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Topics - Alski

Website and Forum / THEY ARE HERE
02 May, 2012, 11:22:57 AM
And they can fuck right off again.

What a stupid thing to do.
Now THIS has started off well. The art is beautiful, of course, with Ross taking all that was wrong with the overlong, stuffy "Turf" and chucking it out of the window.

This is spandex territory, and uses a mysterious space crystal to set up the story that a batch of babies born in San Franciso on a certain day (from forced labours) ALL have powers, except one kid. Things got a little out of control, and the powers are kept under control by being put in a camp and trained, coming out to compete in the titular show to earn a place on the world's only official super team. WHilst it doesn't throw up any real susprises it's a great read, with issue #1 setting things up perfectly.

Highly reccommended.
Books & Comics / Jonathan Hickman?
16 April, 2012, 09:58:05 AM
I have been reading quite a bit of his stuff via the Ultimate Universe, and wondered what people thought?

I tried his FF run recently, and to be honest found it confusing as hell. His Ultimate stuff is also getting more and more tangled as it goes on.
Books & Comics / "Death & Return Of Superman" short film
08 February, 2012, 11:12:50 PM
I just watched "Chronicle" (which was great) and was looking up Max Landis (son of John) who co wrote and directed it. It seems he did a short film called The Death & Return Of Superman" last year, and it's on YouTube!

Basically, it's Landis ranting about this incredibly crappy tale, which is retold very cheaply and very hilariously as he does it.

I may be the only person who didn't know about this, but if not, I fully reccommend you take a look!
Off Topic / If You Like A Bit Of Pop Punk...
27 January, 2012, 03:05:44 PM
Open the link and vote for my good friends Show It Off, a very talented local pop punk band trying to get somewhere in the Red Bull Bedroom Jam comp.

Its a good song as well!

Wow... over 350 pages, hard cover, large format, newly coloured.

Every Dave strip from the old Who mag, featuring Baker and Davison, and it only cost me £20 on Amazon.

Books & Comics / Anyone still reading CLINT?
06 January, 2012, 02:16:09 PM
I'm a loyal Millar fan, so am enjoying the mag every issue. In Strip the guy from FP london said it gives Twoth a good run in the sales stakes there, which is interesting, although most people probably buy Twoth from Smiths and the like.

The only downer in it is Frankie Boyle's ibcomprehensible Rex Royd, one of the biggest piles of shit I have read. Kick Ass 2 is going well, although we are now a full issue behind the US print.
Saw this advertised all through WSM on 5 last night, so checked it out today.

The value for money thing really depends on what you are prepared to pay for it. If you have none of the ones they are offering, £9.99 is agood price for what are excellent quality hardback graphic novel collections.

I was wondering what the product would actually be, and I certainly didn't expect full 6 issue collections on high quality paper, professionallyt bound. These books would sit proud on any shelf.

Now I know damned well I will own plenty of these already, but have subscribed because I really want this collection. This is something you can treasure for decades to come, and the whole thing will look gorgeous with the spine art by Dell'Otto.

So it's up to you, but don't doubt the quality or think this is a rip off like all the cruddy partworks you see.

Excelsior! Make Mine Marvel etc etc
General / Can anyone nake me a Judge badge pic?
05 December, 2011, 11:03:26 AM
For my advent calendar, I would like to be able to put a screensaver on my computer with a Judge Ernie badge on a black background.

This isn't my entry, but it would be the background for the song I am doing - "Judge Ernie - He Rides The Fastsst Lawmaster In the Meg"

If no one can do it I'll just use a generic Dredd pic or sommat.
Books & Comics / Blacksad (For Grandville Lovers)
10 November, 2011, 02:38:21 PM
Or maybe that should be the other way round.

I got the Blacksad hardcover trade for my birthday, completely unexpected as I hadn't ever heard of it.

It's a Spanish book, and concerns anthropomorphic animals, focusing on a Private Detective, John Blacksad, who is a cat. Think Grandville without the steampunk and you're just about there.

Anyway, it's bloody brilliant, and the art is beautiful. I would rank it up there with Grandville, which is one of my favourites, and urge anyone who likes one to get the other.

The book contains 3 stories, and is really well printed and bound.

£15.71 on AMazon:
This has come off of another thread that's veered off target, and I am interested, so...

What writer who came through the ranks at 2000AD then buggered off elsewhere has impressed you the most with his post 2000AD output?

For example...

Alan Moore
Garth Ennis
Grant Morrison
Mark Millar

Personally, I have to say that my favourite two are Ennis and Millar. Millar gets fair bit of slagging, but for me it boils down to the fact i really enjoy his comics.
Creative Common / So who sent something to STRIP?
20 July, 2011, 04:07:46 PM
I managed to get a 6 pager together, with some great art by Davey Cavendish. Not SF in any way, just a rough and ready thriller with guns and stuff.
Creative Common / STRIP submission Letterer
11 July, 2011, 08:31:07 AM
Argh - I have lost all my details, and that includes details of my letterer. Whoever it was, send me a PM with your email and I will send pages.
General / The Saddest Thing in 2000AD
21 June, 2011, 08:27:14 AM
So we have a thread for what afeared ya, so what about a story that made ya blub!

Skizz is one of them for me. I suppose.

And the ep "I'll Never Forget Whatsisname" from Halo Jones 2.
General / Free 2000AD Stuff!
26 May, 2011, 11:17:26 PM
No, not really, although sort of...

We run a short story comp, every month.

We need you to read and vote on it. I know it's easier to vote on the art comp, but a lot of work goes into ours as well!

The limit is 500 words, and so they are not long winded. Many of them are clever and funny.

Without writers we don't have comics. Go to the thread and vote, because these writers need the vindication, lest they fall into alcoholism and lawlessness.

These forums contain the future of 2000AD. If it wasn't for 2000AD Online i myself would not now be trying to be a comic writer, and it started with the monthly competition.

Creative Common / STRIP submissions wanted
15 May, 2011, 09:02:26 AM

This is in "Books & Comics", but just in case you missed it.

"Six page, self-contained black and white or colour adventure stories which can have twist or shock endings, or a 'snapshot' of an ongoing tale from creator-owned strips. The strips should be action-oriented, reflecting the tone of STRIP Magazine; they can have an adventure, war, fantasy or science fiction setting but should not veer to the adult, horrific or horror."

Anyway - I WILL have an idea for this, but need an artist to play with.
Events / Bristol Comics Expo
09 May, 2011, 09:05:46 AM
Who's going?

Apart from me...
General / Whatever Happened to Tony Skinner?
02 May, 2011, 12:13:43 AM
Just read the Flesh GN that came with the Meg, and it's great - much better than the current one.

I notice Tony Skinner Co Wrote it, and I remember him from the brilliant "Accident Man" as well.

According to Wikipedia, Flesh was the last thing he wrote. Any info on him?
General / Sneck
22 February, 2011, 03:05:40 PM
On Eggheads last night there was a question about a Scottish slang word for a door latch, and one of the options was "Sneck".

I reasoned that it would be very Wagner/Grant to use a Scottish slang word as a futuristic swear word, and lo it was to be!

Jings, helpmaboab etc...
Film & TV / A New Film & TV Blog
14 February, 2011, 09:42:41 AM