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Red Seas

Started by Trout, 07 November, 2002, 08:03:39 PM

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I've been reserving judgement on this, because it seemed quite good but was a slowburner.

Steve Yeowell's art is excellent, especially in black and white.









"We're going to kill God."

Oh shit. Not again.

Canon Fodder, anyone?

Or how about Preacher?

That damn line spoiled it for me, almost eclipsing last week's tremendous one-liner, "Great steaming arses!"

Anyone agree?

- Trout


Hmmm... never read Cannon Fodder or Preacher (woo!), a rather pants concept, that people say because it sounds cool, wherever it came from.

I'd hold reservation on it though, because it might not be so simple and go on to explain what God is and what he means by killing him.  Though I'm not convinced.


It would be an interesting twist if they got to God only to discover he was already dead...

But I have to disagree with you on one point, your troutness,

NOTHING can eclipse the genius of the line "Great steaming arses!"


I said, "almost."


- Trout


Not even "I've stumbled over an uprising"?

Leigh S

"It would be an interesting twist if they got to God only to discover he was already dead... "








isnt that what happens in Canon Fodder - Holmes and Moriarty set out to kill God, only to find the devils beaten them to it?

Leigh S

PS, anyone else think that the witchy woman in Red Seas is a dead ringer for Dawn from "The office"?


I gotta disagree about Yeowell's art. Normally I would say that Yeowell is one of my faves, but I think he's let the side down on this project. I think his artwork on Red Seas looks rushed.
For ages I prefered his work in b/w to colour... but now I'm begining to wonder. If his artwork is going to continue looking as rushed as I think it does here, maybe it would be best coloured, so that it's easier to decipher w.t.f. is going on.

As to the rest of Red Seas, well, from day 1 I've said zombie pirates wasn't going to appeal to me, and so far nothing about this story has proved to me that I was wrong. And as you say Trouty, when Dr. Orlano Doyle mentioned his plans in the latest issue, I thought much the same as you....
... and there's no WAY that this story is going to better what Ennis did in (a very different story, but apparently similar villanous aim) Preacher!



Shiver me timbers, mateys! I personally think Red Seas is Buffy meets Nikolai Dante, on the ship from the Ancient Mariner.  Didn't really like it at first - an anti-hero called Jack Dancer? Yet another "army of the undead"?  I was going to say Yo ho ho and a bottle of BUM, but, thundering typhoons, its beginning to grow on me.  Even the (ahem) economical artwork.  Shading, anyone?

2000AD Online

so thats what happened in canon fodder i missed the last three parts of it


I'm still doing my best to keep an open mind.

I like the idea of a fun genre strip in 2K, but that final line gave me a bad feeling about what's to come. We shall see.

By the way

Canon Fodder spoiler








It turned out God was alive the whole time, anyway, as revealed in the second CF series.

Like Red Seas, I found the Canon entertaining, and loved the art. Weston is a genuine talent.

However, the shock value of plot twists did not in itself build well enough on a good basic idea, IMO.

I never found myself dying for the next episode, the way I have with, for example, our latest werewolf offering from John Wagner.

- Trout

2000AD Online

Jayzus B. Christ

I'm really enjoying Red Seas, i have to say. But I think someone like the above-mentioned Chris Weston should have drawn it. I haven't really been impressed by Steve Yeowell since he changed his style after Zenith.