2000 AD Online Forum

General Chat => Games => Topic started by: The Bissler on 29 January, 2022, 05:20:58 PM

Title: Judge Dredd Miniatures Game Youtube Series
Post by: The Bissler on 29 January, 2022, 05:20:58 PM
Hi all,

Later on this year, I plan on making a series of videos showcasing the Judge Dredd Miniatures Game in action. I'd want to tailor this best deliver what the community here would find most interesting to watch, so it would be great to get your thoughts on which of the 4 formats I'm currently chewing over you think you'd enjoy watching most:

1. "Real Play" video - i.e. film the whole game using hand held or tripod mounted cameras with a god's eye view of the action, including a camera on the dice tray, uploading it with minimal editing. This version would be the most game-focussed of the formats I'm considering.

2. "Narrative Gameplay" video - following the Strontium Dog series template as already established on my channel where the action is photographed and captions and speech bubbles are added to the photographs to give that feel of the strip. In addition, there would be references to the mission objectives, characters involved as well as including pics of the dice rolls, basically so as to provide some context to what is happening with the game mechanics as well. In other words, roughly 50% narrative, 50% about the game.

For anyone who's unfamiliar, here's an episode of the SD series with Middenface in action: https://youtu.be/-h5FS13_5ks

3. "Narrative Only" video - much the same as "Narrative Gameplay" video, except all of the references to the game, including pics of dice rolls etc, are removed and it is presented simply as a story, much as it would be in the prog (with the miniatures pics doing the job of the art).

4. "Immersive Narrative" video -  Exactly the same as the "Narrative only" video (no game references) except there is a narrator reading out the captions and voice actors playing the different characters and some sound effects added for gunshots, vehicles etc. This would be the most challenging and time consuming way to do it and I'd need to find members of the community willing to spend say 30 mins a month recording their dialogue on Discord. My youtube channel is not monetised so I'd be looking for people like myself who would be up for it simply for the love of Dredd and 2000AD. This is some months away from me getting to work on this, so I don't want anyone to be disappointed if they thought this was something that they could get involved with in the next 2 or 3 months, I'd expect it to be after that.

So, which would be of most interest to you? You can either pick one from format 1, 2, 3 or 4, or if you would like to rank them in order of preference from most to least preferred, that would be even more helpful! Thanks all!
Title: Re: Judge Dredd Miniatures Game Youtube Series
Post by: Trooper McFad on 29 January, 2022, 06:42:52 PM
Sounds a great idea.
Personally I'd like to see version 1 as I'm not gamer (just a painter) so it would be a good insight and possibly inspiration to cagoule my kids, who are both in their 20s to play along.

Good luck and I look forward to whatever you decide in doing.
Title: Re: Judge Dredd Miniatures Game Youtube Series
Post by: The Bissler on 30 January, 2022, 02:26:35 PM
Cheers Trooper! That's actually the easiest option for me so that's definitely doable!
Title: Re: Judge Dredd Miniatures Game Youtube Series
Post by: Leigh S on 30 January, 2022, 03:40:49 PM
Could you mix and match?

So show some of the action as almost a "how to" with all the rules, but then narrative up the most compelling bits where the narrative elements of the mechanics shine through? 

Title: Re: Judge Dredd Miniatures Game Youtube Series
Post by: The Bissler on 30 January, 2022, 04:22:26 PM
Thanks Leigh, I feel that would fall under option 2, much in the same vein as Allan's SD reports, or is there something more in that format that you'd like to see tweaked? He does always show the dice rolls, cards played etc while trying to put as much emphasis as possible in replicating the feel of the strip and focussing on the storytelling.

Actually, if you're looking for a "How to" video and Trooper wants to show how his (grown up) kids how to play, then I could arrange to make a tutorial video first of all before making the reports.
Title: Re: Judge Dredd Miniatures Game Youtube Series
Post by: Trooper McFad on 30 January, 2022, 04:59:46 PM
The  "How to" sounds a great idea. I always like to see how things are done rather than just read the rules. It always makes it clearer in my mind.
Title: Re: Judge Dredd Miniatures Game Youtube Series
Post by: The Bissler on 21 February, 2022, 06:58:05 PM
Quote from: Trooper McFad on 30 January, 2022, 04:59:46 PM
The  "How to" sounds a great idea. I always like to see how things are done rather than just read the rules. It always makes it clearer in my mind.

