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Started by SmallBlueThing, 04 February, 2011, 12:40:44 PM

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Seconded. For me, this is Tim Curry at his absolute finest.

Colin YNWA

Having watched Legend recenty I can confirm its an incredibly dull and unengaging film and as I think I said here you can tell Ridley Scott used to direct adverts - it looks at a perfume advert.

Colin YNWA

Oh and anyone who doesn't think Princess Bride is the greatest creation known to humankind has a cold dead hearrt.

Barrington Boots

Legend is awful. Complete snoozefest although it does look really good.
I've watched absolutely tons of fantasy movies and its hard to recommend many. Of the 80s ones the ones aimed atva younger audience do tend to have weathered the test of time better - a lot of the remainder are a bit nasty. The treatment of women in them is generally appalling. The ones I like do tend to be unintentionally awful. I rate Beastmaster but its a bad film objectively and it's tough to go anywhere from there if you don't like it. Within the field Conan is immense - the score alone is just incredible - but there's a huge gap between that and secind tier stuff like Red Sonja and an even bigger gap between that and the b movie crowd. You're probably looking at stuff like Willow maybe?
You're a dark horse, Boots.


Quote from: Barrington Boots on 20 March, 2021, 10:45:15 AM
Within the field Conan is immense - the score alone is just incredible

Notwithstanding one particularly rubbery snake effect, I think Conan is basically flawless. It looks fantastic from start to finish, Schwarzenegger, called upon to be nothing more than stoic, stony-faced and muscle-bound, is in his ideal role, the supporting cast are great and the score, as you say, is phenomenal. Short on laughs, but I think the film works precisely because it takes itself so very seriously.

I've now just talked myself into popping off to the internet to see if there's a 4K blu-ray. :)
Stupidly Busy Letterer: Samples. | Blog
Less-Awesome-Artist: Scribbles.


Haven't watched Legend, but Sword and Sorcerer was immense fun for me, for trash Conan rip-off. Perhaps the most successful B movie sword and fantasy title to date.

Sleepaway Camp (1983)

For the record, I am so not into slasher movies. Fetishization of gory killings, masked killer, final girl trope and the last shot that establishes that we'll get sequel one day were comprehensible to me as quantum physics. That said, I do love horrors that have slasher elements in them (Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Alien, House on Haunted Hill remake) a lot. Sleepaway Camp I made myself to watch for now its infamous twist ending. Having read the whole plot first (yes, I did that to myself). And gotta say, in the sea of slasher movies of its time, the ending still holds powerful as I presume it was back in '83. Also, I realized that Sleepaway Camp has a plot that's too intellectual to me. Whether that was the director's intention or not, but there are bunch of scenes that heavily really on ambiguity (for example, flashback scenes that become especially harrowing toward the climax) and we were never provided with an open answer, such us the culprit's  clear motivation for the killing; apart from perhaps "they were all bad guys". Angela is traumatized girl after surviving  incident that claimed her Dad and brother. Shy she is, she partakes time in a summer camp with her cousin. When murders start to occur that are somehow related to her. The plot, for most of the time is rather generic. Special effects are neither worst nor cutting edge, even for a B movie like this. Acting is either poor or over-reacting. Although there are moments of I guess intentional hilarity, wrapped in perhaps the greatest line exchanges I've ever seen in a movie that I had to write them down. On rather awkward side, what's it with all those boys in skimpy shorts? Ugh. Which is what one character did (paedophile?) and I confess that I laughed at his infamous quip:"young fresh chicken. We call them baldies". Okay, I shouldn't have laughed here. As for the ending, I gotta admire its boldness. Very ballsy and disturbing.
Reyt, you lot. Shut up, belt up, 'n if ye can't see t' bloody exit, ye must be bloody blind.


The other issue with Legend is the version you see.  The Tangerine Dream version works better but I would have to agree in terms of its overall appeal.  Tim Curry definitely steals the show though.


