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Best Prog ever

Started by AlexF, 06 April, 2006, 05:48:00 PM

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Hmmm, looking at the shoulder pad too. Wonder if this cover was compisited from other images?

Well spotted Bart.



"Just looking at the high res scan (follow link) I noticed the bottom of the image looks like it's been inked by Robin Smith.. "

You know what? On closer inspection, I'm not 100% convinced it's by Cam Kennedy at all.

The shoulder pad, chain and Dredd's hand all bear the suspect marks of Robin Smith and although the the two main faces do _look_ like Kennedy's ink style, some of the key line work seems to lack the characteristic scratchy finish and trademark Kennedy quirks.

I'm wondering now if it's a pretty good Kennedy impression by the Smith Droid?

Alternatively, perhaps Kennedy's original image finished around Dredd's neck and someone in editorial or the art department decided that it needed an extra inch or so at the bottom and Smith added in the bottom portion.

Does anyone have contact details for Cam Kennedy? Perhaps we could ask him? I mean, it's credited as his first Dredd cover - although it's a long time ago, maybe he'd remember if the artwork was messed with after he delivered it, or if he didn't draw it at all!


Stupidly Busy Letterer: Samples. | Blog
Less-Awesome-Artist: Scribbles.

Tex Hex

Talk Talks "Spirit of Eden" (depending on your definition) or Yes' "Close to the Edge" - but thats a bit of a cliche.

What? Oh, right...

There was a run about two years ago which I thought was incredible. Cant remember the prog numbers. But they made me proud to be a tooth fan.



Is prog 500 too obvious?

Cover features every fecking great artist you care to think of.

Bad Company kicks off!

Slaine the King has Fabry on it.

Tharg story with art from Dave Gibbons, Ian
Gibson, Cam Kennedy, Mike McMahon and Kevin O'Neill!!!

Nemesis is here in all his Talbot glory.

Dredds drawn by Brendan McCarthy.

And apparently in only cost 26p!!! Oh my poor heartses.
Hmm, just pretend I wrote something witty eh?


Yeah prog 500 was awesome the cover really sticks in the memory.
Each peach pear plum!


the first prog I read! Maybe not the best prog ever, but that's impossible to decide">


To be frank, I think one can categorically say that #930 is not the "best prog ever". Witness the sheer horror of the line-up:

Finn: Intervention - one of 20 episodes of what was effectively a dull revamp of Sl?ine, in eco-warrior clothing. Urk.

Armoured Gideon: Trading Places - probably the best thing in the prog, even if this was one of the weaker AG series.

Rogue Trooper (Friday) - oh, man! Brains explode as the GIs meet up, and everything goes to hell in a hand-basket. Awful, awful stuff.

Judge Dredd: Crusade - quite possibly the worst Dredd "epic" to date. Really, really bad. (Actually, thinking about it, Inferno was even worse, but this was pretty piss poor, despite Austin's reasonable art.)
Harlem Heroes: Cyborg Death Trip - I didn't mind the first half of the initial Harlem Heroes run, but it went downhill very, very rapidly after that. By this point, the series was a sick joke, and its rating of 2.69 is higher than I'd expect!

Overall: not good, although probably not the worst prog out there.


 It's kind of like the best Dr Who ever really isn't it...

  we all *know* the best Prog ever was between 200 and 400 somewhere, just like everyone *knows* that Tom Baker was the Best Who.

  But some of you *think* differently, there are people who swear some of the four digit Progs are better just as there are people whoreally love what Slyvester McCoy brought to the role.

 Takes all kinds I 'spose.

 You're wrong though :)

Bart Oliver


Pretty sure the main image i s Cam's but the glove, chain and shoulder pad look like pure Robin Smith.

I wonder if the original artwork is in Rufus' extensive collect ion or has at least passed thru his hands?

He might be able to confirm our suspicions.

As for Robin adapting artwork, chances are it happened more than once during the course of getting 2000 ready for print each week.

I pitched my inquiry at Logan because he is *very* knowledgeable about such things and if anyone would know about it he would.

Obviously you're not a golfer.


I wouldn't say it was THE best prog ever, but it was my best prog ever; got me hooked.
 I think I must be the only person on earth who liked Crusade.
 As for the rest, bear in mind that I hadn't read anything else, so didn't know that Finn was warmed up Slaine (even now, after reading heaps of Slaine, I prefer Finn) and had nothing to compare the Rogue Trooper to. Harlem Heroes, the story did indeed suck, but the art was cool

anyway, I haven't read all the progs so really shouldn't be posting here

W. R. Logan

>Does anyone have contact details for Cam Kennedy? Perhaps we could ask him? I mean, it's credited as his first Dredd cover

Sent Cam a mail asking him if he remembered:

Thanks for mail. God you're goin' back a bit.
To the best of my knowledge what I did was what you saw except of course the colour(I use the term loosely). It could have been tampered with at the time by some wee termite in-house, I don't know, anyway at that time 2000 wouldn't have told the artist about any tampering. But, on reflection, I'd go for it not having been touched by an in-houser. I don't have the original, in fact can't even remember what happened to it.
Hope that's been of some help.
Take care.

Link:" target="_blank">Cam Kennedy">


Rob Smith was Art Ed at 2000Ad at the time, and it was his job to 'bodge'art too (edit/cut and paste, this was pre-photoshop) .
  So quite likely he did.
He also did roughs for many of the artists to follow for Covers.
  He gave them to me, and many of the classic 2000Ad covers are layed out by him.
I'll post a few soon) (see link)
:-) R

Link:" target="_blank">



Prog 2000 doesn't score that highly by comparison to some others [on the basis of how people how voted online], but I still think the issue takes some beating...

Cover: Brian Bolland
Dredd: Wagner & McMahon
Dredd: Grant & C Kennedy
Dante: R Morrison & Fraser
ABC Warriors: Mills & Walker
Rogue: Tomlinson & Gibbons
Slaine: Mills & G Staples
SinDex: Abnett & Davis
Stront: Wagner & Ezquerra
Glimmer Rats: Rennie & M Harrison
Nemesis: Mills & O'Neill

Not too shabby, methinks.


Link:" target="_blank">

I, Cosh

anyway, I haven't read all the progs so really shouldn't be posting here

Since when did that become a prerequisite for internet pontificating?!

My vote would be for something around 510 (Bad Company, The Dead, The Taxidermist, Slaine the King, Bitch, Ulysses Sweet.)

Either that or 550:

Bad Company 2
SD in The Rammy (Yer breeks is mince)

Great stuff.
We never really die.