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Messages - Mabs

I'm bloody excited by this trailer! A couple of "wow!" moments in there; the X wing attack formation over water, and that shot of the Sith 'blade', I wanna see a villain worthy of Vader and to a lesser extent, Darth Maul. Here's hoping we get one! Oh, and please, no lens flares, Mr Abrams! Early signs are good indeed. Can't wait to watch it!  :D
Film & TV / Re: Chappie (2015)
23 November, 2014, 10:16:07 AM
Yep! I used to love Short Circuit as a kid, probably not so much now (storywise that is).
Film & TV / Chappie (2015)
23 November, 2014, 09:44:50 AM

Neill Blomkamp's upcoming film, looks like a cross between Wall E and Appleseed!

Looking forward to it!  :D

Film & TV / Re: Last movie watched...
23 November, 2014, 01:51:09 AM
Dale & Tucker vs Evil - it was absolutely hilarious! A comedy of errors with laughs, gore, but most importantly, a lot of heart. Probably up there now with Shaun of the Dead and The Evil Dead series as my favourite comedy horror. Alan Tudyk and Tyler Labine make the perfect comedy duo, like a hillbilly version of Laurel and hardy. Some great dialogue in the film too. Great stuff!
Prog / Re: Prog 1909 : WHERE EAGLES DARE
22 November, 2014, 01:04:15 PM
Blimey, that's one hell of a cover...
Film & TV / Re: The Walking Dead - Season 5 - SPOILERS!
19 November, 2014, 05:33:35 PM
Quote from: Rog69 on 19 November, 2014, 04:22:50 PM
Another good episode this week, a couple of little easter eggs with the statue in the van (Lost reference) and the tank from the first episode.[spoiler] I'm not sure how the van landed that way up though![/spoiler]

Some of the zombie action was in-tents too.

Yeah, I was wondering about that as well! We clearly see it nosediving,  but somehow straightens itself for the impact. Very convenient indeed!

Other than that I thought it was another terrific episode. Daryl is awesome!  :D
Megazine / Re: Meg #354 Spit Roast
13 November, 2014, 02:12:33 PM
Sorry for the double post, but forgot to ask, what's Rose O'Rion about? Any good?
Megazine / Re: Meg #354 Spit Roast
13 November, 2014, 02:11:04 PM
I think the logo's covered the falling Fatty!
Film & TV / Re: Doctor Who - Season 8
10 November, 2014, 12:38:47 PM
I don't know what to make of that episode to be honest,  it's a right mess. The resolution to the Cybermen epidemic is very poor. So much built up about the mysterious nature of Missy throughout the season  and such a poor end. As a character, I thought Michelle Gomez's potrayal of Missy was one of the highlights of the series and indeed, the two part conclusion. Her performance was cackling with dark humour, malevolence and unpredictability. For me, her incarnation of the Master is the best one yet. And Peter Capaldi has also been a delight. The doubt I had about him as a Doctor, and whether he could pull it off, soon evaporated. In fact, I think he's the best one since Tennant (not a surprise to be honest! And I still do love Smith).

My favourite episodes from the series are Listen, Into the Dalek, Mummy on the Orient and Flatline. I wish we can explore the interdimensional world of the Boneless in future episodes.

Looking forward to the Christmas Special, Father Christmas an' all!  :D
Film & TV / Re: Last movie watched...
09 November, 2014, 12:39:15 AM
Just back from the screening of Interstellar, and what can I say, I was absolutely blown away by it. And I do not say that lightly, or nor am I a so called 'Nolanite'. In fact, I thought The Dark Knight Rises was probably his weakest film, and Inception just passed me by. It's only when I sat down to watch it did I realise how good it was. For me, up until Interstellar, I thought The Prestige and The Dark Knight were his best films (Memento, as good as it is, was pretty damn confusing!).

There are not enough superlatives I can lavish on his latest film though; it's very close to perfection.

A year back when I got an idea of Interstellar's subject matter, and what it would involve, I was quite literally salivating at the prospect! my head immediately filled with all the possibilties of what we might witness on screen. Wormholes? Dimensions? Interstellar travel? I was already sold. But could Nolan pull it off?

Well let me say, after watching the film, yes, we do get all that, but the thing which totally grabbed me was the love story; the relationship between father and daughter. The third act of the film made me a blubbering wreck, not many films could do that! As a father of two kids (a boy and a girl), this probably affected me more. I could understand the sacrifice that McConaughey's character had to make. But you can never underestimate a father's love. There's a moment when his father-in-law says something on the lines of "Don't make any promises you cannot keep (to your girl)". Does he take heed from that? "I will come back" he tells her, so determined is he to not let her down. And it's this part of the father daughter relationship which traverses space, time, and even dimensions, and it absolutely floored me.

Nolan's spectacle is also breathtaking. The spaceship Endurance's travel through a eerily quiet space. The ship almost like a speck of gold dust against the back drop of Saturn and her rings. It certainly brings things into perspective. The vastness of space is awe inducing, and you get a sense of how insignificant we all are against this back drop. The planets are also realised beautifully, or actually, in one case, terrifyingly so! The visual and practical effects are so seamless and magnificent to look at. And a memorable (and even shocking) demonstration of how time works in space.

We also have the wonderful robot Tars, who at first resembles a walking fridge, but we soon see this guy's versatility in action! There's another unit too, but Tars is definitely one of the stars of the show.

There are some minor niggles along the way though. Certain scenes could do with a little trimming, and others could do with more emphasis and detail perhaps. This was one of those films which I felt would've been better if it was more longer!

And that third act, in particular [spoiler]the black hole scene[/spoiler], that was just breathtaking. Totally and utterly breathtaking. As a science nerd, and especially one who finds all these dimensional/ relativity stuff fascinating, I absolutely lapped it up! I'd also like to say that I knew [spoiler]who or what the 'spook' was[/spoiler], from the start! In fact, I was hoping it was the case and eventually was proved correct.

Interstellar is a film for all the dreamers out there. Those, who as little kids, looked up into the night skies through their telescopes, or even just gazing at the stars with the naked eyes, thinking about the vastness of space. Of the galaxies, stars, planets or even life in the cosmos. I was one such boy. And that is perhaps, why this film so enthralled me. It's no 2001, and to be honest, what is? It's not meant to be like Kubrick's film. But this film has mystery, thrills, wonder, and heart in abundance.
Quote from: JamesC on 08 November, 2014, 01:08:33 PM
There's a character called Poof?

Yes there is James, he's that fella with the long neck who's seen in Phantom Menace (member of the Jedi Council):

Quote from: locustsofdeath! on 08 November, 2014, 12:32:10 PM
Why do you prefer to spell "wookie" with one "e"? Out of curiosity.

Edit: never mind, I clicked the link for that other guy's reasons.

I remember reading a Star Wars book as a young boy (it was after ROTJ), and Wookiee was written with one 'e'. I encountered that 'error' many times afterwards and I think it just stuck...

I think that's the only Star Wars related misspelling I could live with. When it comes to names like Yarael Poof or Grand Moff Tarkin, I strive to spell them in the correct manner!  :lol:
Bah, who cares about 'little Anakin!'

I know it's Wookiee (with a double 'e'), prefer to spell it with just one. As for Kashyyyk, well that's a different matter!

Check out his 2nd bullet point!  :lol:
There's something about Leia

Dude, where's my Force

Greedo Strikes Back

Driving Miss Mothma

I was a teenage Wookie

All the above are far more effective in my opinion!  :D

I do not like that title.

It would've been much better if it was called The Force Untethered or something.  :lol: