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'South-er' or 'suther'

Started by LARF, 14 May, 2006, 02:49:35 PM

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ush is that the 't'sound as in;

American: Stoopid thread devolves even further


Rest of World: Stewpid thread devolves even further


House of Usher



For some reason I always impersonate Sean Connery when saying that word. It's a very fun word to say whilst impersonating him. As is Effervesent.


Why would Sean Connery be saying Sepultura?

Keef Monkey

Just for the fun of it, and it is indeed fun.


I hear he only likes their early stuff

as in

"Mish moneypenny, shepultchura really losht it when maxsh cavalerrrraaah  left them didn't they?  Rootsh! Bloodeeeh Rootsh!"

Keef Monkey

Yesh, it hash to be shaid that shince they got a new shinger they lack a shertain shomething. Sorry, just wanted to join in, seemed like fun. Isn't Sepultura brazilian for grave or graveyard or something equally chedder?


tsk, tsk, Portugese you mean!

but to answer your question..probably.

Keef Monkey

Whoopsy. I probably would have learned that in school if I hadn't been hanging around with Daz Sampson. We didn't listen to nobody, word.


It'sh nawt the shame when you can tell what the lead shinger's actually shaying.  Shounding like a bad Motorhead tribute band doeshn't do them any favoursh thesh daysh, either.

Thish remindsh me of a favourite schoolyard impershonation

"Moneypenny, you're a shite!

--for shore eyesh"

I, Cosh

Isn't Sepultura brazilian for grave or graveyard or something equally chedder?

Well it sounds a bit like sepulchre.

We never really die.


I always said sowther.

It always bothered me as a yun un that if the made Rogue Trooper into a film no-one would get the Naughty Norty joke.

Everyone knows its sepul-tura. :O)

Its always best to go with the attitude of Autechre who say you can pronounce their name any way you damn well like.

Carlsborg Expert

Thish remindsh me of a favourite schoolyard impershonation

"Moneypenny, you're a shite!

--for shore eyesh"
And now your unemployed.

When bad things happen to good people..woosh.


I always read it as suther...

If it was south-er, why would the nort be nicknaming them 'suds'??  Or did i just imagine reading that somewhere??

House of Usher

...because the Norts speak 'Nort', rather than English, and 'sud' is Nort for 'south'. QED.