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Started by Concrete Block 15, 03 September, 2006, 11:22:08 PM

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Do you think we should get in touch with Doug ourselves, and inform him that someone's making him a laughing stock?


Do you think we should get in touch with Doug ourselves

Oh god, it'll be the Sheard saga all over again :-s



Dear Doug.

Please come to Shedcon. We think you're great.

Signed Arthur.



How many aliases has scott got this time then? 4? 5?

Wake, for all that is holy - ban him please. not just for the Reasons Logan gave, which are the best reasons, but for the fact Im getting bored of killfiling each and everyone of his psyeudomyns.

Concrete Block 15

Oh bless, you took the trouble to track down and post images just for my benefit. That's so sweet! But off to bed with you all soon, it's back to school again tomorrow, remember?

I could waste my time trying to convince you that I'm not the latest sock puppet incarnation belonging to some troll who's clearly pissed you all off previously... but why expend the effort? For not being bothered about what I have to say... hey, here you all are, tapping away and posting your pretty pictures. Who's the bigger mungo now?

I doubt that thus far, I've gone and received a single response from anyone who's even old enough to go see the WATCHMEN movie when it's released (and that's taking into acount it won't hit cinemas until 2008 at rhe earliest.) I was clearly reading it when you lot were still an itch in daddy's pants... whoever he was.

Betcha all thought Stallone was cooool as Judge Dredd, didn't ya? Now, upstairs with you!

Boy - this if fun!


The Amstor Computer


Something tells me we've hit a nerve.

I doubt that thus far, I've gone and received a single response from anyone who's even old enough to go see the WATCHMEN movie when it's released (and that's taking into acount it won't hit cinemas until 2008 at rhe earliest.) I was clearly reading it when you lot were still an itch in daddy's pants... whoever he was.

Contender for funniest thing posted this year, methinks.


Anyway, OT - Always thought Brad Dourif would be perfect as Rorschach.

Richmond Clements


Jeffrey Combs (sp?) - he's already got lots of practice in by playing the Question character pretty much as Rorschach in Justice League Unlimited.
DC, in typically inventive form, have turned the comics version into a carbon-copy of the animated version, too.  Must be something in it.
Combs, or Bruce Campbell.

Matt Timson


Concrete Block 15

Twenty-six replies in little over four hours. Wow - thanks!

Fuck off troll.

Hmmm. Not particularly original, admittedly, but you spelt all the words right so credit where credit's due; well done you.

And what's this! A few OT comments worthy of consideration starting to creep in? Thanks, guys.
My faith in the Squaxx Dek Thargo is restored, so down to business!

Both Dourif and Caruso are worthy choices; their acting credentials are certainly assured. I?m somewhat concerned as to their physical attributes for the role of Rorschach, however (both are pretty tall guys, more than Walter Kovac?s 5?06.) My biggest gripe with them would be the excess baggage they would bring to the part on account of their past, plentiful exposure. As soon as we see them on screen at the start in the guise of The End Is Nigh vagrant guy, the audience is far more likely to twig straight away ?Well, they must be gonna be a superhero in this later on?, thereby significantly lessening the impact in the classic scene when the NYPD pull that freaky mask from Rorschach?s head to reveal? well, whaddaya know!   Notwithstanding that Caruso is reportedly quite ahem?  ?difficult? to work with; ever wonder why his movie career never quite took off into the stratosphere that many (himself included!) projected after giving NYPD Blue the elbow?

Dunno ?bout Combs?s look or his acting chops but SHIT! He sure got the voice down, with The Question on DC?s animated JLU! Ever since catching that, I?ve always heard that for Rorschach, nice and creepy and expressionless. P?haps a little deeper, more gravelly? Combs mixed with a little Tom Waits would be spot on!

Nonetheless, if Hutchison doesn?t get the gig, both Dave or Brad would be acceptable replacements, neither being possessed of conventional pretty boy Hollywood looks, which is a requisite of the part; ?fascinatingly ugly? I think the line in WATCHMEN goes! Hunky Hugh Jackman somehow cuts it as Lil? Ole Wolverine?but I don?t believe this approach would work with Rorschach. The guy?s all fucked up - he?s gotta inferiority complex over his height after all, hence the elevator shoes! The whole point is that the fearsome masked Teror Of The Underworld is, well? a short, gettin? on a bit smelly guy!
Seriously, who here hasn?t seen The Green Mile? The X Files?s Squeeze & Tooms episodes at least, huh?

Slightly OFF topic, now.. well, kinda - favourite Moore 2000AD gig? (probably comes down to which Book of Halo Jones you prefer!)  Gibbons art - Harlem Heroes, Dare, Rogue Trooper??



Why on earth not? A successful life is full of various compromises.

Since I've got no idea who Doug Hutchinson is, I couldn't care less how much he wants the part.  Isn't that up to the producers?

Concrete Block 15

Yup, you're absolutely right, Banana Boy.
A SUCCESSFUL life IS full of various compromises - which is why, since the quote was taken directly outta WATCHMEN itself, Rorschach had such a shitty life and wound up being blown to smithereens in the snow by some stark bollock naked blue guy, I guess!

Quick show of hands - who here on what is predominantly a comics site HASN'T actually read WATCHMEN, huh? Just so I know whether or not to quote from it again, y'know...

As to never having heard of Hutchison, then I guess some folks's movie and TV tastes are as limited as their choice in comics (The Green Mile? Little cult show called The X Files, moderately popular in it's time, I believe. Bells ringing yet?)

Very true, the final say on casting IS ulimately down to the producers holding the purse strings, on the advice of their director, casting directors, etc., etc..
But how many shite movies have we all sat through, especially comic book adaptations, where throughout the entire process of bringin' 'em to the screen, the fans have KEPT THE FUCK SHUT UP, only to then piss 'n' moan about the appropriateness of the chosen cast to play their beloved characters ("NO WAY!" "HE'LL SUCK!" HE WON'T DO (INSERT CHARACTER OF CHOICE HERE) JUSTICE!")

Or maybe you're part of the camp who DO think that Sly did Old Stoney Face proud!

Nuff said.