controls that effectively broke the entire game for me, and the only way to disable it is with a downloadable option you toggle on the in-game control screen.
Killzone 3 is gonna be frigging sweet if the demo is any indication.

Downloadable games are pretty good - Dead Nation, Pixeljunk Shooter, Pixeljunk Monsters, Gunstar Superheroes, Final Fantasy 7, 8, and 9, Savage Moon, G-Police, Angry Birds - something for all tastes, and the occasional giveaway makes signing up for PSN worth your time.


All the main titles have been mentioned. I'll jump in with some less obvious options.

Infamous is worth a look. Even though Infamous 2 is out later this year I've just started 1 and it's good easy fun.

The ratchet and clank games are a good family platformer. The most recently released installment a crack in time is awaiting my time.

Heavenly Sword was decent. Enslaved is out now. It's linear but worth a look.

I'm really looking forward to the Ico/Shadow of the Colossus CollectionI missed this as I skipped the PS2.

Roger Godpleton

Going off on a slight tangent, is anyone else playing MVC 3? I'm finding it okay at the mo, but it's not really a patch on SSFIV or BB. Anyone up for a game (on XBL)
He's only trying to be what following how his dreams make you wanna be, man!

Keef Monkey

Do most of my gaming on 360, but Heavy Rain and the Uncharted games managed to pull me towards the PS3 for a while. Heavy Rain is love it or hate it stuff, but regardless it's definitely very, very different so if you're a fan of game design it's a must-play. Personally I loved it, even if it wasn't as clever as I'd been led to believe from the hype.

As for Uncharted, the charater design and voice acting are fantastic, and lend to the Indiana Jones-esque blockbuster vibe brilliantly. Gameplay-wise they're best when they're not trying to be shooters, and both of them are several gunfights too long. It's well worth it for the set-pieces though, which are really stunning.

Other than that I've not played anything I've really been that into, although I'm keen to play Killzone 2 if Lovefilm ever send me it.


Mass effect 2 is out now on the ps3 isn't it? Huge recommendation for that


Yeah ME2 is out on the ps3 now. I have just recently finished ME1 on the 360. ME2 begins this week. From what I hear I'm in for a treat. Quality games.

Anyone leaning towards Bulletstorm ? I'm tempted. I like the spirit off it but from the demo I'm not sure how the campaign will work.