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Started by SmallBlueThing, 04 February, 2011, 12:40:44 PM

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Barrington Boots

Quote from: pictsy on 13 January, 2021, 02:08:47 PM
I'm not actually well versed in slasher flicks.

This may be for the best!
But yeah, good critiques all the more interesting from your not being into the genre. I find it a bit alarming watching an old film and realising how much casual misogyny/ homphobia / racism is floating about in them and at the time that just didn't even register with me as a viewer because it was 'the norm' and I didn't know better. It's interesting to see it called out.
You're a dark horse, Boots.


Quote from: Barrington Boots on 13 January, 2021, 02:30:05 PM
...I find it a bit alarming watching an old film and realising how much casual misogyny/ homphobia / racism is floating about in them and at the time that just didn't even register with me as a viewer because it was 'the norm' and I didn't know better. It's interesting to see it called out.

I'm very much the same.  I think going back and seeing the problematic elements of the media we enjoyed in the past (or present) shows our growth as people and our understanding of peoples experiences and lives that are not our own.  Especially when our experiences and lives are privileged with having never to face actual discrimination and being considered the norm.  If we can be vigilant of it in the media we consume, we can be vigilant of it in real life.  I find it interesting to see it called out as well.


Quote from: pictsy on 13 January, 2021, 02:08:47 PM
Although the wisecracking arguably starts early on, I'd say it's never an actual feature of the character until the last two films.  I was legitimately surprised at how long it took to start because I was under the impression that it was what Freddy was after the first film.  One of the biggest surprises for me was how Freddy strongly resembles the character in the first film (unnecessarily gross and idiotic origin stories aside) until film 5.

You should give the remake a go.  It might still be on Netflix.  It's just a whole lot darker.  A bit unpleasant.


Quote from: Barrington Boots on 13 January, 2021, 11:40:36 AM
Have you seen Behind the Mask?

I have now.

This was an interesting film.  I really feel I should complain about a film that wants to be two different things at the same time, but it actually pulled it off.  I don't think this is a spoof mockumentary comedy horror film.  That'd be pretty cool and it seems like that is what it is through a lot of the run time.  I was going to complain that it should have had more of What They do in the Shadows vibe.  Making the absurd mundane and all that.  To begin with I thought this film was doing that.  Then it kicked in.  It doesn't matter that it's twist is predictable.  It's all predictable.  It's meant to be.  The film gives everything away.  Even the credit scene.  This is no spoof.  We have the deconstruction of the slasher genre using another genres presentation to create a legitimate, postmodern slasher film.  I'm surprised how well it ended up working and I'm generally impressed with the film.

It's not often I get to unequivocally gush over a film.  What a good recommendation. :D

Next I'll be rewatching The Voice (2014). 

(Casablanca can wait... for now)

Funt Solo

The Cloverfield Paradox is a fun bit of sci-fi horror that fits into a mini-genre (or cliche) of a group of people in a spaceship where What Can Go Wrong Will Go Wrong, in the same sort of magical way that Final Destination works.

Whatever services the plot to move it to the next bit of heightened mayhem works because ... quantum flux capacitor dimensional rift blah. Not taking itself too seriously works in its favor, and it manages the (almost) straight-faced line "I think my arm is trying to write something", in reference to the character's disembodied limb, which has been trapped in a perspex box and given a pen and paper.

Probably more of the plot could have revolved around this, as it worked so well in Dr. Terror's House of Horrors. And Evil Dead II.


In a more tedious way, Revolt is an alien invasion story in which special effects heavy robots without a personality (that make repetitive sound effects borrowed from Transformers) do some invading until someone eventually EMP's their collective ass. Like in almost all alien invasion stories.

Only really worth it for this bit of cheesy-like-nachos dialogue:

Male hero: you shoot well for a ...
Female love interest: ...woman?
Male hero:!
Female love interest *swoons*
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


How many Cloverfield films are there??


Quote from: pictsy on 14 January, 2021, 09:01:16 AM
How many Cloverfield films are there??

Cloverfield, The Cloverfield Paradox and that movie with John Goodman that they hastily back ended with a Cloverfield mash-up, 10 Cloverfield Lane.

Really enjoyed 10 Cloverfield Lane, and it could easily have been an entertaining movie without the last 15 minutes.


Oh.  OK, it is the amount of films I thought it was.  Guess I just didn't realise that Paradox was the other film.

I hear good things about 10 Cloverfield Lane but am aware it's just using the franchise name and that is a little off-putting.

