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Started by SmallBlueThing, 04 February, 2011, 12:40:44 PM

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Now, look closely at the yellowed pupils of his eyes.

Segmented, but like a pizza.

Ordered the film again and watched it in my room, with sound unalterably reduced and the film was still mostly a mystery to me.

Still failed to notice anything more about Stinger Stark, except for a swarm of bees and forgot to look for Mr Gilliam.

Going to watch it again later while bothering to read the sub-titiles.

After reading more about this film, I beginning to wonder if they haven't sourced the rules from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles role-playing-game. The idea of the humans or Terran's (Terrans) : What I call humans who live anywhere other than Earth and not sure if it's right , though or even correct cannon!)

If you know the comics, cartoon and film's....or just read about it b]here[/b] or ] here

While I was probably wrong about this having Paladium - Rifts vibe to this, but it's got a bit of popular sci-fi from the past. I thought there was something there despite some connection with TMNT - R-P-G (I already mentioned above and exact same system of rules.....)

Despite the amount of cheek I have been giving this film. I'm loving this more than other Sci-Fi. They might have given this one that same treatment that was given to the Matrix films, but may be they just need to make enough money for something bigger in future. This just a flashy diversion and may be as memorable as there other film Clod Atlas which I had only scenes small parts and as hard to follow.


Big Hero 6

I haven't seen many of the CGI films from Disney Animation Studios.  Those that I have seen have given the impression that the studio is very much a poor man's Pixar.  Big Hero 6 does nothing to change my opinion on this.  It is not a bad film.  It's reasonably good - certainly entertaining.  Nevertheless, it suffers like Wreck It Ralph did.  It's predictable and formulaic.  Sure, it's heart warming and amusing in places, but it does not fulfil it's potential.  It's actual plot is pretty crap re. predictable and formulaic.  The San Fransokyo thing was really lame as well.  I see what was trying to be achieved here, but after reading about the source material this just came across as white-washing.  It would have been nice if the "merging of two cultures" was explored more in the visuals but it really just looks like a west coast US city.

I enjoyed it whilst watching it and it was definitely fun, but afterwards, when I reflected on what I saw I just got left with the impression that that is all it is.  A bit of fun.  Maybe I should go watch that Frozen film so I can attempt to tear that to bits, too.

Balls Out  I watched it because another forum member wrote about it.  Again, this film is formulaic and predictable, but unlike Big Hero 6, that is entirely the point.  It's definitely a parody.  I enjoyed it because it made me chuckle.  It is not the funniest thing I've ever seen, or the most entertaining.  Nevertheless, it was definitely worth my time and may fall into the collection of comedy films I watch when I'm not really feeling up to facing reality.  My only quibble with it is that it may demonstrate that parodies are becoming as trite and obvious as what they parody.  There were some creative comedic moments in this film, but there were also jokes that seemed to be just lifted from other films.


Famous Mortimer

Sorry, you're looking for the "post a picture of a director" thread. This is "Last Movie Watched".

It might have been me who recommended "Balls Out" - decent movie, innit?

Definitely Not Mister Pops







I went in thinking there's no way this could live up to the hype. A few acquaintances who like to shit on everything even admitted to enjoying it*, which raised my hopes. Hopes which I fully expected to be dashed.







*One of them did gripe that it was very "Orange and Teal", but unlike lazily photoshopped Movie Posters, I  think this was a deliberate artistic decision which helps everything look irradiated and post nuclear-armageddony.
You may quote me on that.


Quote from: Famous Mortimer on 01 July, 2015, 03:44:01 PM
It might have been me who recommended "Balls Out" - decent movie, innit?

Yes, it was on your recommendation I sought it out.  It was decent, definitely worth my time :)


Quote from: ThryllSeekyr on 01 July, 2015, 02:47:55 AM

IBTW it was last Saint Patricks Day night and early next day I though I saw someone that looked a lot like her sitting on bench out side one of those seedy-dance-halls I frequent when I have the money to spare. I was refused entry because I forgot to change out of my grey-ugg-boots. I've a celebrity lookalike or two working inside.

Don't know why I keep mistyping my comments here....but I really meant that.....

I've seen a celebrities lookalike or two working inside

That's better and makes more sense!

