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Prog 2381: A grizzly fate

Started by IndigoPrime, 04 May, 2024, 11:47:39 AM

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Spoilers ahead. Look away now, Earthlet, if you've not read the Prog...

First up, nice cover. Second up, new Mike Carroll/Joe Currie series Silver gets trailed. And then we're on to Dredd. And I'm sorry, but I hated this ending. All of it worked really well, but that first panel on the final page killed it for me. I'm not even sure what the message is here. That Dredd is unkillable? (Well, sure: he has plot armour.) That he's dangerous to be around – especially if you're a supporting character female judge, apparently? Or that by breaking character from being cautious to leaping into the fray, the Cadet sealed her own fate? Maybe it's the last of those, but I'm not sure how it benefits the story itself to wipe her out. And, good grief, 1) Who would agree to go on a mission with Dredd now? And 2) Why would the Chief Judge allow Dredd to take prominent Cadets off when he's just got another killed?

Anyway, a weird one, because I loved parts one through five, but part six just made me feel a little sick.

Aquila meanwhile, twists in a surprising way by dialling down the body count. Some thoughtful words from the key protagonists add depth to this strip and ensure it has the capacity to surprise – rather than the more obvious path of Aquila killing everyone. And Indigo Prime twists as well, to its end – although I'm not sure to what end. A new cast list? I don't know. I'm... not sure I care any more, even if that last frame did feel very old-school Indigo Prime.

Brink continues to be wonderful. As ever, Abnett/Culbard are masters at creating intrigue and interest from a lot of talking heads, and then ramping up the horror and pace with that last (and chilling) page. It's excellent compacted storytelling. And you can see why newcomers from the US might sometimes struggle with 2000 AD, because this would be an entire 20+ pages of strip in an Image floppy.

But Proteus Vex is the masterpiece this issue. Yes, it was a feint (phew). But there's then another within this single episode. And good grief at that masterful last page. I can't wait to see what happens next with this one.

In all, then, another pretty great Prog, even if what happened in Dredd felt... unnecessary at best, even cruel.

Le Fink

Cover is like a classic monster movie poster a la Jaws. Good stuff.


Seconding Indigo Prime's view on Dredd which was brutal. Exciting, horrific, grisly and grim. The cadet's actions felt against type as IP says. On the other hand they were lucky to have survived that long, and Dredd nearly (should have?) got it too. Still, shame the new cadet character has been thrown away.

I felt it was time for Indigo Prime to end. It was fun for a while but there's only so long you can run with an hard to comprehend storyline before getting a bit fed up as a reader. It did feel a bit like more mad things were being thrown into the mix as a substitute for a story. Surely it doesn't have to be so opaque. Lee Carter did a sterling job visualising the craziness.

Aquila yes nice change to see progress made through reasoning. Oh hang on we have a decapitation too... that's just cakeism. Brilliant! Good episode.

Brink is sheer class. Aargh who is the client... what's going on with the PI... just superb. "We're close, I know all his codes"... hmmm. I want more of this!

Proteus Vex as IP says, phew... on the other hand Midnight is basically a mass murderer. Is any of this self defence now? Ah what the hell. Come on Midnight!

Good prog - agree that Dredd was a bit too grim this week.


With Dredd, it was also a case of: what was the point in setting up the cadet? She's good. She's different. She's not a show off. He liked her. He didn't like many. Etc. Oh, and now she's dead. Could have been supporting cast. Could have grown. But no: dead. Yet another in the long, long, long list. I don't know why it annoyed me so much, but it just did. Maybe it was just: hey, this character seems intriguing. She could be interesting. But she was just more cannon fodder. Another red shirt to get killed in the service of the story. (Honestly, it wasn't even that shocking/surprising either. It was just sad.)

Colin YNWA


Well let's get too it shall we. Dredd, good in some ways, annoying in others. Why was this 8 pages? Rob Williams seems to get these extended endings a lot and this one just felt so indulgent and just wasn't justified for needed. The story ends as so many have done before BUT in this instance that's disappointing ... or is it... we don't know yet... I hope. So to be of any value this needs to open something else. If Moon is just gone and the point is "Death's coming... won't be long now." that's weak. If Moon's fate has some ramifications for Dredd and Williams' Dredd tales and take on the character then fine. It not this is just annoying as it stands.

This tale was enjoyable enough fun on one level but offered little new except that key specific of the ending which leaves a lot of questions... or not... and if its the latter its just poor... hmmm what a strange ending.

Everything else is top draw mind.

Aquila - nice turn of events.

Indigo Prime great stuff, and now want to re-read to piece a few bits together. I think I have a reading that works for me, we'll see but this was great.

