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Messages - AlexF

I've been VERY slowly collecting and reading teh trade collections of this run. As in, I read the first collection maybe 20 years ago, liked it quite a bit, but have so far only read the 2nd volume about 10 years ago and have the 3rd sitting unread for 5. So clearly I do not love it unreservedly! Funnily enough, I found a collection of the original Wein/Wrightson Swamp Thing and read that far more quickly. It's not in the same league of sophistication but I do love the art and I perhaps because they're less literary the stories are just an easier read. Moore makes you put the work in...

That said, I can also imagine that sinply reading any one single issue in isolation, per B.Boots' experience, is going to be nicely rewarding. Maybe that's the trick - just read one comics from this run and have done with it! Wonder if that's true of Watchmen as well.
I think one key reason why I like V for Vendetta mroe than Watchmen is that it fels VERY British. Not just because the story is set in Britain, mostly because the comics style it uses is very British - you can tell it was written in short chunks, and that the creators put effort into making each small chunk feel like a satisfying mini-story. This does make it pretty dense when read in collection (which is the only way I've read it, mind), but it's definitely one to savour, not one to binge. Occasionally Moore's showing off with how much V/5/Evey wordplay he can get into the text gets a bit much biut dammit he's just so clever, isn't he.

The film is almost excellent.
Prog / Re: Prog 2381: A grizzly fate
13 May, 2024, 01:09:14 PM
Quote from: Tjm86 on 12 May, 2024, 07:23:04 AMFolded into this was a future scape not a million miles removed from where we are today.  You only have to look at some of the debates around crime in major cities across the UK and US (amongst other nations) to see how prescient the concept actually was.

I'mn intrigued by this. As I understand it, in the US and UK violent crime, at least, has MASSIVELY gone down in the lifetime of the existence of 'Judge Dredd' the comic strip. Whether this is due to increased powers that police/justice system has I don't know, but I doubt it? Don't think that's an argument people make?

Possibly there's a link in that crime has gone down as surveillance has massively gone up - CCTV cameras so normal we don't even notice them, and so on. So basically, Wagner's idea of PSU is connected to real-world crime stats, but otherwise for me Judge Dredd is more about pursuing a Conservative's dream about what law-enforcement might look like, not one based on actually observing the world...

I should note, I have not (yet) read Molch-R's book on the subject, so I'm sure I'm missing lots of important facts and insights!
Prog / Re: Prog 2381: A grizzly fate
10 May, 2024, 10:02:25 AM
At the risk of getting back on topic,
While I too was/am sad about cadet Moon sacrificing herself to save Dredd (which is certainly what seems to have happened, even if Williams later shows that she surived and is rescued, and golly I hope he does that), I guess I have to credit Williams with just writing the story as a thing in itself.

Seems to me the gist is 'what's a foe Dredd hasn't faced before - I know, nature, in the guise of a giant grizzly bear'. And when you have an artist lined up whio is going to absolutely kill that scenario, you run with it. And as a standalone story, it makes sense that Dredd can't just 'win' in the end, he has to lose something, and the idea Williams mustered for that function was a promising cadet (other options could have included: letting a perp get away; giving up some kind of secret weapon to a perp; making a deal with the Sovs - or something?). Anyway, he went the emotional route, which only works if he makes us care about the cadet in question, and judging by the response on this thread he achieved that in spades!

For sure we long-term readers could interrogate the fact that there's a LONG history of 'promising young cadet = black or woman', but in each one-off instance it works, I guess?

All that said, my main reaction on the final page of this mini-epic was grumpy rather than sad.
I love that the icon box on the top left shows that the central characters here are an apeman, a spaceman, and the monolith itself.

I've read a handful of these issues and love them, they are super weird and beautiful. I'm not much of a Kirby guy but his slightly left-of-mainstream comics - including this and OMAC - really help paint him as not just the precursor of superhero comics, but also of pretentious arthouse (Sci-Fi) comics.
You've totally sold me on 'Kill or be Killed' there!
General / Re: Forthcoming Thrills - 2024
03 May, 2024, 10:14:26 AM
Man, that Rogue Trooper pose is giving me serious Ian Gibson vibes! In a good way.
Eric Powell is an astonishingly good artist. I've not heard of Hillbilly before, seems worth a shot! I was a bit put off The Goon not because any of it wasn't great, but jsut becuase even after like 3 issues I felt I wasn't getting much new out of it. I'd love it if it was five page doses like in 2000AD, but 20+ pages each time of fairly similar stuff wears me down - something to enjoy in small doses!
But spunds as if Hillbilly has more of an overall story to get into?

