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All Star Superman and Batman

Started by Tiplodocus, 27 January, 2006, 06:14:24 AM

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I'm up to Issue 2 of Supes and 3 of Batman.

This is fairly spoiler free.

I'm enjoying them both but for pretty different reasons.

I can't quite believe just how good it is to read Grant Morrison getting his hands on DCs Crown Jewel and he's done a fabulous job. Even Issue 2 which is pretty much talking heads is positively brimming with ideas and twists.

And top marks to the art team of Quietly and Grant  - I find the colouring absolutely fabulous.  There's a brilliant understated splash (if you can have such a thing) of the Fortress of Solitude and the colours in the sky in the background are absolutely perfect. I think a less confident person might have overdone it and plastered the whole sky with colour but this just looked beautiful and believable.

All Star Batman is diametrically opposed to this - it's all in your face, decompressed to the max (six pages of our bountifully breasted, big buttocked heroine getting hacked off before erupting) and, worth pointing out more than once, features women whose breasts are larger than their head.  

I don't buy many American comics so it actually makes a happy change for me to see muscular (and so detailed) art from Jim Lee.

Miller seems to be writing almost as a parody of himself but I still like his harder than hard boiled schtick and he does come up with gems like what happens to the newspaper when shhh-you-know-who gets annoyed.  Not sure how this is all going to hang together though.

The last thing I read before this was THE FILTH and WE3 so my head is still swimming from the contrast...

Be excellent to each other. And party on!


The Amstor Computer

You are Seymore Butts, and I claim my free can of Astroglide...



Seriously though, All Star Superman is the best interpretation of Superman since, well, Morrisons stint on JLA.

Really Superman should only ever be written by Morrison from now on...

Oh, and if you had a look at that Superdickery cover gallery theres all kinds of Silver Age stuff in there that Morrison references.


I'm getting both of these and mighty fine they are too.

All-Star Batman is taking its time getting anywhere but I agree about the over the top matchoness of it all. Batman seems to be there to be ridiculed.

"The Batmobile! Really?"

All-star Superman though is just fantastic. Loads of cracking ideas crammed in there and the art is out of this world. I have a signed first issue framed next to a rather spiffing Quitley sketch. Nice :-D
Hmm, just pretend I wrote something witty eh?


I like the new key to the Fortress of Solitude.

"It weighs half a million tonnes"

Question: How/when did Supes get the new powers. Something about getting trapped in the middle of a sun??



"Question: How/when did Supes get the new powers. Something about getting trapped in the middle of a sun??"


Answer : There was a manned probe on a scientific expedition to the sun but onboard was a human bomb. Supes flew in and threw him into the sun but in doing so was exposed to massive levels of radiation. This has improved his powers tenfold and has even developed some new ones. The downside is its killing him. The bomb thingy is all part of a Lex Luthor master plan.

And if my wife ever reads how nerdy that post was she'll divorce me :-D
Hmm, just pretend I wrote something witty eh?

Roger Godpleton

Yep. The comic I most enjoy at the mo.
He's only trying to be what following how his dreams make you wanna be, man!