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Started by SmallBlueThing, 04 February, 2011, 12:40:44 PM

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Quote from: von Boom on 31 December, 2020, 09:19:30 PM
It wouldn't be the Christmas season if I didn't watch the most classic Christmas film of all time, Die Hard.
Ah but Christmas isn't Christmas without The Great Escape!



I managed to get the friend I used to watch films with to watch a film with me again.  I think I had to use guilt.  I don't know whether that makes me a bad person.  Memento was his pick because he never seen it before.  After watching it he asked me whether I enjoyed watching again and yes, I did.  I've seen it a number of times and knowing how it plays out doesn't diminish it.  It's certainly one of Nolan's best films.  I had to bring up Irreversable when talking about it, but add that I'm not keen on rewatching that one.

Colin YNWA


Its on iPlayer and I recommend we all go watch it to re-evaluate. I'd not seen it in years, but loved this movie back in the day ranking it alongside Terminator, Predator etc etc as one of the all time vital action movies. Its not as good as either of those but it really is glorious poppycock. It shouldn't and really doesn't work on so many leaves. But has a charm, humour and vigour that really makes it essential, fun viewing.

I do wish they'd gone for Clancy Browns take on The Kurgan though - he wished to make him a far darker, more sympathetic villain just sick of it all and that sounds really appealing. Though his OTT tour de force of villainy is good fun it doesn't really add anything... well aside from a that fun...

Oh and much as I love Queen and Flash Gordon is one of the great soundtracks their efforts here show this was a time they were well past their best-by date - happy to debate anytime where the good times ended with News of the World, or whether Jazz was just a blip as both The Game and the aforementioned Flash Gordon are both good, if not great, records... ahem... that's for another thread...


I watched an old favourite, After Hours.  First time the missus saw it.  She hated it.  She's wrong though, it's amazing.

Finished out the year with Predator 2 which is my favourite Predator film. 

Colin YNWA

All that talk down thread got use to settle down this afternoon and finally do something we've been meaning to do for a while now. We watched the Rise of Skywalker DVD that we bought pretty much as soon as it came out. The fact that its taken us this long to get to and the kids weren't initially that fussed about watching it speaks volumes.

As it is it offers nothing on second viewing I wasn't expecting. Its remains a cowardly piece of film-making which retains nothing of the bold and interesting decisions that TLJ left it. I knew that was going to happen going in - after all TLJ did undo much of what JJ Abram laid out in the dreadful TFA. It watches like a fan's attempt to pull it all back to the place the films are firmly established and offers nothing to acknowledge that the world and cinema has moved on 40 plus years since the originals - aside from special effects that allow for such over the top, overblown nonsense that marked the finale of this one.

Its all that, yet ultimately its a perfectly enjoyable way to spend the afternoon if there is nothing better to do. The trouble it has is there's an awful lot better to do.

So anyway here's the 'new Star Wars order'

1 Million and 1
1 Billion, twenty-five, seventy-five thousand... hold on that's something else. Here's the new Star Wars order from best to worst:

SW (NH if you must)


Oof! TLJ ahead of TROTJ?! Really? I mean, horses for courses etc, but apart from the excellent Rashomon-style sequences, and Luke's overall arc, the rest was just dreadful! TROTJ really capped the previous two with some fantastic swashbuckling at the start, with great monsters and aliens and bounty hunters and all sorts,  and a perfectly choreographed three-pronged battle. It felt cohesive and was definitely a part of the OT. It's just a better film!

Anyway, I guess Star Wars is what you make it. I probably wouldn't dispute the rest of your choices particularly. Here's my faves, from best to worst.


Definitely Not Mister Pops

We're doing this again? In the spirit of initialisms:


And fuck everything else. This is more of a viewing order for the bits of Star Wars I like.

*Tartakovsky's Clone Wars
**The MandalorianTM
You may quote me on that.


Is Mando worth watching? I'm pretty much all SW'ed out for the next...decade at least.

But I can't deny....Pedro Pascal can sell me on almost anything.