Hey Trooper, apologies I didn't answer sooner! I've recently been upgrading my gadgets for filming recently, but yes, thanks to your suggestion, this will be the first thing I do! I can't promise how quickly it'll come around, but it definitely will be top of the list for when I start doing things for JD!
Title: Re: Judge Dredd Miniatures Game Youtube Series
Post by: The Bissler on 21 February, 2022, 06:59:29 PM
I thought some of you may be interested in this unboxing video which shows the terrain set I'll be using (plus some of my collection of JD miniatures with the terrain towards the end of the video).

Title: Re: Judge Dredd Miniatures Game Youtube Series
Post by: The Bissler on 03 March, 2022, 11:40:15 PM
Actually Trooper, I just spotted that Warlord made some video guides about how to play the game. They have made it more to the point and with better production values than I could.

Core Rules: https://youtu.be/onycLT6srns
Shooting: https://youtu.be/jw1NEkhrWVU

Because Warlord have already done it, rather than making an out and out how to guide, I'm going to record a couple of sessions and we'll make a point of also explaining how the game works during play. The more I think about it, the more I think by showing the game in action, it might make learning how to play a bit easier.
Title: Re: Judge Dredd Miniatures Game Youtube Series
Post by: The Bissler on 03 March, 2022, 11:49:00 PM
Ha! Foiled again! I think this will be very helpful to you Trooper!

Title: Re: Judge Dredd Miniatures Game Youtube Series
Post by: Trooper McFad on 04 March, 2022, 10:04:54 AM
Quote from: The Bissler on 03 March, 2022, 11:49:00 PM
Ha! Foiled again! I think this will be very helpful to you Trooper!


Thanks Bissler that was interesting and makes it a bit clearer- 👍🏻
Title: Re: Judge Dredd Miniatures Game Youtube Series
Post by: The Bissler on 06 March, 2022, 04:19:08 PM
No bother - I'm hoping to have my first report up in a few week's time. It'll be a similar format to that last video, falling under the "Option 1" umbrella. Later on in the year, I'll start making some "Option 2" videos - there was a lot more feedback on the various Facebook groups that this was the overall preferred format.
Title: Re: Judge Dredd Miniatures Game Youtube Series
Post by: Green Lynx on 11 March, 2022, 11:34:21 PM
I would love this!

I'm both incredibly happy and ashamed to say that I have bought every miniature available for the game (including the vehicles and hab-zone), but they're all still in the boxes because a) I can't paint and haven't plucked up the courage to go out and buy paints, nor can I find any decent painting guides, and b) I literally have nobody to play with!

I bought the starter set and a few extras purely on impulse without realizing that I kinda need to make a terrain landscape that looks even slightly like MC1, so the game is staring at me and saying and "Now what, dumbass?"

If there were a series of videos (or even a community of players on here), it will hopefully give me the kick up the arse I need to actually play the damn thing!
Title: Re: Judge Dredd Miniatures Game Youtube Series
Post by: The Bissler on 14 March, 2022, 11:09:05 PM
Apologies for failing to spot your message until now Green Lynx - and thank you for the encouraging words!

Please don't feel bad about having unpainted minis - all tabletop gamers talk about their "pile of shame" so I feel your pain! To help you tackle it, this channel on YouTube is excellent for painting guides for the minis: https://youtube.com/c/smallworldgames

I'm running the game tomorrow but it might be a few weeks before the report goes live because I have so much on the slate at the moment - but I can really recommend you check out the Strontium Dog: The Killing videos on my channel - the Judge Dredd Miniatures Game uses the same rules as the Strontium Dog Miniatures Game so those are just as useful. While my pal Allan who creates these reports (I just convert his pics into a video format) likes to recreate the look and feel of the strip in them, he also photographs dice results and captions them all, so after you watch a few Bouts, you should know the basics of the rules! Please see the other thread here on the forum under games for all the links to the Strontium Dog videos!

I'd also recommend checking out Facebook for the 2000AD miniatures game groups because there's a great and very friendly community there where you will find inspiration and advice!

If there's anything else I can help with, please give me a shout!
Title: Re: Judge Dredd Miniatures Game Youtube Series
Post by: Barrington Boots on 15 March, 2022, 11:15:10 AM
I second the recommendation for Bissler's SD videos, they're a cool watch.
Definitely don't worry about having unpainted models. Just give the game a go and have some fun with it!
Title: Re: Judge Dredd Miniatures Game Youtube Series
Post by: The Bissler on 16 March, 2022, 12:53:52 AM
Quote from: Barrington Boots on 15 March, 2022, 11:15:10 AM
I second the recommendation for Bissler's SD videos, they're a cool watch.
Definitely don't worry about having unpainted models. Just give the game a go and have some fun with it!

