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Started by David J. Williams, 17 February, 2010, 03:47:24 AM

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David J. Williams

hi all!

I grew up reading 2000 AD, shortly after moving to the States -- progs were pretty #$# difficult to come by in the U.S. in the early 80s, let me tell ya.  And eventually, once I went out into the so-called "real world" I drifted from the sci-fi/comics scene altogether.  The old progs gathered dust as I drifted helplessly into the maw of the thrill suckers ....

But then in a weird twist of fate, about ten years ago I got ahold of the first 1200 or so issues in one fell swoop.  Didn't even have to kill anyone to do it, either.  It was surreal . . to finally have *all* the old stories that I only knew in fragments -- it used to be an issue here and an issue there, and I was always left wondering . . so how DID Johnny Alpha get off that planet?  How did Dredd deal with that alien bounty hunter with the force-field?  Now my life is complete: because I finally KNOW.

I can also testify that growing up with 2000 AD--and reconnecting with it later in life--is why I'm now writing sci-fi for a living (I have two novels out through Random House, with a third on the way, and credits on two video games).  So it's really great to be here, and means a lot to me that 2000 AD has only grown stronger and more vibrant with every passing year.

all best,


p.s. I'm particularly interested in catching up on the last several years, so any recommendations as to which stories to prioritize/focus on, I'm all ears. .  .


Welcome aboard the good ship 'Thrillpower' David.
Excellent going on those 1200 progs, ah to read all those stories afresh, hope you wore a restraining harness so that you didn't explode with all those thrills. As for what to read from the last few years I'd read the Dante saga myself.
Now prepare for the flood of recommendations from the board  ;)


Welcome aboard Dave, glad you successfully navigated the void to find your way back to us.
Fiddling while Rome burns

"is being made a brain in a jar a lot more comen than I think it is." - Cyberleader2000

Pete Wells

Great to have you here Dave, what a great story! You say you didn't have to kill anyone to get the progs, what did you do then? Just slap 'em around a bit? Kidnap their family?

The good news for you is that currently, most people would agree that the prog is at an all time high in terms of Thrill Power for both art and writing (with several old faves still producing the goods.)

As for recommendations, we could debate that all day. Personally I'd get all the Nikolai Dante trades as I reckon it's the best strip to come along in years andlooks like it's headed towards an amazing climax. Also in recent years we've been spoiled with Shakara, Buttonman, Stickleback, Cradlegrave and Zombo which are all fantastic. Sinister Dexter are still around and are going through a good spell and Clint Langley is producing some insane art for the ABC Warriors. Oh, and don't get me started on Dredd... That's just the tip of a very thrill powered iceberg, I envy you!

Oh, and out of interest, which games were you a part of?

Mike Gloady

Hello David, nice to meet you.  I'm always happy to see a returned Squaxx as I'm one myself.  Nice to have you aboard.  This is a surprisingly pleasant forum, not many nutters and the ones we DO have are pretty tame and fun.

I'd echo Pete's recommendations.  Particularly the Dante stuff, which you're probably familiar with the first trade's worth at least.
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Welcome back earthlet! Can't fault Pete's recomendations. If you're looking for back-progs ratrher than collected trades, I wouldn't waste much money on stuff from the 90s. There was some decent stuff, but it's generally regarded as the weakest period. Thankfully, things just got better and better in the new millenium, so dive in!

David J. Williams

hi Pete-  I was involved with the first two Homeworld games, from Vancouver-BC based Relic Entertainment.  Story concept and co-writing on the first; contributing writer on the 2nd.   (I went to elementary school with the guy who became Relic's lead artist, who was also the guy who got me into 2000 AD.  Like they say, the golden age of science fiction is ten. :  ) 


A great story!!

Anyway from 1200 onwards stories to check out (that have been at least partly collected as trade paperbacks) include:

And there is more besides, like Lobster Random and the return (and end) of Durham Red and The VCs.

Have a read around, they might not all suit your tastes but most will ;) As has been said many times, it seems like a New Golden Age for 2000 AD and the list is top quality that can hold its own against anything fro other publishers.

Then get the back issues starting with prog 1650, which is the mid-year jumping-on point they had for the start of the Judge Dredd epic "Tour of Duty". Approaching things from both ends you should suddenly find you are pretty much up to speed and you can have fun tracking down any gaps in our reading ;)
if I went 'round saying I was an Emperor just because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, they'd put me away!

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Lady Festina

Welcome, David!

You should enjoy yourself here (once you get used to the cussing and realise that there are some rather bizarre folks lingering in this corner of the cyberspace cupboard).

And a writer too. Better not mention the short story competition.... (damn!)

Richmond Clements


Welcome sir! Grant G from Atlanta will be along shortly to sort out any 2000AD distrubution problems you have.... :D
DDT did a job on me


Welcome Dave, hope you enjoy your stay.


David J. Williams

thanks folks, really appreciate the recs!!