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Messages - RM147

Books & Comics / Re: The Daily ZARJAZ!
25 February, 2020, 11:30:35 PM
Thanks for the kind words.
Snazz is perfect material for short, punchy, humourous tales.

I do worry about upsetting Alan but I hope he will see that all the team at FQP love the characters and comics.
We all know the various backstage stuff from over the years but all the Zarjaz and Dogbreath work are labours of love for all involved and no disrespect is meant to any of the original creators.
(I did rush this one a, sorry it's a bit slap-dash in places)
A quick bit of info regarding the last few days of Advent Calendar shenanigans. The lovely Gail Nedry (my old school mates daughter) submitted a few pieces after some badgering from myself. I was amazed when Gail sat down and in the space of just a few hours cranked out the 3 pieces for this year's calendar.
I mean, really, really fast.
I had a rough 6 page strip I had planned for the lovely boys at FQP/Zarjaz. But it didn't really fit for them as it was more of a gimmick piece, inspired by Tharg's thrill power Death Match from prog 2000, where various 2000ad characters were pitted in battle.
I had just finished Hershey/Anderson and Halo Jones for this year's Advent calendar and was going to do a Rogue Trooper piece for my third slot.  But damn that Gail Nedry. She had me wondering if I could get my 6 page SHAKAR vs JOE PINEAPPLES done by 14th December.
So on Wednesday 11th I sat down to try and crank this out. It's rough with many, many faults but all 6 pages were completed in 14 hours over 3 days. There are continuity problems. Joe and Shakara may have differences of costume from page to page which I would have amended given a more normal timescale.
Gail made it look easy. I found it really tough to work this quickly. These pages are somewhere between sketch and finished work. But I did manage to get it done in a really tight timescale.'s just a bit of fun. So please excuse the lack of cohesive direction in the story. Jumps in narrative, poor lettering and the afore mentioned inconsistent art.
It's all Gail's fault. YO-HO-HO.
Have a Merry Christmas.

Todays offering from the WONDEROUS GAIL NEDRY.


Todays offering- Print out and colour in!

DAY 11
More GAIL NEDRY lovelyness. Anyone know why she can't post here anymore?

It's been mentioned that one future/proposed book for Halo would feature her as a space pirate. So I just riffed on that idea.
Dolphin masthead...obvious reference to her time on the hoop and her membership of the rikkitikki...uhm, that club.
Space nipples...bit of fun on my part. Retro '50s space suit with valve/knobs where nipples would
HALO JONES- Space Pirate.

Posting for GAIL NEDRY.
Last year she could post to the boards, now she can't. Hopefully links should work as Gail sent them on email.


Gail is travelling at the moment but I've messaged her and she will be up for doing this again this year.

1st - Pete Wells
2nd - ming
3rd - Eamonn Clarke
4th -
5th -
6th -
7th -
8th -
9th -   Gail Nedry
10th - RoboMonkey147
11th - Gail Nedry
12th - RoboMonkey147
13th - Gail Nedry
14th - RoboMonkey147
15th - Colin.ynwa
16th -
17th - Jayzus B Christ
18th -
19th -
20th -
21st -
22nd -
23rd -
24th - EVERYONE!