I'm pretty neutral about Star Wars as I didn't really like the films when I was a kid (I fell asleep in the cinema watching Empire Strikes Back but I was very young).  But in adulthood I've seen them all and enjoyed them all to some degree.

Of all of them, I'd say that The Force Awakens is my favourite.  It feels like a remake of the first one but with better characters.  I always found Luke to be awkward and weird so Rey seems like an upgrade.  Her storyline with Adam Driver's character is the best thing about the trilogy for me. 

I really didn't get on with Rogue One.  The first half was so boring to me.  The main character had no charisma at all and the mighty Forest Whittaker was wasted.  The big battle at the end was decent but by then the film had lost me.  The Darth Vader sequence was fantastic though.


Quote from: Hawkmumbler on 01 January, 2021, 06:18:11 PM
Is Mando worth watching? I'm pretty much all SW'ed out for the next...decade at least.

But I can't deny....Pedro Pascal can sell me on almost anything.

Yes, Mando is worth watching. This is the best Disney has done with the franchise. 
When I die, I want to die like my grandfather who died peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like all the passengers in his car.

Old age is the Lord's way of telling us to step aside for something new. Death's in case we didn't take the hint.


Quote from: broodblik on 01 January, 2021, 06:23:19 PM
Quote from: Hawkmumbler on 01 January, 2021, 06:18:11 PM
Is Mando worth watching? I'm pretty much all SW'ed out for the next...decade at least.

But I can't deny....Pedro Pascal can sell me on almost anything.

Yes, Mando is worth watching. This is the best Disney has done with the franchise.

Agreed. The Mandalorian IS Star Wars. For me it recaptures the magic of the OT. I am a fan happily serviced. Very well worth a watch.

Funt Solo

Quote from: repoman on 01 January, 2021, 06:18:27 PM
The Darth Vader sequence was fantastic though.

I just re-watch that ... probably too much.


I also really liked the conceit that Kylo and Rey had a weird force-connection thing going on. Still, the best thing about Kylo Ren is probably when he does Undercover Boss.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


Quote from: pictsy on 01 January, 2021, 09:30:01 AM

Quote from: Colin YNWA on 01 January, 2021, 10:20:58 AM

Quote from: repoman on 01 January, 2021, 12:40:10 PM
Finished out the year with Predator 2 which is my favorite Predator film.

All my fave movies.
Memento - the movie you can watch numerous times and yet, still get something new. Arugably, oneo f Nolan's best.

Highlander - timeless story, sympathetic hero, charismatic villain, cool romantic subplot, cool swordfights, Queen soundtrack, 1980s aesthetics...what more can I ask for? Btw, it's interesting to see Kurgan progressing from the original script (which, in a way, was way more darker than finishing film) to the over the top Clancy Brown performance.

Predator 2 - well, I like the original more, but P2 is pretty darn close. Danny Glover and Gary Busey. Opening shootout ;)
Reyt, you lot. Shut up, belt up, 'n if ye can't see t' bloody exit, ye must be bloody blind.


Bad times at the El Royale. Pretty good.


Bad Times at the El Royale

This one has been popping up on this thread for a while now and I grabbed a copy a while back and just haven't got around to it.

Cynthia Erivo and her character Darlene stand out as the best thing in the film, easily.  Jeff Bridges is his usual delight, but I still feel he just supports her wonderful performance.

It starts really strong and I found myself invested and interested.  Until Chris Hemsworth.  The Manson shit really bugged me as being cheap and I felt it gutted what was a strong premise.  I didn't think it flowed with the set-up and created a disjoint within the narrative that hadn't fully established itself.  I did not like how Hemsworth swans in near the end declaring himself the bad guy just to allow the story to wrap itself up.  I know it's set up a little earlier in the film, but I think it is interesting how [spoiler]the other characters have title cards referring to their room numbers except Hemsworth.[/spoiler]  It just reeks of not knowing how to end it, having a weak idea and then laying the ground work within a better premise.  Essentially, the film lacked follow-through and I think it lazily ties itself together.

In the end, the film ended up a huge disappointment despite mostly being very interesting and having a lot of potential.  The best I can say is it's ok.  It could have been great, but it wasn't.  It was just ok.