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Why should stupid animated icons have their own series?

Started by Carlsborg Expert, 11 April, 2005, 08:26:43 AM

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Thing is it's the same with any kind of design, you get jo public thinking they can do it on their own and have no need to employ an agency, designer or animator and then weeks later they come to us tail between legs asking how much it would cost to get us out of the mire. Very similar to the spate of self inflicted DIY disasters that have sprung up since 'Homefront' and 'Changing Rooms' have hit the TV screen.

But saying that I'm a graphic designer by trade but have found over the last 7 years I'm diversifying into all areas, not nec. because clients cannot afford the services of say an animator, more because I fancy having a go myself and have succeeded which in turn spurns you on to want to do more. So from graduating as a designer 14 years ago I can now say I illustrate, design, animate, copywrite, edit, publish, market the lot really which is a great foundation to start a business on - recently though I've found myself enjoying back peddling and working with associates to create items rather than trying to do the lot myself which adds real flavour to the pot rather than my sometimes rushed and dilluted attempts.