Yes, excellent point - it's a fairly recent phenomenon that I have properly painted minis on my tables, but for all those years that I didn't, I never let that getting in the way of playing! To be honest, I've always been far more interested in the games than the hobby and would definitely say go for it.

Thanks for the kind words Mr Barrington Boots and I'm thrilled you enjoy them so much that you'd be willing to recommend them to others! I'll also make Allan aware, I'm sure he'll be thrilled that someone with a name like yours is enjoying what he's up to!
Title: Re: Judge Dredd Miniatures Game Youtube Series
Post by: Barrington Boots on 16 March, 2022, 08:48:10 AM
My opinion is not to be trifled with! But yes, I don't often comment on the threads but I do enjoy watching them and I appreciate you posting them here.

I don't play Dredd / SD but I do play tabletop wargames and whilst things do look nicer painted and with lovely scenery, it's far from essential and important not to let it get in the way of the fun! I think it's also worth remembering that in the heat of battle, so to speak, you won't be looking at the paintjobs with anywhere like the same critical eye as when you're painting. It's a little different at skirmish level but when your rank and file die like flies, nobody really cares if some of the eyes are a little wonky or you didn't pick out the belt buckles.
The internet can be a great source of inspiration for painting but sometimes it can make you feel a bit inadequate when you see how good other people are. Just go for it when you're ready and have fun.

Title: Re: Judge Dredd Miniatures Game Youtube Series
Post by: The Bissler on 18 March, 2022, 12:05:20 AM
Well said Mr Barrington Boots!

PS For those interested, I recorded two games of Dredd on Tuesday night and will be releasing the first "real play" video tomorrow night. I'll try to remember to share it here!

This was my first time really filming something like this, so all constructive criticism will be welcomed because I want to make them the best that I can!
Title: Re: Judge Dredd Miniatures Game Youtube Series
Post by: The Bissler on 18 March, 2022, 05:06:07 PM
On The Mean Streets Of Sector 43: Sugar Rush


As promised, here's the first of several real play videos, starting with the first starter scenario!
Title: Re: Judge Dredd Miniatures Game Youtube Series
Post by: Trooper McFad on 18 March, 2022, 07:18:30 PM
Good vid - like your street setup
Title: Re: Judge Dredd Miniatures Game Youtube Series
Post by: The Bissler on 18 March, 2022, 09:42:00 PM
Quote from: Trooper McFad on 18 March, 2022, 07:18:30 PM
Good vid - like your street setup

Thank you Trooper, I greatly appreciate your kind words! Thank you for watching!
Title: Re: Judge Dredd Miniatures Game Youtube Series
Post by: The Bissler on 01 April, 2022, 07:48:42 PM
On The Mean Streets Of Sector 43: Half Eagle Day

Title: Re: Judge Dredd Miniatures Game Youtube Series
Post by: Dandontdare on 01 April, 2022, 08:42:16 PM
I enjoyed these but was a bit lost - is there a vid that explains the basic mechanics? Those dice rolls were baffling! There's so much content on your channel (which I'm about to start browsing) but I haven't found that one yet.

and as Trooper McFad said, your set-up is fabulous, love those cardboard street sets
Title: Re: Judge Dredd Miniatures Game Youtube Series
Post by: The Bissler on 01 April, 2022, 09:55:32 PM
Quote from: Dandontdare on 01 April, 2022, 08:42:16 PM
I enjoyed these but was a bit lost - is there a vid that explains the basic mechanics? Those dice rolls were baffling! There's so much content on your channel (which I'm about to start browsing) but I haven't found that one yet.

and as Trooper McFad said, your set-up is fabulous, love those cardboard street sets

Thanks so much for watching and for the feedback! I haven't made any tutorial videos but that's only because Warlord Games (who make it) did a few little videos which I didn't feel I could improve upon. Hopefully they'll help!


I'm happy to answer any questions that you still have though!

