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"I'm a stickler"

Started by Trout, 18 June, 2004, 07:18:12 PM

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House of Usher

Stickler thread derailed by football guff cross-posting invasion?


I hate people who say 'Cliff Richards' and 'Trivial Pursuits'. They don't have esses on the end, you muppets.

I also hate the way "you're" is constantly written  as "your" by people on the web.

Like Logan's seven links in a badge chain; five vertical bars in the respirator is the correct amount for me.

Scone's pronounced 'skonn', by the way. It should only be pronounced 'skone' if you're pushing up the end of your nose with a finger (so you look like Frances de la Tour) and putting on a comedy toff voice.


With pronunciation there are no rights and wrongs, anyone who thinks there are is either a snob (hating "Common" prononciation) or an anti-snob ( hating middle and or upper class prononciation)

House of Usher

"Would you like a sconn, Mr. Rigsby?"

"A skone? That's very kind of you, Mrs. Jones. I think perhaps John Majors might like one too."

(by all means reverse pronunciations of scone if you will, Wils.)


I get really pissed off with those pseudo-Irish pricks who infest London bars like a plague, because I used to be one.  They piss off from "the home country" and spend their time reinforcing the stereotype of Irishmen as bull-necked, pig ignorant, racist, alcoholic, folk singing wife beaters.  I tried this routine back in '98 when I worked as a brickie outside Tunbridge Wells, and the weekly routine consisted of work, pub, sleep, work, pub, sleep, work, pub, sleep, until the weekend, when it became pub, sleep, pub, sleep, work.  I finally called it a day after nine months of this, when everyone I knew became rabid golfers- for reasons that escape me to this day.
It's been said that you can only be Irish abroad, and that certainly seems to be true from my experiance, because if I'd come out with the kind of racist, homophobic shite here in Northern Murphyville that my mates came out with in London -loudly, frequently and publicly- I'd get dirty looks at best, and a beating at worst.


Okay, that's more of a hate than a stickler issue, but one thing that I'm a stickler for is LEARNING THE NOTES IF YOU PLAY BASS IN A BAND.  It's the easiest instrument in the world to play, yet there are people who get paid to stand in bars covering cock-rock songs by playing the third string all night.  There's no excuse for it.  It takes five minutes TOPS to learn a bass riff, after that, it's just a matter of getting the timing right.  For Christ's sake, 'Blitzkrieg Bop' has FOUR notes over TWO strings, and the bastards can't even play THAT.

Oh, and wankers who think things like indicators, speed limits and zebra crossings are optional, on account of them being the only people on the roads that "know how to drive right, hi."



It takes five minutes TOPS to learn a bass riff

It'd take a little longer than five minutes to learn the bass line for Dead Goon by Mr Bungle. It's a bastard. :)

Another favourite bass line of mine is The Lemon Song by Zeppelin.

House of Usher

My girlfriend's a stickler for only using filtered water. We haven't got round to replacing the lead water pipes in our house yet, so we filter all the water we drink or use for cooking.

But sometimes when I'm washing vegetables I can't be bothered, so I just run them under the tap, and then get told off.


If it takes you longer than five minutes to learn the bass riffs to cock-rock monstrosities like 'how you remind me'(spit!), then you're in trouble.

Personal favourite bass line ever is Moby Dick.  The 1970's in a nutshell, and you can get yourself a pint while your drummer inevitably embarrasses himself (and by extension, the band) when he tries to nail Bonham's solo.


A clean and shiny bathroom.Oh,yes.

To tell the truth, you can all get screwed.

Matt Timson

'Skonn' and 'scone'.  God, this one has bloody annoyed me for years.  We always said 'scone' in our house and I never thought anything of it until my then g/f told me that it was the posh way of saying it.  "Scoooone", she would say in a pseudo snooty voice.  "SkHhonn", I would reply in the same pseudo snooty voice, proving that either way could be made to sound posh if you put your mind to it.

What really used to piss me off was that her mum really *was* the snootiest cow ever.  Needless to say, she said 'skonn' as well...

Now then, if a bloke with a thick Brummie accent says 'scown', is he posh?  Either way, it's right up there with bath, grass and glass as far as I'm concerned...

All that aside- Women in bars that ask for "two halves of lagers and limes".  NO!  It's two halves of lager and lime, you *stupid* COW!

Slippery PD

You mean your not a stickler for a troll free board then?  :)


Generally Contrary

Pronunciation?  Well, The North York Moors, are Moo-ers, not Mores.  And I am poo-er, not pore.


people who bitch about correct puntuation and spelling lololol.
people who say the letter "H" "ay-ch" as "huh-ay-ch"
you know who you are YOUR ON THE LIST! YOU HEAR ME??!! YOU. ON. THE. LIST!


We always said 'scone' in our house

I bet you say "onvellope" and call your parents "Mama" and "Papa" as well, don't you? ;)


People who call lego 'legos'...

So, is it bastard or barstard?
