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Messages - The Legendary Shark

Film & TV / Re: New Doctor Who series
19 May, 2024, 07:38:25 AM

Gawd, that was interminable.

Film & TV / Re: Last movie watched...
14 May, 2024, 09:40:37 PM

Godzilla x Kong - The new Empire. Huge great monsters knocking huge great chunks out of one another while crushing huge great numbers of people underfoot. I watch these films because they're the ones the eight-year-old me always wanted to watch. He's still in here, loving this awesome rubbish and wondering why I don't play out any more.

Film & TV / Re: Current TV Boxset Addiction
14 May, 2024, 12:36:45 PM
Quote from: Rara Avis on 12 May, 2024, 11:37:25 AM...Dark Winds...

I enjoyed that a lot - thanks for the heads-up.

Film & TV / Re: Last movie watched...
12 May, 2024, 08:13:01 PM

The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare. "I say, chaps, those Nazi bounders are being a bit too rum in the military ethics department. What we need is a rag-tag band of ill-disciplined homicidal maniacs to field against those fiendish rotten u-boats. We'll also need a fishing boat, lots of guns and explodey things, plenty of bemuscled npcs, a sexy spy, the Del Trotter of Fernando Po, and a bow and arrows. Now, before we embark upon this foolhardy endeavour... Oh dear, I appear to have developed several holes in my chest... Number One, be a dear and take over while I lie here and concentrate on my bleeding, would you?" Fairly fun film.

Film & TV / Re: Current TV Boxset Addiction
12 May, 2024, 07:56:33 PM

Dispatches from Elsewhere (2020). "Four ordinary people who feel that something is missing in their lives stumble into a puzzling game whose mystery winds far deeper than they ever imagined." Wonderfully bonkers ten-and-done series. In case you're not sold, I'll also throw in Sally Field and Richard E. Grant.

Them. "A Black family, moving to an all-white Los Angeles neighbourhood in 1953, encounter both human and otherworldly forces trying to destroy them." I really enjoyed this mix of human and supernatural horror - indeed, some of the scenes of racial abuse are more horrifying than the blood-and-guts episodes. "Whatcha gon do? Whatcha gon do?" Excellent stuff. (Season Two is the same but different, and just as good.)

Off Topic / Re: Threadjacking!
12 May, 2024, 12:21:55 PM

Invent the Éirevision Song Contest?

Film & TV / Re: New Doctor Who series
11 May, 2024, 09:38:43 PM

There's a good idea at the core of this episode, and some of the pips are juicy, but the flesh is rotten. 


Never mind a "Like" button, this forum needs a "Love" button.

Settle down at the back...


Maybe so, but you're not having the rest of my bottle...

When I say "believe in," I actually mean "believe in the legitimacy of." Apologies for my sloppy framing. And please don't take that as a criticism or a sleight; but it is, I suppose, an assumption based on our past conversations so forgive me if I've misjudged. I can say that I will believe in the first government that places as its highest objective and actively protects the sanctity, safety, and freedom of every human life above all other considerations. That government I will be as big a pain in the arse supporting as I am denouncing all the rest.

As for the existence of government, I can only partially agree. In the abstract, it certainly exists in people's minds and on paper, in its pomp and circumstance but, just like a religion or a stage play, it's ultimately just made of people like you and me - no better but, sadly, often far worse. And getting worser all the time. It's the power we give them that corrupts, that allows them to murder and plunder in our name and with our backing, because of some mythical phantom called government, which is neither here nor there, neither one thing or the other, but used to justify the legitimacy of literally anything. So yes, government exists but it's an illusion - it exists in the same way that reflections exist. It's there but you can't touch it, it looks real but it isn't.

Rulers once were gods, until the ruled began to wonder why gods couldn't work miracles as a matter of course. Then rulers claimed to be children or descendants of gods, until the ruled began to wonder why lesser gods couldn't work lesser miracles as a matter of course. The final claim was to be chosen by God somehow, perhaps through winning a battle or being born correctly, until the ruled realised there was no way to actually verify this supposed Divine Contract. So now the rulers are chosen by the people, but they're just as inhumane as ever, so what's the argument against elected rulers? As of this moment, maybe did you vote to support and facilitate genocide?* might be a pertinent beginning.