Brink - genius as ever.

Proteus Vex - yes but she's the fun kinda mass murder. What a character what a story!

So great Prog except a decent Dredd that's left me with more questions than answers... I hope...

Robin Low

Quote from: IndigoPrime on 04 May, 2024, 07:51:30 PMWith Dredd, it was also a case of: what was the point in setting up the cadet? She's good. She's different. She's not a show off. He liked her. He didn't like many. Etc. Oh, and now she's dead. Could have been supporting cast. Could have grown. But no: dead. Yet another in the long, long, long list. I don't know why it annoyed me so much, but it just did. Maybe it was just: hey, this character seems intriguing. She could be interesting. But she was just more cannon fodder. Another red shirt to get killed in the service of the story. (Honestly, it wasn't even that shocking/surprising either. It was just sad.)

I'm keeping a vague eye on what's happening in the Prog so I have an idea of what trades I might want to pick up.

Very disappointed to read this. It just assuages my doubts about cancelling my subscriptions. 



Quote from: IndigoPrime on 04 May, 2024, 07:51:30 PMCould have been supporting cast. Could have grown. But no: dead. Yet another in the long, long, long list.

I was thinking of why some of the strips in Dredd's world and in 2000AD have worked so well and it comes down to character development and building personalities around a central figure, who with Dredd, isn't really all that interesting.

The Pit was a great example of this as John Wagner introduced us to a diverse cast who we really engaged with as did Necropolis with the Cadets, McGruder & Anderson.

Rob Williams has also given birth to a wonderful range of personalities, most notably in Low Life and some of the supporting cast in Dredd and MC1 have been the kind of characters you can get behind...  before they all pretty much die.

It might be quite funny when in the script writing room, but I see this as such a waste and takes too much away from the story. Ok they are Judges, it's dangerous, we get it, but readers like familiarity and people we can return to over and over again to get to know and love.

Someone mentioned cancelling their subscription recently, I've done the same, I don't get much from stories like this now, Dredd's world has shrunk and despite the Editors wanting him to live for another 20 years (that's another story) I just don't enjoy these stories as I once did. I find myself getting winsome for the Wagner days and I'm not as excited as most on here by the new artists and writers, so perhaps it's a good time to bow out after 36 years.

Maybe Mr Williams could kill off another significant character in the Dredd universe and I would definetly pay to see that... I suspect that if he could get away with it, he would.

Funt Solo

An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


I enjoyed the Dredd story but the last episode was "stupid". Again why as already stated do we need another cannon-fodder character rather than a new character. No explanation of what was Dredd's actual mission just a 6 episode wilderness chase scene.

Let's start a petition #BringBackMOON
When I die, I want to die like my grandfather who died peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like all the passengers in his car.

Old age is the Lord's way of telling us to step aside for something new. Death's in case we didn't take the hint.


A good prog that was letdown by a disappointing ending to the Dredd story.

Dredd – I already set my 2 cents.

Aquila – A good episode that breaks away from the previous violence (do not worry we do get some awesome massacre scene as well) as Aquila is moving closer to his objective.

Prime – Well it ends, and I am not sure that I really want to see another series. This was ok but with the weekly run in most cases it just felt like I must re-read the previous episodes to keep track.

Brink – Wow another awesome episode especially that last page. It is amazing how in 5 pages Abnett can spin up 4 different scenes. This series has been in top form since it first series. Another great thing about this is where are Abnett taking us? This is not a rollercoaster but a slow burn.

Vex – The focus is back to Midnight and this episode on its own would have owned the prog. What happens next? Why must we wait another week? Also mister Lynch your art is fantastic
When I die, I want to die like my grandfather who died peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like all the passengers in his car.

Old age is the Lord's way of telling us to step aside for something new. Death's in case we didn't take the hint.

Barrington Boots

Dredd - to more or less agree with what others have said, for me, this ending outright sucked.
There's some neat things about how this story was set up - it seems there's a deliberate decision here to remove any context: we don't know what the judges mission is, where there are (even their destination is only 'the city') and the was no setup beyond the prologue recruitment episode: by removing any sense of exposition and focusing 100% on the action it's a very different model, like a little snapshit of violence and desperation, and I thought this was a really interesting concept.
The last episode (presumably) puts the capstone on the story though and for my reading switched it from interesting to 'what was the point'. The fun of it - besides the great artwork on display - in retrospect was the crazy concept of Dredd being chased by a gigantic bear for the whole strip and that being the whole plot. The end itself isn't a strong one: Dredd does very little throughout other than get his colleagues killed, the pit he dug to kill a massive bullet proof bear must have been the biggest spiked pit in the universe, he finishes alone and without much in the way of supplies in the middle of nowhere... and that's before we get onto the bitter fate of Moon. I'm not sure if this was an attempt to do a rug pull on the reader (she's going to be a great new character... oh! she died!) or if there's future stories coming out of this and if so this may look different in retrospect but at this stage this seems like something that really detracted from the story. It leaves a sour taste.