I've been a Marvel reader since the early 90s (which includes reading an awful lot of earlier stuff as well). I have to say, I've always found there are some comics that are fun, and some that are really excellent in all eras - but my faves are indeed the mid-80s, as well as the mid-2000s. Perhaps not coincidentally, the same peaks as 2000AD...
Prog / Re: Prog 2379 - Humanity on the Brink...
26 April, 2024, 04:22:55 PM
On Indigo Prime - was there ever a time in which the series was about Agents encountering and (attempting) to solve problems with reality, or has it always been about vairous politicking within/around the Agency itself? I do enjoy the madcap nature of Kek-W's imagination but I'm getting a bit bored of the boardroom antics of the over-arching plot here.
Funnily enough I recently discovered My Marvellous Year too, it's excellent - the hosts have that jokey/laughter-based dynamic that works so well for Fox and Conrad. I'm still listening back to teh end of year round-ups and have only made it to 1984 - long way to go!

I also should confess that my peak 'teen Marvel comics fandom' period was 1993, when Events such as Spider-Man Maximum Carnage and the X-cutioner's Song properly rocked my world. So no one should give any heed to any of my opinons about what is a good comic.
Very well argued! I have no stake in the X-Men - I was always more of a New Mutants kid. The X-Men pinged off me I think precisely because they're designed to speak to the outsiders of the world, and frankly I can't claim to have ever seen myself as an outsider (except maybe as a fan of comics in general, which even now in the era of geek is still niche).

I did eventaully read pretty much all the Claremont stuff as an adult, thanks to the Panini Pocket Books (excellent value comics in small size!), and it's good clean superhero soap opera comics. I think I like it a fair bit more than you, Colin, althoguh I cannot argue with your observation that Claremont overwrites and underlines where Wagner might just have a silent panel...

In terms of 'importance', I guess for me it's that Claremont may have been the first superhero comics guy who managed to sneak in issues here and there that were pretty much just characters hanging around and chatting, or a single character going on some dreamlike empitional journey (LifeDeath) and those ARE the best ones, especially the 'Classic X-Men' back ups. But I find these were more of a signpost to me that I should read more Vertigo comics, that do this kind of thing better, and in more depth.

Everyone knows that Nightcrawler is the best, right? He just looks (and, frankly, acts) cooler than any other Marvel character by miles.
General / Re: Forthcoming Thrills - 2024
25 April, 2024, 09:38:25 AM
Honestly, I am both excited by the Sci-Fi special mash-up idea, exactly the sort of thing Sci-Fi specials should be for,
and also tickled by those instant AI efforts, Funt! But I'm aware it's going to be a rather steep slope from me pointing and laughing at the AI crudeness today, to me licking the (rust-proof) boots of a robot master tomorrow.

I'm gently predicitng that AI art and writing will be fashionable for a couple of years, and then human creativity will come back to the fore, and then we'll settle down into a sort of hybrid thing where we all accept that a human prompting and tweaking an AI generator is still art.
General / Re: Mark Millar interviews Pat Mills
23 April, 2024, 11:31:13 AM
This is a genuinely great interview, Mark Millar is one of those enthusiastic chaps who wants to be liked so much he puts people at ease which works well for Pat Mills. Much as I don't love Millar's comics his energy and passion for making popular comics is joyful. Same for Mills, who clearly still wants to find ways to reach a mass audience with whatever kinds of comics he can. He may be a world class moaner but he's also not JUST moaning, he's still following his dreams, too.
Other Reviews / Re: Judge Dredd: A Penitent Man
22 April, 2024, 10:05:39 AM
What's become of the fine, upstanding munitions-sales people who used to be able to outfit a band of Cursed Earth muties with extreme firepower once a year or so? Now that muties are allowed in, who are they selling to?
General / Re: Wrap It Up
22 April, 2024, 10:02:48 AM
More love for Inaba!