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Started by SmallBlueThing, 04 February, 2011, 12:40:44 PM

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Jedi's always been my favourite. I can pinpoint the actual moment where it all crystallises into sci-fi perfection for me: the Rebel Fleet, having detected that the Death Star's shields are still up, does a 180 degree turn and runs smack into the biggest fleet of Star Destroyers imaginable and the air becomes thick with TIEs. Gives me goosebumps every time. 'It's a trap!'

Colin YNWA

I'm not sure how much retro-fitting goes on (though I've not got big awareness of current Star Wars fan thinking)  but for me it goes a little like this.

In 83 (I was 11) I was kinda okay with the Ewoks but, by and large they weren't brilliantly received, but not derided. By the time Return was on TV (I'm guessing here) three years later the Ewoks were pretty much mocked. We didn't so much 'retro-fit' that to the past, but changed our minds as we got older. I know we (when I'm saying we by the way I'm referring to my Star Wars savvy school friends) utterly shunned the Ewok movies.

For me they are the one significent bit of the movies (first three) that didn't grow with me as such.


I just have to accept the fact the Empire lost.  >:( >:( >:( Oh wait there's a remnant... :)

i think a smugglers life for me look at the benefits.

The Justice department has a good re-education programme-it's called five to ten in the cubes.


Quote from: Colin_YNWA on 15 December, 2012, 04:47:09 PM
I know we (when I'm saying we by the way I'm referring to my Star Wars savvy school friends) utterly shunned the Ewok movies.

Let's say no one I knew, myself included, ever sought out those Ewok films and I still haven't seen them. If it had been a Han Solo/Boba Fett film it would have been different.


Quote from: JOE SOAP on 15 December, 2012, 01:42:54 PM
Quote from: JamesC on 15 December, 2012, 11:48:50 AM
I actually like the Ewoks too and think that the whole 'Ewoks are crap' thing has just become received wisdom that people say without thinking about it.

I think that attitude just comes from someone announcing to the fan-boys the original intention was for them to be Wookies which really just sounds more arsom in comparison to however good the Ewoks are. If they had been Wookies the only difference to the scenes would be taller fur-bags otherwise they'd still be acting cute.

Quote from: JamesC on 15 December, 2012, 11:48:50 AM
The film ends with the best, most satisfying, space battle of the trilogy intercut with the best light-saber fight and the Emperor showing you just what a nasty git he is.

I do think the sabre fight in Empire is better directed and plays better by not being interrupted.

Hmm. I remember it being interrupted quite a bit by Leia and Lando's escape. 

I personally think Empire is the best, but I agree the choreography between the Endor Imperial Base, the space battle, and the lightsabers battle was executed perfectly, and makes fir some if the best sci-fi ever to hit our cinema screens.

Star Wars: A New Hope will always be dear to me, although I think it's the weakest of the three, because it was the first film I ever saw in the cinema. Can you imagine a 5 yr old sat there wondering what this cinema thing is, and then that massive Star Destroyer hoving into view? Instant Star Wars and cinema addict!


Quote from: shaolin_monkey on 15 December, 2012, 05:19:20 PM
Hmm. I remember it being interrupted quite a bit by Leia and Lando's escape. 

but it has more of an actual duel in it, less cut-up, longer and is better choreographed.


Ewoks are crap by Judge Jack aged 15 and a bit.

Quote from: JamesC on 15 December, 2012, 11:48:50 AM

No, I saw Star Wars first - on telly, then Jedi at the cinema and then Empire on VHS.
I think Empire is a close second to Jedi and it's probably the most important regarding the whole mythology but I think Jedi is the best film overall.
The whole Solo rescue at the beginning is just bloody brilliant, then the Sarlac sequence is even better (the fact that it digests you over a thousand years was something that really freaked me out when I was younger) - Jabba is probably the best puppet/model work in any film ever.
The forest of Endor is a great location and I love the speeder bikes and scout walkers. I actually like the Ewoks too and think that the whole 'Ewoks are crap' thing has just become received wisdom that people say without thinking about it.
The film ends with the best, most satisfying, space battle of the trilogy intercut with the best light-saber fight and the Emperor showing you just what a nasty git he is.

The one thing that should be cut from Jedi is the Chewbacca Tarzan call but it doesn't ruin the film for me.