Moving on....

Aquila Unexpected and enjoyable episode here. Having seen countless historical types chopped down, this was a very good change of pace and a nice use of Hannibal as something other than a punching bag. Hades Delenda Est!

Indigo Prime - Good episode and a good ending although the final page felt unnecessary - possibly a better postscript with an actor less odious than Depp. The preceding page though was great, full of crazy possibilities.
I know it's not resonated on here with many, but I've enjoyed this run a lot. Part of it has just been letting the absolute weirdness wash over me - the flipside of that, now it's finished, is that I never got the investment one might have in a more conventional strip, so although we've had a resent of sorts I'm fairly indifferent about another series. If it's here I'll likely dig it: if its not I won't hanker for it. Lovely, lovely work by Lee Carter.

Brink - Great Brink-ness. Superb last page, all the better for the preceding talking heads pages.

Proteus Vex - Top thrill once again for me. The depcitions of a wounded and vengeful Midnight are especially great this week and she seems unstoppable. Still no Vex himself, still no problem! This is just magnificent stuff.

You're a dark horse, Boots.


I'm also disappointment in the end of Dredd. Seems strange to follow up the death of Maitland with a story that introduces and kills off another female character. Two if you count their guide!

Having said that, I really enjoyed this story up until the end. The art has been phenomenal and I hope we see more of Guero soon. The page with him digging the pit ending with the line "You dig a mean grave" is great.

Brink is great as ever. Abnett's use of dialogue to build tension and intrigue is so good. To quote the quote quoted by Le Fink above "We're close, I know all his codes".

Funt Solo

It was dreadful to see Moon's promise fade to (probably) naught.

Playing devil's advocate, though, I think this could be part of an interesting meta. By the end of A Better World, it's clear that Dredd is losing control. I mean, literally, he's swamped by perps and crying out for Control, and not receiving any help. It's not just that he's lost faith in a leader (that's happened before), although he does seem now partially estranged from Logan. He has support in Beeny, but that only speaks to a wider split within Justice Department. Hernandez represents the Street Judges - and really that's where you might expect Dredd to command respect, but now they don't see their future in him. The SJS tidy away Maitland's evidence, so Maitland is both actually and metaphorically buried by the Department.

So, who can he turn to for support? Perhaps the Cadets? But Rend & Tear With Tooth & Claw shows us both that he needs support (he wouldn't have survived without Moon, or the perp - he's getting old, clumsy, his missions fail before, or just after, they get off the ground) but also can't reciprocate. At the end, he has to be alone (having, really, failed) - and realizing that death is coming - and not just for Arctos. Look at how small he is in the final frame.

It's bleak - yes - but I think it might be poetry.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.

Barrington Boots

I think that's a really, really good reading of things. Between Better World and this tale, Dredd does look old and a bit rubbish.

My problem is, as a reader I know Dredd will just plough on due to his IP value, so the tease of any big change seems hollow given how we've seen changes handled before. I'd love to be proved wrong though.
You're a dark horse, Boots.


I'm not sure that's how the creators see things though. When I suggested to Rob W that Dredd was somewhat ineffective in A Better World, he... passionately disagreed with me. (Which is fair enough. His story and all.)

I've no idea what the aim was for this latest ending. I really liked that it just dumped you into this odd little story and that Dredd was shown up a bit when out of his element (even if he's not always in stories). And then the cadet may as well have worn a red jumper. It can't even be the whole 'woe is Dredd – death is coming even for him' thing, because that's been going since the 600s in 2000 AD and he has plot armour. It's not going to happen. The only way Dredd will end is if 2000 AD ends. And even then, I doubt it would. The IP is too valuable.

So, clearly, I'm missing something obvious. Or perhaps the cruelty is the point. In which case, that kind of puts me off it even more. And that's really frustrating because if it wasn't for that last page (or even that one frame confirming Cadet Killed By Dredd #47), the story would have been so much more tense, and had a sliver of hope.


The Dredd story reminded me a little of the Steven Spielberg movie Duel - a thrilling chase with, as I recall (it's a long time since I've seen it), a somewhat anticlimactic ending.
AIEEEEEE! It's the...THING from the HELL PLANET!