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Topics - Steve Green

General / Grud, Jovis etc.
22 April, 2005, 04:41:26 AM

I was just wondering - was there ever any backstory about the origins of the Grud/Jovis religion in Dredd?

I was wondering if it had been implied that it was established covertly by Justice Dept so that could supplant existing religions with one that they could influence?


General / Art painted on a computer
13 March, 2005, 01:45:38 AM

I was wondering what people's opinion of CG-enhanced art in strips is. Not straightforward colouring as such, more the equivalent of fully painted art which is done by the same artist.

Is it here to stay or is it a trend like the fully painted strips that became common after the Horned God?

I think it would be great to see an interview in the meg with those artists who use it, especially with regards to the reasons for switching - i.e. was it purely an economic decision or a creative one.



General / Chain Reaction - Alan Moore Interview
15 January, 2005, 05:55:43 AM

I just saw this...

has Stewart Lee interviewing Alan Moore a couple of shows into the run, and then Alan Moore interviewing Brian Eno.


General / T-shirts
08 January, 2005, 04:16:03 AM

I saw a couple of t-shirts in Forbidden Planet the other day (One Dredd Mugshot by Henry Flint, and another one by   Jock).

These aren't in the online shop on this site, and I forgot to take a look who made them - does anyone know if there are others out there?


General / Strontium Dog reprints...
01 August, 2004, 11:55:14 PM

I managed to pick up a few old progs recently which had some old SD strips and wondered if there was any market/plans for some SD reprints or collections?

Considering the amount of other material out there, there doesn't seem to be much SD stuff.

Is there any chance of seeing some of the multi-parters, like the Ragnorak Job, Outlaw, The Killing, Rage etc. either collected or in the Meg?


General / Loopy Dredd-like equipment...
23 June, 2004, 04:36:47 AM
While browsing for ideas about non-lethal weaponry for a game I'm working on I came across this...

The taser dog-vest is particularly bizarre

- Steve
General / Coleby Dredd...
15 May, 2004, 08:33:34 PM
Anyone else like to see some more Dredd stories by Simon Coleby?

I really liked his change of style on the recent(ish) Rogue Trooper stories, and his art in the one-offs in the Meg really seemed to suit Dredd. I wouldn't mind seeing a multi-parter drawn by him.

- Steve
General / Movie Dredd, which artist?
09 May, 2004, 06:16:55 PM
Delurking here...

If Dredd made it to film again, which artist's interpretation of Dredd would you think is the best template for a live action version?

Is there anything you would change to make it work better on screen, (codpiece aside)?