If I could perhaps recommend the Strontium Dog: The Killing videos on the other thread under Games here? My pal Allan who shoots them puts a lot of effort into the narrative of the game and they may be more fun for someone unfamiliar with the game. If you're not interested in the game stuff, skip a few mins in to each report to where the action begins. These pretty much are an attempt to make a video comic and although I have selfish reasons to want to promote them, I genuinely think Allan's series is great and well worth trying out if you're a fan of the Strontium Dog strip (and feedback is always greatly welcomed).
Title: Re: Judge Dredd Miniatures Game Youtube Series
Post by: The Bissler on 15 April, 2022, 07:52:02 PM
On The Mean Streets of Sector 43: Sweet Justice

Title: Re: Judge Dredd Miniatures Game Youtube Series
Post by: Leigh S on 15 April, 2022, 08:15:26 PM
Need to catch up on all these!

Will you be doing some videos on the Slaine game - got my order yesterday and I have to say I am impressed by the minis - the resiny material seems a bit better than the Dredd ones, but that might be my imagination!
Title: Re: Judge Dredd Miniatures Game Youtube Series
Post by: Trooper McFad on 15 April, 2022, 09:40:38 PM
Another great play through- again very impressive set up (buildings and vehicles) I know these details are not essential to enjoy the play but when watching shorts like you have produced those details are great.

Keep up the good work 👍🏻😁
Title: Re: Judge Dredd Miniatures Game Youtube Series
Post by: The Bissler on 15 April, 2022, 10:40:56 PM
Quote from: Leigh S on 15 April, 2022, 08:15:26 PM
Need to catch up on all these!

Will you be doing some videos on the Slaine game - got my order yesterday and I have to say I am impressed by the minis - the resiny material seems a bit better than the Dredd ones, but that might be my imagination!

Apologies Leigh, but Slaine is the only 2000AD game that's likely to pass me by. The minis look great and I'm sure it'll be a lot of fun but I don't have much in the way of fantasy terrain and I have fairly limited cupboard space.
Title: Re: Judge Dredd Miniatures Game Youtube Series
Post by: The Bissler on 15 April, 2022, 10:45:35 PM
Quote from: Trooper McFad on 15 April, 2022, 09:40:38 PM
Another great play through- again very impressive set up (buildings and vehicles) I know these details are not essential to enjoy the play but when watching shorts like you have produced those details are great.

Keep up the good work 👍🏻😁

Thanks so much Trooper, I'm delighted you're enjoying these so much! I've just received some other bits and pieces which will help up the look of the board and I've got a dice tray on the way so hopefully I'll the look and the format will keep improving! Cheers for watching and taking the time to provide feedback as it's greatly appreciated!
Title: Re: Judge Dredd Miniatures Game Youtube Series
Post by: The Bissler on 13 May, 2022, 08:36:31 PM
The Heist

Grab yourself some snacks and get comfortable as we embark on a titanic feature-length 50 point Notoriety clash between Billy Paxton Citi-Def and Mimi Carey Block Gangers! Can the Paxton Citi-Def succeed in their daring heist? More importantly, who are you siding with? Tune in to find out!

Title: Re: Judge Dredd Miniatures Game Youtube Series
Post by: The Bissler on 12 June, 2022, 09:05:32 PM
Crackdown: Mega-Battle & Experimental Rules

This was an early test of some new rules to hopefully help the game's balance - they do not go as far as the finished version does. I'll be sharing a blog post with the new rules soon! Meantime, enjoy!

Title: Re: Judge Dredd Miniatures Game Youtube Series
Post by: The Bissler on 08 July, 2022, 06:14:15 PM
Sugar Rush Chip Cap Playtest and Narrative Report

Okay, so I know I've shared a video for Sugar Rush before, but this one features the new chip cap rule and, inspired by Allan Stenhouse's Strontium Dog campaign, I've completely changed the format to make it a purely narrative report. It's much shorter than previous reports and because of that, I've added an audio commentary at the end for anyone who'd be interested in my ramblings!

Title: Re: Judge Dredd Miniatures Game Youtube Series
Post by: The Bissler on 19 August, 2022, 09:13:28 PM
Half Eagle Day Chip Cap Playtest and Narrative Report

Once again, I've tried to the best of my abilities to replicate the look and feel of the strip - I leave it up to everyone else to judge whether or not I'm successful!

Title: Re: Judge Dredd Miniatures Game Youtube Series
Post by: wedgeski on 20 August, 2022, 01:44:59 PM
That is fab looking, great job. I'll give it a better watch later this weekend.
Title: Re: Judge Dredd Miniatures Game Youtube Series
Post by: The Bissler on 20 August, 2022, 04:26:22 PM
Quote from: wedgeski on 20 August, 2022, 01:44:59 PM
That is fab looking, great job. I'll give it a better watch later this weekend.

