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Shift Comic - new UK anthology

Started by Colin YNWA, 25 September, 2020, 02:18:51 PM

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Thanks for sharing the update. I'm hoping our continued support helps in some way.


New shift: seven months after the last, and three months after cover date (April), but it is here and it has Tim Sale goodness.


I was talking to the Shift guys at LFCC and they hope that the delayed issue will be in the shops this week or next, they hope to be back on schedule but there might be slight delays with the next couple of issues

Colin YNWA

So my sub copy of 2.7 has landed and its a curiously little read for a series that normally gives you more bang for its buck. The delay also helps us see how the individual stories stand on their own.

Elephantmen two shorts featuring Tim Sale art and they a great little stories.

Pilgrim a preview that has done nothing to impress me alas.

To the Death I think is great but is suffering from the delays. I need to reread when its finally over and it really needs to reach its conclusion.

Elena I dunno lots of STUFF happens and a bit like Pilgram I'm not too impressed

Terminal City is probably the best thing here. I say probably as again the delays are impacting. I'm intrigued enough to go back and see what's what immediately.

So yeah the dip after the first volumes continues to cut hard. The sweetener a mini comic by Chris Geary 'Valkyries' should make it all worth while. I loved Kora by Geary but this wasn't in the same league alas. I think its modelled on a Gerry Anderson style show, maybe I'm just stuck on them being the Angels from Captain Scarlet, but the nonsense action vibe cut through as well. Alas didn't work for me.

So yeah 3 issues of my sub to go and after loving this so hard when it launched I'm seriously debating whether I'll renew! I want to support this comic so much and the idea is fantastic and I have no real problem with the delays, sounds like very valid reasons. The trouble is its just not able to sustain the standards it set itself when it came out and needs to get some much stronger strips in soon.

Michael Knight

Hi folks. Has anyone on here managed to get a reply from shift team about delayed orders? . I have tried via phone, email and messenger to no avail.
I really love this comic and I think it's great value for money. Hope it continues.


Quote from: Michael Knight on 17 August, 2023, 12:32:48 PMHi folks. Has anyone on here managed to get a reply from shift team about delayed orders? . I have tried via phone, email and messenger to no avail.
I really love this comic and I think it's great value for money. Hope it continues.

No I have given up and my experience has completely soured my attitude towards them. I would get a card refund if you are able- unfortunately I was outside the refund window so I'm just out of pocket with nothing to show for it.

Colin YNWA

Well you could knock me sideways. I got an email this morning telling me Shift 2.8 has been dispatched. I mean I'll wait to see what actually lands but could this be coming back from the dead?

If so some comms would have been nice - but guess that would have spoiled the surprise. Has a lot of work to do with the 3 remaining issues of my current sub to make me even vaguely think about resubscribing but heck who knows.


So you're saying it's going to take a lot to... ... shift your thinking on this?

Funt Solo

An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.

Colin YNWA


I can't remember whether I still have a subscription or not. I feel like I paid for another six months at some point.
EDIT: A quick login to their web shop shows I'm paid through to Vol.3 #1, so that's four issues in credit. Glad they're getting things going again...?


My Shift 8 arrived. Here's the statement from Adrian Clarke that is included, explaining what he and his family have been through in the last few years:

QuoteDear Reader!
We just wanted to drop a note with this delivery to thank you for your patience and support. We're really pleased to finally get Issue 8 of Volume 2 out to you.
The majority of the work for Shift is done by myself - it involves working with the amazing creators, getting pieces aligned and ready to go and actually putting together and producing the end product that you read (yes - blame me if the page numbers are wrong or there are spelling mistakes)! It's a pleasure to do, but also means that the schedule can be affected by personal life...
In September 2022, my daughter was admitted to hospital unexpectedly - she was a healthy, happy and vibrant 9 year old. After medical investigation, we were told as parents the devasting news that she had Chronic Kidney Disease (Nephrotic Syndrome). Unfortunately, her condition worsened very quickly and reached End Stage Kidney Failure within a couple of months. The decision was made that to 'save her life', dialysis was our only option, which she started in January 2023.
Our next mission was finding a donor. Initial tests found that my wife and I were 'good' suitable matches for transplant. The months went by with testing, consultations, legal paperwork and everything in between! In November 2023, my kidney was transplanted into my beautiful daughter, the coming weeks were some of the most challenging.
It is important to share that although there is no cure, this is an amazing alternative treatment to dialysis and we hold hope that it lasts as long as possible. I am happy to say she is doing exceptionally well, and she's back to school. After a fairly long recovery period - 3 months directed by the medical team - I'm back at work as well.
As you can imagine, the last year and a half has seen our lives flipped upside down as a family. We are hopeful that advances in medical research mean that in time other families will not have to live through the same experience and a cure can be found.
We will be forever grateful to the medical teams at Royal Surrey County Hospital and the specialists at Evelina Children's Hospital for all their care and ongoing medical life-long support for our daughter.
So now we're back to publishing! The remaining couple of issues of the volume will follow in due course.
You're getting your subscriber copies in advance, and we'll be back on newsstands shortly. Then we've got lots of exciting stuff to share with you!
We've just added a bundle of our recent SHIFT Presents titles, which you may not have seen, to our site - Sherlock Holmes and the Empire Builders, Odd John and Mr Custa! Use the code NewShift24 to get a discount on them at
If you'd like to support in any way, we've been looked after by the amazing Ronald McDonald House (round up the bill when you get your takeaway!) and the Evelina Hospital Charity. This summer, our whole family, along with friends and extended family are doing the London Bridges 7-Mile Walk in aid of Kidney Research UK, and we'd welcome any sponsorship!
Thank you again for your support, and we hope you enjoy the latest issue!

Colin YNWA

That all sounds terrible and hope he and his family are coping as well as can be hoped.

Let's see how things are when the issue lands at Taylor Towers.


That's really tough. After initially enjoying it a lot, it trailed off a bit for me and I stopped getting it, but I might give it a punt again. Its an amazing thing to get a comic of any sort into newsagents. Lovely format.