I see no difference between left wing or right wing, they both keep the same raptor of control flying. One side uses the carrot, the other side uses the stick. That's the global Punch & Judy Show, everyone cheering their team on while the puppeteers' paymasters laugh all the way to the bank - or the ethnically cleansed territory ripe for luxury beachfront developments. I should imagine the democrats are supporting Israel in a much more gentle way, urging it to calm down a bit before things get out of hand, but supporting it nonetheless. There are plenty of democrats on that Pro-Israel Support list.

I don't think the true nature of this monstrous illusion we call government has been more apparent in my lifetime. How many of us, hand on heart, can truly swear that all those dead children are worth it? I certainly can't. When I see a report that the RAF, my RAF, has flown 200 spy missions over Gaza for Israel my anger boils. How dare they? In my name? I denounced the cult of government long ago but it still considers itself my master. I would be willing slave to a good system but not this monstrosity.

Earlier tonight I was watching ++WARNING++TLAV++GRAPHIC CONTENT++, something most of you will dismiss as "conspiracy bollocks," and saw a video out of Gaza of a father trying to tend to his young son in a hospital. The man couldn't even touch his son to comfort him because of the burns on his body. So much horror unfolding right before our eyes; all being obfuscated, misrepresented, supported, excused. In my f*cking name? No. Not ever. I am against these horrors, not only in Gaza but Yemen and all over the world; I am against them with every instinct and formulation, with every breath and every heartbeat, and with every ounce of hyperbolic rhetoric I can muster.

That's my handful of sand. That's how I help to stop it.

What can one soul do in the face of such evil machinations? We can each throw a handful of sand into the gears. This is my handful - annoying you lot. Throw your own handfuls out there. Condemn the genocide. Explain that Judaism is a 3,000 year old religion whereas Zionism is a 150 year old political movement. Understand that many Jews around the world are against Zionism and that not all Zionists are Jews. Shout and moan and bitch and complain to anyone who'll listen: STOP IT! Even if we buy everything about October 7th, we are way beyond self-defence and have been since October 8th. And where, pray, was the Palestinian's right to self-defence for the last seventy five f*cking years? Hidden by our monstrous illusions, that's where.

TL;DR: Yes. About half a bottle so far...

*This is not for one microsecond to suggest that anyone here voluntarily supports the horrendous activities of our own and allied governments throughout the world. The point is that your elected representatives do, and innocents are being slaughtered because of it. One must, in every case, separate the government (or any other prevailing religion of a country) from the people. The one is never synonymous with the other.


When I say "you," I of course mean the Royal you - not any specific you. The interrogative you, not the accusatory you.

I always have a bottle of oil-of-cloves on hand whenever I feel a twinge coming on. Also, chewing raw garlic gets rid of infections but is as uncomfortable as Hell. Alcohol can also be a boon during such trying times :-D


I find that a rather depressing attitude, even though I largely share it.

To me, such things lend weight to my argument that the current global systems are unfit for purpose. These people are supposed to be the best leaders money can buy electoral systems can come up with - and here they are using the power lent to them by the people to threaten not only a respected international body but also its employees and their families. This is an abuse of power and an insult to democracy and law. Furthermore, according to, all but one of the signatories of the above letter receive or have received donations from the Pro-Israel lobby -

Tom Cotton: $237,077
Marsha Blackburn: $427,355
Ted Budd: $159,053
Ted Cruz: $1,509,359
Pete Ricketts: $161,229
Rick Scott: $371,255
Mitch McConnell: $1,953,910
Katie Boyd Britt: $102,550
Kevin Cramer: $397,440
Bill Hagerty: -
Marco Rubio: $1,013,563
Tim Scott: $378,896

(Not a signatory but interesting - Joe Biden: $4,261,010)

This, to my simplistic mind, is a species of treason; invoking the power of one's own government to aid a foreign nation in avoiding accountability for money. And while these people grub for dollars, the entire population of Gaza faces imminent and actual extermination. This is why government must go, or at least be stripped of its power to command.

But for people who believe in government, how can this not be shocking? Is this how the best leaders you can find are expected to behave? Is it normal, now, for leaders to threaten and bully and bullshit their way around the world for money and influence, with no regard for international law or the mangled corpses strewn in their wake? Believe in government, yes, by all means - but is this as good as it gets? Don't you want it to be better? They're using your power, after all, so is this how you want them to use it? Defending monsters?


I wonder if you could hire or buy a pet bat?

How's your tooth situation? Improving, I hope.


How can we not be angered by these people? They write "laws" to bind us and ignore any that bind them. Disgusting.

Fortunately, the ICC doesn't seem to be in any hurry to back down,