That's very kind, thank you! I hope you enjoy it!
Title: Re: Judge Dredd Miniatures Game Youtube Series
Post by: The Bissler on 24 August, 2023, 10:55:57 AM
The Day The Law Died Scenario

Warlord has been releasing a number of free scenarios for the Judge Dredd Miniatures Game under "Resources" on their website and The Day The Law Died scenario gave me the chance to try out the Kleggs! Follow the link if you want to find out just how brutal they can be! Note: due to people being away on holiday at the time (and because the scenario is very straightforward), I solo played this one.

Title: Re: Judge Dredd Miniatures Game Youtube Series
Post by: The Bissler on 12 February, 2024, 08:25:25 PM
Pat Wagon Down

Join us for a live play session of the Judge Dredd Miniatures Game! Judges surviving a Pat Wagon crash find themselves outnumbered by marauding gang members intent on looting Justice Department equipment! We had a lot of fun playing this one as it proved to be a very competitive and close run game!


It's my intention that this video will mark the return of regular Judge Dredd and Strontium Dog reports - I hope you enjoy!

Title: Re: Judge Dredd Miniatures Game Youtube Series
Post by: The Bissler on 12 February, 2024, 08:49:29 PM
...Apologies all, I just realised there is a new function to preview the YouTube video! (It's been a while!)

Title: Re: Judge Dredd Miniatures Game Youtube Series
Post by: Trooper McFad on 12 February, 2024, 09:49:22 PM
Hi Bissler it's certainly been a while. I enjoyed that play through. You have an impressive set up.

Are you delving into the new ABC warriors?
Title: Re: Judge Dredd Miniatures Game Youtube Series
Post by: The Bissler on 12 February, 2024, 11:43:36 PM
Hey Trooper! Thanks for the kind words and for tuning in again! Unfortunately I'm not going to get into ABC Warriors, but it's only because I'm getting a bit pressed for space for more gaming gear - and I have loads of ideas for things to do with the Dredd and SD collections...there's only so many hours in the day! I know it's the same system with some added rules that really (appropriately) beef up robots in the game so I am curious to see how others get on with it. Is it something you've picked up yourself?
Title: Re: Judge Dredd Miniatures Game Youtube Series
Post by: Trooper McFad on 13 February, 2024, 07:23:13 AM
Yes I'll be picking them up but mainly because I like the figures so I'll get them and try and make them look pretty 😁

Warlord are having a pitch/stall at the Lawless comic con which I'm going to so it will be good to see the pros at it and maybe get some tips
Title: Re: Judge Dredd Miniatures Game Youtube Series
Post by: The Bissler on 13 February, 2024, 11:31:31 AM
Oh, ace! I hope you share some pics around once you have them painted up! Are you on any of the Facebook groups btw? There's 3 different groups that I'm aware of if you want to share your minis with the community:-


I admin the first one but all three are very friendly communities which I'd happily recommend!

That's cool about Lawless as well, hopefully you might get one good tactical insights there!

Title: Re: Judge Dredd Miniatures Game Youtube Series
Post by: Trooper McFad on 13 February, 2024, 01:13:58 PM
Thanks Bissler
I am on Facebook but not on Facebook if that makes sense. I like to keep my socials down to the minimum.

I'll wait until the whole lot are released then get stuck into them. As you know I have my bigger mashups I still love doing and they take precedence over the minis.

Looking forward to more of your future play throughs

Title: Re: Judge Dredd Miniatures Game Youtube Series
Post by: The Bissler on 13 February, 2024, 10:13:20 PM
Quote from: Trooper McFad on 13 February, 2024, 01:13:58 PMThanks Bissler
I am on Facebook but not on Facebook if that makes sense. I like to keep my socials down to the minimum.

I'll wait until the whole lot are released then get stuck into them. As you know I have my bigger mashups I still love doing and they take precedence over the minis.

Looking forward to more of your future play throughs

Yes, that makes total sense! I see social media as a necessary evil to make relevant communities aware of what the videos I make. I have a terrible memory though, so please forgive me, could you remind me about your mashups? I'm genuinely interested to know...

