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Messages - NSFTM

Film Discussion / Re: Dredd - Box Office
23 September, 2012, 07:47:38 PM
Worst month in US cinema since in years.. And a low budget british indie film with an 18 certificate based on a niche comic character starring relatively unknowns makes the the top ten..with 6 million dollars... Its pretty good performance and its a decent movie.

And thats bad because?
Film Discussion / Re: Dredd - Box Office
23 September, 2012, 03:54:29 PM
can you provide a list of theatre please?

and the contact an Lions gate, I'd like to call them directly for an official comment.

Off Topic / Re: Best Cover Version?
23 September, 2012, 02:34:28 PM
my favorite sister Cover is Confide in me ...

Paradise losts - small town boy

Pop will eat itself games with out frontiers -

Best NIN Cover  joy divisions Atmosphere

Best cover of a NIN Song (apart from Hurt) - Head like a Hole performed on a C64

Film Discussion / Re: Dredd - Box Office
23 September, 2012, 12:37:46 PM
Probably the same well informed people who told us the violence was going to be toned down or it look cheap or travis had been murdered by garland
Film Discussion / Re: Dredd - Box Office
22 September, 2012, 09:04:37 PM
It's like the fall of Rome on here

It hasn't even been out 24 hours in the states yet

The Film cost 45 million to make which is fuck all, when you have a near global market to recoup the costs
it will make it's money back,  5 million from the UK(at least) 20 million from the US(at least)... and then the other 198 countries it has or will be released in

the number crunchers at lionsgate/reliance/IM and DNA  would not deliberately back something that was going to fail, the are aware of the limited appeal.. they will have done the maths, it will turn a profit.

we all appreciate that big openers in the States can make or break American films but this is a low-budget British indie film, backed by Indian money

Then theirs BD/DVD and commando forces who will bump up the final figure.

when the bottomline is finally announced in six or seven months time then we'll know if we will get a sequel.

Garland himself said that it was a hard sell, and it was a long shot that it would turn a huge profit off the bat.

any way back to the looting and the panicking ..if anyones looking for me i'll be trying to break into the FutureShop
Prog / Re: Prog 1802 - Wanna Confess?
22 September, 2012, 10:15:19 AM
loving the ABC warrior art
feeling pretty anxious..

but no matter what happens we have a good dredd movie, and if you had of said to me 4 or 5 years ago their would even be another dredd movie i would never have believed it

General / Re: Should I bother?
20 September, 2012, 12:02:46 AM
Quote from: Mark Taylor on 19 September, 2012, 06:30:16 PM

Darn, I'm sending my Savage trades back, 'cos they left those pages out of mine.

Erm... no.

That is unfortunate, the problems with the reproduction of Dredd in last weeks Prog and now the omission of cliche in Savage trades..Mek quake will be busy
General / Re: Should I bother?
19 September, 2012, 08:23:01 AM
Quote from: Mark Taylor on 18 September, 2012, 11:12:17 PM

Defoe book 2 and the new Flesh do something similar to what you're suggesting. Other recent Mills strips... not so much. Savage, Greysuit, American Reaper?... don't see it.

Savage does do it, it always introduces a general , followed by a couple of panels of his hench men, who have been responsible for such and such and have a catchy nick name..

American reaper i'm fairly sure did do it , their was splash page of 6 or seven characters talking in techno babble about their new bodies...
General / Re: Should I bother?
18 September, 2012, 10:55:04 PM
I'm not a fan of mills recent out put, its formulaic.(introduces 7 characters over a two page splash -  one has a mysterious past and another is a religious deviant so on and so one- not happy with the retcon he's doing on the ABC warriors either -  i haven't a fecking clue where it sits in the continuity -  but their his babies if he wants to Lucas them so be it)

Dredds great and even the weakest thrill is better and fresher than anything I've looked at from the recent DC/Marvel stable

and you've missed some gems .. such as cradlegrave
it is class a constant source of argument settling info
you could use barney for the time being
General / Re: What Songs are inspired by Dredd/2000ad?
15 September, 2012, 09:04:41 AM
not strictly related .. but i think it was judgement on Gotham got me into god lives underwater as one of the perps was wearing a T shirt with GLU thsirt
General / Re: What is the standard age of 2000ad readers?
14 September, 2012, 11:46:47 PM
36 ... i like talking about the good old days when i was 34
Film Discussion / Re: DREDD reviews. (SPOILERS!)
13 September, 2012, 09:06:50 PM
Dredd does have a reputation for the punishment fitting the crime

he also stuck sabbats head on lodestone for an eternity of torment