Must admit Jedi is almost the forgotten SW film for me, for numerous reasons.
Maybe i was hitting that age were its appeal was begining to wane a bit. Cant honestly remember if there was any murmurs of discontent regarding the ewoks amongst me and my friends, and at that age there may well have been. What i do distinctly remember was walking out of the cinema afterwards with both my socks having been irrefutably blown off by RotJ - and for pretty much the reasons youve given.
And ive no problem really, with the ewoks being in the film, though the TV movies, comics et al were obviously aimed at a slightly younger audience, so passed me by. I asked the original question about Jedi, as ive seldom come across the view that Jedi is the fave. (Though clearly theres plenty of love for it on here). Ive heard it spoken of before from people younger than me, and thats kinda tied in with them seeing that film first.
The OT was such a phenomenonally complete package that its sometimes hard to sit back and see the films as just simply films and to rate them individually on their own merits.
But as a 'dyed-in-the-wool ANH'er im happy to admit that TESB is a better film, but nothing gives me that warm glow that ANH does. I would argue that ANH represents George's vision the clearest.


Quote from: JamesC on 15 December, 2012, 10:33:42 AM
Quote from: SmallBlueThing on 14 December, 2012, 08:49:48 PM
A little-known flick called "The Star Wars: Part Four, Hope and Glory", or something.

No- haven't seen it in a good while, and realised- on catching the kids playing with their Millennium Falcon in completely the wrong way that they hadn't ever really seen the original properly. Oh, they've been plunked in front of it many times in their short lives, but not recently and not since getting to "the right ages" (seven and nine). As a result the prequels have been their number one Star Wars thing and the poor old original trilogy has languished in the backwaters of their popularity for far too long. Tonight we put that right.

As a result, I now have two boys upstairs playing properly with figures and vehicles, and youngest has borrowed my "Classic Star Wars A New Hope" Thomas and Chaykin adaptation as well as the more recent Dark Horse re-do version. Eldest, keen to show his superior knowledge, has borrowed Shadows of the Empire- by our Mr Wagner- causing me the panic of finding I'm missing an issue. Bollocks! Both demand Empire Strikes Back within the week.

Niggly bit: Matte squares around TIEs- never noticed them being so bad! We were watching the silver-spined boxset version of Special Edition from 2004. Dreadful. Havethey been cleaned up for the Blu-Ray?

Anyway- yay!


It'll be interesting to see what their favourite of all six films is at the end.
I'm firmly of the belief that Return of the Jedi is best with Empire a close second. I find the first Star Wars (can't get used to calling it 'A New Hope'!) is actually a bit boring and all the really good story stuff begins in Empire.

No it won't


How the Grinch Stole Christmas is on my telly at the moment, thanks to my youngest. There must be a more replusive, shitter piece of wank in the world of cinema, but if there is we don't own a copy. Thank fuck planet earth's love affair with Carrey is over and he hasn't had a hit since... well, since this probably.



Never get the antipathy to the Ewoks, and probably never will, and I firmly believe that many people's negative impressions of them are based on the contemporary publicity spin, merchandising onslaught and especially the very poor quality subsequent kiddie spinoffs, rather than their portrayal in the actual film as vicious stone-age hunters and ingenious warrior underdogs, even if they are a very heavy-handed thematic device.  But I must have argued all this a dozen times on here alone.



Kill Bill: Vol 1, which has left me wanting to watch Vol 2 now.
Wonder if we'll ever get to see a DVD/Blu-Ray release for the much talked about Kill Bill: The Whole Bloody Affair version?

Colin YNWA

Quote from: Judge Jack on 16 December, 2012, 01:14:40 AM
Kill Bill: Vol 1, which has left me wanting to watch Vol 2 now.
Wonder if we'll ever get to see a DVD/Blu-Ray release for the much talked about Kill Bill: The Whole Bloody Affair version?

Yeah I love these movies but have never got them on DVD assuming one day Tarrantino will release some kind ultimate directors cut thingie that'll mix the entire thing together. Is 'The Whole Bloody Affair' an officiual title for such a thing or fan talk for it?

Richmond Clements

Soylent Green in the cinema. And as an added bonus, I was with someone who hadn't seen it before and didn't know that [spoiler]Soylent Green is people[/spoiler]!


The new Bourneless Bourne movie which i actually found pretty good despite my missgivings of no Bourne, still cant overly remember the last couple so didn;t really matter.  Some nice action but plot like everything these days is just set up for another movie, hollywood really needs to start releasing complete movies again everything these days is the start of a trilogy, quadrology, fuckity fuckity im getting quite siick of it. 
On that note i think thats one of the many reasons Dredd rocked, it told a whole friggen story.

Cu Radbacker

von Boom

The Hobbit. I might go see it again today.