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SPACEWARP - New Venture from Pat Mills

Started by Bolt-01, 05 April, 2019, 08:55:01 AM

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Opening paragraph of the blog post...


If you've ever wondered what it was like to create a comic like 2000 AD, now is your chance to find out. To experience the highs, the lows, the creative jamming with artists, the excitement of breakthroughs and the disappointments when things go wrong. Then the satisfaction of solving those problems, getting the art right, the stories right, the thrill of seeing amazing new artwork, and the knowledge that we are facilitating great new talent who, otherwise, might be stuck in some boring job. And finally, the thrill of viewing the finished awesome comic.

So pull up a ringside seat, because that's what I'm intending to do with SPACE WARP.

Sounds interesting (and it should as it is pretty much FutureQuake he's describing) and with Pat at the helm this is bound to be a solid read.



Thought it was going to be the next in the Read 'Em and Weep or Be Pure... series until I followed the link.

Looks interesting, will have to compare and contrast with the all-ages FCBD offering last year.


Looks very interesting, and I'm interested in getting this.

Curious about this though: "Introduced by alien robot editor Schlock" . Pat Mills has said that he came to disagree with 2000AD having a fictional Editor in Tharg, so I wonder why he decided to do this. Then again, part of the reason for this project is to test if a similar comic to the original 2000AD would work, again, so maybe that's why, I.e have all components present and see how they work in the current world.

Also Schlock also seems to be the name of an alien freedom fighter fighting against a human empire* in one of the strips (as it's a work I'm progress, maybe that will change) and while I think Future Shock type tales are always a good idea in an anthology,  calling them Future Schlocks....? Really?

Overall a good idea, and interesting that they're presenting the background and production stuff publicly.

Despite the description of certain tales being a bit too similar to stuff that's been in the Prog, there is variety, and they may do different things with the stuff that seems similar. One bloke vs dinosaurs does seem different to a whole bunch of cowboys, for example.

Anyway, we'll see.

*Sound familiar?



I'm not really a fan of segregating comics by the sexes either. Girls like sci-fi and they certainly like horror. And girls comics of the past have shown that their stories go down well with a male audience too . Some of them. Those of a less mushy romance bent😉

Girls' comics show they're  certainly partial to their horror and they had their share of dystopian sci-fi too.

Again, I think maybe Pat Mills wants to mirror 200ad again for a modern audience.


This kinda feels like Pat wants to have his cake and eat it.

Funt Solo

An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room.


To be honest, I was sceptical about the quality of artist Mills would be able to attract for this project. If Gareth Sleightholme isn't soon following the path Dan Cornwell trod, from founding father's self-published project to Galaxy's Greatest, it'll be because a US publisher got to him first.

All images © Gareth Sleightholme 2019, from The Executioners, the fictional analogue of Judge Dredd in Mills's 2000ad parody comic, Space Warp:

Mills has obviously read that the richest Youtube personality is an 8-year-old who does unboxing videos. You can watch him reacting like a kid with a new toy when he sees Sleightholme's art, here. Listening to Pat Mills at 0.25 speed, to screencap those images, was a big thrill for a fan of Chris Morris's Blue Ja-aa-aaa-mmmm.

Leigh S

It's lovely stuff, though I wonder if Pat is letting his understandable excitement get the better here  - great concepts for characters, but can he draw the world - the retro-futuristic city - can he pull off sequential strip art?  Now there's every chance he can, but if he struggles with some of the other aspects, Pat has kind of thrown his lot in here?  Maybe there are samples of that kind of stuff from the artist that arent of these characters, what do I know!

Not trying to be a downer here, but I'm glad I didnt start doing anything for this strip! I'm sure it will be fine!


Quote from: Leigh S on 11 May, 2019, 10:58:51 PM
... great concepts for characters, but can he draw the world - the retro-futuristic city - can he pull off sequential strip art?

There are some sequentials and cityscapes on the Artstation account I linked to above, bud.

Leigh S

Aha, cheers Frank - my eyesight isnt what it was!  Some interesting stuff there - some of this stuff looks like Brendan McCarthy, some like Robin Smith, some like John Blanche - even with the page or two of sequential art  there I'm not sure I have a clear idea what a finished page might look like - all very good stuff though.

I suppose Pat might argue we wouldnt see this artist in 2000AD because he is drawing out people who would be put off by work for hire, though I also wonder if this is the project to prove that theory - I can't see there being a huge profit in this for anyone - seems more like a labour of love than a concerted assault on the status quo, but who knows, maybe it could prove both given enough of the former


I hope it is a success. The more options we have the better.

The art looks good, Frank.
When I die, I want to die like my grandfather who died peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like all the passengers in his car.

Old age is the Lord's way of telling us to step aside for something new. Death's in case we didn't take the hint.


This looks smashing, wil definitely look out for it.
Savalas Seed Bandcamp:

"He's The Law 45th anniversary music video"


Another pleasant surprise on the art front. Mike Donaldson's Futant work is like Karl Richardson trying to show someone how Simon Coleby's art looks.

Donaldson seems stronger on action than character, but I like everything about this page 100% more than I like the name Futant. That'd be the first thing I changed, but the whole point of Space Warp seems to be doing things the Pat Mills Way.