And thanks, I've started planning a 6 part Dredd campaign based on the 2012 film. Because it's just Dredd and Anderson, I think the games and related videos will be quite quick which might make them attractive to a wider gaming audience (and the film itself seems to have quite the cult following if the posts I see on the Empire film group on Facebook are anything to go by. I wish all of those people had went to see it in the cinema and then we might have the sequel we all wanted to see...) - I was flicking through the illustrated script book tonight and I'm quite looking forward to running it now!

Title: Re: Judge Dredd Miniatures Game Youtube Series
Post by: Trooper McFad on 14 February, 2024, 01:38:06 PM
If you have a look in the creative common under "Does my figure look big in this" thread you'll see some 1/6th scale models as well as me mashing up some Dredd minis for Xmas decorations. Though you will have to trail through to see my mashup miniS for Dredd/Anderson and Fatties.

Look forward to the "2012" campaign
Title: Re: Judge Dredd Miniatures Game Youtube Series
Post by: The Bissler on 30 March, 2024, 11:48:04 AM
Not so much a battle report as some eye candy that's as addictive as Umpty... Pour yourself a cup of synthi-synthi-caf and join us for a ten minute tour of Mega-City One! The video showcases all of Warlord's miniatures on a tabletop by Acid House Terrain from their brand new Cyberpunk set (and a few tiles from their older sci-fi set). Enjoy!

Title: Re: Judge Dredd Miniatures Game Youtube Series
Post by: Trooper McFad on 30 March, 2024, 12:25:37 PM
Wow Bissler that's some setup. As is the want of MC-1 sooo much going on in such a small space. Never a dull moment.
With such a setup you could have multiple clashes (games) going on at one time - would be chaotic but that's MC-1

Enjoyed the vid👍🏻
Title: Re: Judge Dredd Miniatures Game Youtube Series
Post by: The Bissler on 30 March, 2024, 01:56:45 PM
Quote from: Trooper McFad on 30 March, 2024, 12:25:37 PMWow Bissler that's some setup. As is the want of MC-1 sooo much going on in such a small space. Never a dull moment.
With such a setup you could have multiple clashes (games) going on at one time - would be chaotic but that's MC-1

Enjoyed the vid👍🏻
Cheers Trooper, that's very kind! Yes, I'd been wanting to show off my collection for a while now but had been holding off until the new Acid House Terrain Cyberpunk set that I'd backed last autumn arrived and I'm really pleased I made that decision! And thanks for mentioning about how much was going on because it was the intention to show as much of the madness of MC-1 as I could and I thoroughly enjoyed creating the little vignettes across the tabletop! Thanks as always for checking out my videos and providing such warm feedback - it's always appreciated!
Title: Re: Judge Dredd Miniatures Game Youtube Series
Post by: The Enigmatic Dr X on 31 March, 2024, 10:39:48 AM
That's amazing. I'm quite jealous of the time and detail.

And I liked the Bhein - Paxton rumble puns!
Title: Re: Judge Dredd Miniatures Game Youtube Series
Post by: The Bissler on 31 March, 2024, 04:16:20 PM
Quote from: The Enigmatic Dr X on 31 March, 2024, 10:39:48 AMThat's amazing. I'm quite jealous of the time and detail.

And I liked the Bhein - Paxton rumble puns!

Ha, thanks! Billy Paxton Block is one of the mainstays in my reports and I knew that section with the BP Citi-Def would be one of the longer sections so I needed to pad it out with some nonsense - a few others have mentioned it so it seems to have gone down well!

One of my friends paints the minis for me which is fantastic and allows me the time to focus on making the videos although it did still take a day all in to produce this little 10 minute video.

Thanks for watching and letting me know what you thought of it! It's much appreciated!
Title: Re: Judge Dredd Miniatures Game Youtube Series
Post by: The Bissler on 02 May, 2024, 09:48:57 AM
Our latest Judge Dredd report sees us crossing the streams by playing the Combat Mission from the ABC Warriors rulebook and also applying the mech rules to the Demobot and Warbot - enjoy!

Title: Re: Judge Dredd Miniatures Game Youtube Series
Post by: Trooper McFad on 03 May, 2024, 01:53:21 PM
Another great and enjoyable play through- keep up the good work 👍🏻
Title: Re: Judge Dredd Miniatures Game Youtube Series
Post by: The Bissler on 03 May, 2024, 04:17:45 PM
Quote from: Trooper McFad on 03 May, 2024, 01:53:21 PMAnother great and enjoyable play through- keep up the good work 👍🏻

Cheers Trooper! More is always on the way!