Barrington Boots

Quote from: pictsy on 13 January, 2021, 11:11:42 PM
This was an interesting film.  I really feel I should complain about a film that wants to be two different things at the same time, but it actually pulled it off.  I don't think this is a spoof mockumentary comedy horror film.  That'd be pretty cool and it seems like that is what it is through a lot of the run time.  I was going to complain that it should have had more of What They do in the Shadows vibe.  Making the absurd mundane and all that.  To begin with I thought this film was doing that.  Then it kicked in.  It doesn't matter that it's twist is predictable.  It's all predictable.  It's meant to be.  The film gives everything away.  Even the credit scene.  This is no spoof.  We have the deconstruction of the slasher genre using another genres presentation to create a legitimate, postmodern slasher film.  I'm surprised how well it ended up working and I'm generally impressed with the film.

YES! Exactly this. You think it's one thing and then it flips to being something else entirelyThat's a very good analysis and better than I could have written.
Also I'm really glad you enjoyed it, it's a nice feeling to recommend something that isn't pants.
You're a dark horse, Boots.


Quote from: Barrington Boots on 14 January, 2021, 11:03:11 AM
Quote from: pictsy on 13 January, 2021, 11:11:42 PM
This was an interesting film.  I really feel I should complain about a film that wants to be two different things at the same time, but it actually pulled it off.  I don't think this is a spoof mockumentary comedy horror film.  That'd be pretty cool and it seems like that is what it is through a lot of the run time.  I was going to complain that it should have had more of What They do in the Shadows vibe.  Making the absurd mundane and all that.  To begin with I thought this film was doing that.  Then it kicked in.  It doesn't matter that it's twist is predictable.  It's all predictable.  It's meant to be.  The film gives everything away.  Even the credit scene.  This is no spoof.  We have the deconstruction of the slasher genre using another genres presentation to create a legitimate, postmodern slasher film.  I'm surprised how well it ended up working and I'm generally impressed with the film.

YES! Exactly this. You think it's one thing and then it flips to being something else entirelyThat's a very good analysis and better than I could have written.
Also I'm really glad you enjoyed it, it's a nice feeling to recommend something that isn't pants.

Another thing I didn't really bring up is that the way the film uses the tropes.  For a film full of them, it adheres to very few.  The more I think about the film, the more impressed I am with it.  Especially as this is a 00's film.  I'd have been happy with being just entertained, but this is something I'm definitely going to recommend to others.  Gotta share the love. :)

Colin YNWA

pictsy any further distraction from watching Casablanca is an act of self harm akin to Brexit.


I've watched a lot of schlock and shit in my life.

But never Casablanca.

Figure it being on Iplayer now's as good as ever.


Quote from: Barrington Boots on 13 January, 2021, 02:25:06 PM
Quote from: repoman on 13 January, 2021, 12:55:08 PM
No, not heard of that.  Some sort of documentary about the whole series?

It's kind of a faux-documentary about a film crew following a slasher as he preps for a rampage. It deconstructs a lot of the genre tropes and it's quite funny in a very black, deadpan sort of way (so nothing like Man Bites Dog, a similar concept for a film but one I found pretty sickening) and it has a twist that whilst kind of predictable I won't spoil for you here, but if you're interested in Friday / Halloween style films I think it's well worth seeing.
And definitely watch the early Fridays, they're the best ones IMO.

I didn't get on with Man Bites Dog but this sounds good.  I'll check it out!


The Voices

A dark comedy that focuses on the unfortunate trope of psychosis (in this case AVH) being depicted as criminal.  I'm no authority but I think the treatment of the main character is pretty good within and by the movie and I did empathise with him.  That is no doubt largely due to Ryan Reynolds performance.  Nevertheless, there are points where he is extremely sinister.  Not in that tired sadistic way we often see in films, but in a frightened and desperate way.  The movie has nuance, great performances and interesting story.  Beyond a tired cliche that does more harm than good, the film is thoroughly enjoyable.  It's kinda weird as well and very disturbing and it juxtaposes a twee delusion with a grim reality.  I'd recommend this if you like Ryan Reynolds.

Don't know what I'll be watching next.  For some reason no movies come to mind.

The Enigmatic Dr X


Sweet Jesus. Avoid. Avoid like leprosy. Don't even start it in the hope it cannot be "that bad".

It's worse. This is a bad future shock which with a $100m budget.

This is incomprehensible pish, made worse by its own belief that it is clever. It's the rabid gibberings of a first year physics student.

And if that wasn't enough for you, the sound edit is terrible. You can't make out half the dialogue.

The first irony is that it's a waste of time.

The second is that you'll probably want to see it because of this review, only to realise I'm right
Lock up your spoons!