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Topics - WhitBloke

Off Topic / On The Passing Of My Mother... A Request
09 December, 2012, 06:59:09 PM
Regarding the passing of my mother, which occurred this Friday night just past, I have fretted over how best to refer to it here - a place I have enjoyed making friends, sharing a common obsession and simply passing a fair deal of amused-enthused freetime this past year - and the following seems to me to fathom the truth of it.

My mother passed from this clumsy world with a grace that it could not compete with.

Having fought with bright bravery and compelling spirit against the undue cancer which all-too recently ambushed her and my father, indeed the entire family and the many good people who loved her, my mother slipped into peace at a hospice this past Friday evening.  With my sister and I assuring her of loving truths about the great good she had wrought in her life and which would continue beyond its end, my father and I held her hands as she entered that great dream we might all be lucky enough to join.

It had been a profound privilege the preceeding weeks to every day be integral to caring for my mother at the home she was so intensely proud of having made exactly that - a home for a family that, while I and my brother and sister had long since moved from, remained the hub of a loving life.  (You will note that I remembered at all time to remove my "mucky boots" even when they were clean shoes every time I entered, and expect no change in this and other acknowledgements to her enormous house-pride.)
Indeed, of that privilege it was all the moreso for me since it was, so very painfully, something that I can never repeat for her.  However, there came the point that providing her with sufficient comfort demanded that she retreat to a hospice for her final days.  There, my father remained perpetually at her side, day and night, and I and my sister would spend several hours a day.  Of the medical care and unflinching compassion provided by the Garden House Hospice of Letchworth, I am only too intent here upon gratefully describing it as positively angelic (and therefore quite the welcome opposite of the crippling confusion of the garbled, under-informed approach of the local District Nursing team, though now is not the time to rant angrily).

I do appreciate that this is not pleasant news for any of you to read, to find it posted here, to be presented with the news of the passing of a loved one amongst our number.  Yet, upon the posting of the above, I felt it would be an agreeable thing to ask the following:

Should any of you of a kindly bent who might get it into your heads that Christmas seems a fitful time to make a charitable donation... yet don't already patronise a specific charity, and hats off to you in such cases...  Would you please steer any such spare creds towards a charity such as MacMillan or any local hospices near your own homes?

Thankyou all.
I know it was sort of touched on in "The Terminator" with that beautiful Burns-Dredd time travel escapadery, and I also know I could simply be forgetting something again, or missing the pertinent Megazine if it's in there.... but can anybody kindly point me in the direction of a story that covers actual First Contact with aliens within the continuity of the Dredd universe?
As any juve who actually attends his block's school can tell you, the judges took power in 2070 after being asked to by The People.  To protect them from the madness of Bob Booth, to help them survive in the post-apocalyptic stomm-hole that America had become, to get the Mega-Cities back on their feet...  They replaced the elected councils of the mega-cities as the ruling body and everything.  It must be true.  Even Dredd has quoted this stuff at innocent, eager young juvey minds...
But.  Did that ever actually happen?  I've just been rereading Origins and despite its covering of that very period all I see is Fargo steering Goodman into making his great 'independence' declaration.  No great clamouring of the masses for the judges to take control.  Is it not just a blag?  A lie perpetuated by the judges to legitimise themselves all these decades?
Please, could somebody kindly set me right if I've missed it somewhere or forgotten having actually seen it in one Prog or another.  I've certainly got some Megs missing still, but I would appreciate it if somebody could tell me where this might show up in there, if it does.

I appreciate that this may have come up before, in which case I'm clearly very behind in my homework.  It's just that I'd just now realised that possibly John Wagner laid out the subtle but potentially undeniable illegitimacy of the judges' control of MC1 and I'd just been missing it all these years!

I know.  Duh.
Prog / Prog 1788 - Slay Per View!
16 June, 2012, 10:32:22 AM
Cover - Nasty and direct, and all in a good way.

Dredd - Nasty and direct, and all...  Uh...  Actually, yeah, nasty and direct and all in a good way.  Is that the 'Christmas Tree' I see there?  Got to wonder what the results of the People's Election is, and what it more importantly can amount to anyway since this is clearly as martial law (even for the judges) as it gets.  Beeny, oh, Beeny... but an absolutely perfect week.

Durham Red - Romping now, which is fun to be along for the ride with.  Unless of course you're Jones and she should let one off on the third page...  Nice to see Durham Red has the scent, though I'm betting she means somebody other than Avi.  Why can't we all live in Ezquerra architecture and countryside like that?  More than anything in this week's adventures, its Ezquerra's scenery that's got me all swept away.

Grey Area - Not entirely convinced by Corel, but that's perhaps just cynicism and liking seeing focal characters in dubious situations - which this has provided in spades right up to the end.  Birdy is no longer somebody I would 'fool about' with, mind you!

Future Shocks - For all its [spoiler]Solent Green Ebay Cash Converters Sell-Your-Gold [/spoiler] mash-up-ness, it still works.  Nice art, flow that sweeps you through the plot, good pace and satisfying conclusion.  Not the best of recent weeks but that's hardly a criticism; fun read that certainly qualifies above the filler level.

Dante - Rhubarb crumble and old soldiers, Diavolo and Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha splash page, zee pritty girrrls in zeir bedchambers and the bastards on the horizon...  It's got to be Dante!  Sound as a pound and yet worryingly tease-y with some despairing suggestions of what may be coming in the climax.  About which, I fervently hope I'm wrong.

High - That last panel in Dredd.  So a deep low of a high, I guess...

Low - Same as last week, so not so much to really dig at me.
Welcome to the board / I think I'm in the right place...
17 February, 2012, 11:38:30 PM
I finally got to thinking, why not join that mad bunch of thrill-junkie 2000AD fans on the 2000AD forums?  In the absence of any better answer I realised, why not indeed?  So, I'm afraid you'll all have to put up with one more fellow fan of Tharg's supremacy over all things gafflebette. 
Shy a few years but too decrepit already that you'd notice, I can't say I've been reading since before Prog 360 but... well... I've been through the Progstalgia phase a few times since then just as many of you probably have.  My favourites tend towards the surviving elder statesmen strips of Dredd and Strontium Dog but I've happily found space in my plasteen pump of a heart for the likes of Dante and Tao De Moto over the years.  I've even been known to enjoy Sinister Dexter and Red Seas.  I miss Ace Garp and I don't miss Tales of Telguuth, but I guess that balances out!

Mind you...  I also liked Zippy Couriers and Helltrekkers a lot.  What can I tell you?  I was a crazy mixed-up juve.  Anyhow, I'm off to start the Do Thrillsuckers really taste like chicken? thread unless somebody's beaten me to it.

Oh.  Nearly forgot...  Hello.