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Topics - Vector14

Welcome to the board / Hello Squaxx!
10 November, 2023, 03:41:42 PM
Hello everyone,

I've been lurking for a while here and now is the time to emerge from the shadows.

I've recently started getting back into 2000ad after a long long time away. I originally started reading back in 1994 and carried on until the early 2000s when I kind of "grew out of" the prog in my uni years.

Reading here and other places online has informed me that I started reading 2000ad during its nadir. Its funny because at the time I found it mindblowing.
Some of the stuff that people deride now, like all the muddy fully painted art, was what made young me think I was reading something super adult.

I should add that I was reading all the classic 2000ad and Dredd comics then so I was getting the good stuff too. But somehow I didnt see any difference in quality between the old stuff and the new. It was all good to me.

Also funny that I got bored of 2000ad when it was on the up!

Anyway the thing that got me back on board was buying one of those humble bundles a couple of years pack.

I loved all the new Dredd stuff and especially liked Brink and Kingdom. I think Brink might be my favourite series ever published in the prog.
Dan Abnett has really come on since I was a regular reader!
I bought the first Lawless book recently and its great too.

I must admit I don't actually buy the regular progs. I'm just picking up graphic novels every now and then.

Anyway, I hope I can add a bit to the discussions here. Thanks for having me.