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Messages - michaelarby

Announcements / Re: 2000 AD - The Ultimate Collection
03 February, 2024, 09:34:07 AM
Just got round to reading my Slaine Dragontamer copy, but the print quality is terrible - every other page the text is misaligned and the artwork muddy. Anyone else have the same thing happen?
Thanks for all the positive feedback guys, I really appreciate it!

The 'Revenge' thing was just taking a potshot at anime cartoons where characters often take super cutesy form for a moment, to sell an emotional beat!
Howdy guys. As work continues on my anthology book (ive shared a few of the strips before) I've also been toying with the idea of making comic zines. I'm so ridiculously slow, that I figured a few of these would be a good way to bulk out my tabls at conventions etc.

Here's the first:

As always, more work can be found on

Announcements / Re: 2000 AD - The Ultimate Collection
17 October, 2023, 12:59:30 PM
Howdy Chaps. Gave up collecting after 140 but did a wee bit of cherry picking. just got Button man, Zenith vol 2, and Slaine Dragontamer in the post - looking forward to reading those. Seems like quite a few decent books in the extension from what you guys are saying. could be tempted by avatar, as I love dan abnetts other stuff, and do I recall hearing proteus vex is good?
Reread volume 1 of kingdom yesterday. So good! Gonna reread 2 before 3. Only annoying thing is I actually read the final story - alpha and omega in the prog when it came out. Cant remember much of it tbf, but cant help but feel a bit anticlimactic.
Creative Common / Re: Art Stars 2023 Entry
08 June, 2023, 05:30:40 PM
Quote from: Le Fink on 08 June, 2023, 01:32:22 PMAs above, and I love the percent symbol and the cowering/surprised expression in the penultimate panel. Very nice.

Those i actually noticed from the accountant judges in the small house storyline (if i recall correctly) so thought would be a fun detsil to include!
Creative Common / Re: Art Stars 2023 Entry
08 June, 2023, 12:31:18 PM
Haha on reflection, I dont know why I didnt just say 'Moments later'

I think i should have split that 3rd panel into 2 as well, getting a closer look at the explosion.
Cheers guys. Theres a strip called shako. Havent read it yet tho
Creative Common / Art Stars 2023 Entry
07 June, 2023, 09:48:21 PM

Just sharing here for one last hurrah now that its over - my entry for the 2023 Art stars contest. Cheers!
Is button man a good read? I'm cherry picking this last extension but it seems to already be far better quality than the last.

Zenith was a decent read - recognised a lot of familiar 'grant morrison-isms' that would appear in invisibles.

Just had Kingdom V3 and the new Dredd arrive through the door. Kindgom was one of my favourite discoveries of the whole UC so glad were getting a finale(?).
I bought the robo hunters to have the full collection, but i read the first one and the others are still in plastic wrap! Just didnt appeal to me.

Meanwhile - super stoked that theres a kingdom volume 3. Those were some of my favourites in the UC. Will volume 3 actually finish the story? Or just get it up to date with the prog?

I was looking forward to picking up zenith but forbidden planet dont seem to be stocking it! - EDIT - SCRATCH THAT - it is there, it just has a release date of 22nd aug 2022 for some reason, so it wasnt appearing when i hit sort by release date! Very strange, but ordered now!
Thanks for the positive feedback guys, really appreciate it! I've already noticed a few mistakes though- missed an apostrophe in the title :'(  Ugh!

Credo I honestly hadnt considered the 'why' of killing the monster repeatedly but the idea of a necromantic chicken is funny. Like he dabbled in sorcery in college and this is his shameful secret he has to take care of for the reset of his life as a result.
Hello again guys. I made another little short comic - this one more just like a little joke i daydreamed about recently and had to put to paper! I dont even know if it makes sense!

If you like and want to see my other work, check out


I enjoyed returners and blunt well enough. cant remember much about returners though other than it enjoyably passed a few hours. I did like blunt and actually quite liked the art style. I enjoyed the colouring.

Age of the wolf has been sitting abandoned for a few weeks now. Not in any rush to finish it.

Stickleback, Leviathan, cradlegrave and devlin waugh were all very enjoyable. I have both brass sun volumes but have only read the first one so far - it was fine but i think i havent been in the mood for that kind of story lately so its sitting on the 'to read' pile.

Enjoying the new dredd volume but so far there doesnt seem to be much to differentiate it from mainline dredd other than the different uniforms. but again, nice to see the movie universe be continued at all.
Picked up age of the wolf and Dredd from the latest extension, and gonna pick up zenith cos you guys have mentioned it so many times in this thread. but other than that, not sure what to cherry pick. not too gripped by age of the wolf after reading the first arc, but that may have been my mindset when reading - think i was trying to force myself to read it when i shoulda read something else. will try again in a month or two.