Famous Mortimer

Pick Up Summer (1980)

Pre-Porky's, this is what summer T&A movies looked like. Wacky hijinks, plenty of boobs, terrible plot (about a pinball tournament, for some reason) and...nah, I got nothing. But it's on Youtube, and you can share my sadness by watching it.


Glad you mentioned Porkys, got the Arrow BD waiting to be watched....

Famous Mortimer

Quote from: Hawkmonger on 02 July, 2015, 08:15:21 AM
Glad you mentioned Porkys, got the Arrow BD waiting to be watched....
Arrow did a blu-ray of it? Awesome! Next paypacket, that's getting bought.

Keef Monkey

Finally got around to It Follows last night.

Back when I was in primary school a couple of kids had seen Nightmare on Elm Street and told their friends about it - the legend of Freddy spread around the playground and once it got to me I was terrified of him. I'd never seen him, never seen the film, but had nightmares about him just based on the premise.

That experience (having a nightmare about a horror film I HAVEN'T EVEN SEEN YET) never happened again, until It Follows came out. A couple of friends had seen it and their description of the premise was so creepy I had the most intense nightmare in years, all about the premise of that film. Hadn't even seen a trailer!

Obviously that level of pre-emptive fear is hard to live up to, and there are sequences in the film where the execution doesn't quite match the ingenuity of the idea, but for the most part it's very, very gripping stuff and the power of that premise is such that it gets under your skin and sticks with you like all great horror should. It's not as scary as the dream I had, but still pretty damn scary. Haven't seen a film with quite as effective an urban myth/curse type scenario since the original Ring (and god knows there have been a lot of them since the original Ring).

It's shot beautifully too, the director clearly watched early John Carpenter very closely. Lots of use of the wide frame to draw your attention to the edges. The composer is clearly a fan of the classics too, the music is very self-consciously riffing on Goblin and Carpenter and for the most part is really successful. Found myself wanting a bit more subtlety from the music though - score-wise the film is either silent or driving and grabbing your attention, some scenes would have benefited from some middle-ground or nuance to that.

Minor gripes though, overall I found it a bit of an instant classic.

von Boom

Terminator: Genisys Genisucks.

With the exception of Arnold, there is little to recommend this film.


Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2

Whereas this certainly captured the vibrant creative design of the brilliant original - the naturally-developing plot is almost entirely absent. The story is decidedly overcooked and linear but there are a lot of good laughs and adorable characters that pull it through - but it's sadly largely just coasting on the strong template of the first.

The Road to El Dorado

A confused mishmash adventure from the tail-end of nineties animation. It still looks pretty good a decade and a half later and the banter between Kline and Brannagh is fresh - but the linear plot, the crow-barred Elton songs, the jarringly inserted "fun anthropomorphic pals" and the frankly unbelievably sexualised 'Chel' character (who - on reflection - actually had no purpose but to maybe keep the animators randy as she alone was clearly rotoscoped) make it hard to recommend.

I, Cosh

It'll meed another couple of watches (at least one with English rather than French subtitles) but I think Tokyo Tribe might be the best film they've made.

Kind of like Run Lola Run times Versus plus Enter the Void. Astonishingly mental.
We never really die.

Greg M.

Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief (2015)

Just saw this documentary – fascinating stuff, documenting the Church of Scientology's founding and rise, and featuring revelations from ranking ex-members who have escaped its clutches. As a sometime reader of Fortean Times, elements of this were familiar to me, but there's always mileage in being reminded about Xenu the Galactic Overlord and invisible aliens being pulled out of Tom Cruise. (Cruise, incidentally, does not come off well in this film at all – John Travolta's seen more as a prisoner of the Church, but Cruise is portrayed as a messianic maniac.) Though the film can't entirely decide whether L. Ron Hubbard was a calculating shyster and pathological liar, or a reprehensible man who ended up believing his own fantasies, it's pretty unequivocal in labeling the Church's current leader, David Miscavige, a proper baddie. Unfortunately  the film-maker is unable to directly interview Miscavige, a man who looks as if he was plucked straight out of the role of 'evil executive' from an 80s action movie – but you get the sense that Miscavige is far too savvy to put himself in a situation where he's liable to stitch himself up. Jaw-dropping moments include the Church's successful war on the IRS, its successful war on Nicole Kidman, and its depressingly traditional attitude to homosexuality. One to watch.