Quote from: Jim_Campbell on 20 March, 2021, 11:23:31 AM
Quote from: Barrington Boots on 20 March, 2021, 10:45:15 AM
Within the field Conan is immense - the score alone is just incredible

Notwithstanding one particularly rubbery snake effect, I think Conan is basically flawless. It looks fantastic from start to finish, Schwarzenegger, called upon to be nothing more than stoic, stony-faced and muscle-bound, is in his ideal role, the supporting cast are great and the score, as you say, is phenomenal. Short on laughs, but I think the film works precisely because it takes itself so very seriously.

I've now just talked myself into popping off to the internet to see if there's a 4K blu-ray. :)

Pity they let that go with THE DESTROYER, which though I have a soft spot for really fumbles whenever the plot slows so Grace Jones (though deliciously scary throughout) can crack a deadpan line about the tropes of sword and sorcery.


What is best in life? I can't remember.
Be excellent to each other. And party on!

von Boom

Quote from: Hawkmumbler on 20 March, 2021, 12:12:53 PM
Quote from: Jim_Campbell on 20 March, 2021, 11:23:31 AM
Quote from: Barrington Boots on 20 March, 2021, 10:45:15 AM
Within the field Conan is immense - the score alone is just incredible

Notwithstanding one particularly rubbery snake effect, I think Conan is basically flawless. It looks fantastic from start to finish, Schwarzenegger, called upon to be nothing more than stoic, stony-faced and muscle-bound, is in his ideal role, the supporting cast are great and the score, as you say, is phenomenal. Short on laughs, but I think the film works precisely because it takes itself so very seriously.

I've now just talked myself into popping off to the internet to see if there's a 4K blu-ray. :)

Pity they let that go with THE DESTROYER, which though I have a soft spot for really fumbles whenever the plot slows so Grace Jones (though deliciously scary throughout) can crack a deadpan line about the tropes of sword and sorcery.
That was a studio decision. They watered the entire film down in order to achieve the 13 rating in the hopes of a bigger box office. How'd that go over?

I recently watched Red Sonja again and while Brigitte Neilsen is about as wooden as a tree on the whole the film is much better than it gets credit for, mainly due to the supporting cast. Even Schwargenner's not-Conan (nudge nudge, wink wink) is better than the Destroyer Conan.


Quote from: wedgeski on 17 March, 2021, 02:49:55 PM
Before CG dragons came to dominate, this film had, hands down, the greatest dragon seen in motion pictures (it gets its hero shot in the last act, so keep watching).

Vermithrax Pejorative being very influential to George R R Martin - naming one of the dead dragons in Song of Ice and Fire Vermithrax.  And I suspect the name Valerian might have influenced a bit of the lore of SoIaF too.

Funt Solo

Extraction - Chris Hemsworth stars in a walk-through for a new action shooter in the Call of Duty series of hit video games. Trying to inject pathos into something with this high a death count for regular cops just doing their job is like trying to find an ounce of kindness in Priti Patel. There's a "twist" that you'd only be surprised at if you've never watched any movies in your life, or read any books, or understand language, and come from a dimension where lies are against the laws of physics.

Top tip: if you're a minimalist, you'll never be sucker-thwacked in a melee by someone using an everyday household object to bludgeon you.

Summary: if you enjoy watching someone else play video games, this might be for you!
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


Q: The Winged Serpent

Engaging but weird.  I don't really mean weird in terms of the plot or premise.  The people just didn't quite behave as I would expect human beings to behave.  There was something uncanny about them.  It was pretty interesting to watch and amusing.  My biggest complaint was how it was so off hand about violence towards women. 

Free Fire

Want to watch a film that's almost entirely a shoot-out?  This one has you covered (geddit?).  It's pretty good and has a dark sense of humour throughout.  It exchanges big action set pieces for comedy violence with a dash of realism (it's not full on slapstick).  Very entertaining and surprisingly attention grabbing.


Quote from: pictsy on 22 March, 2021, 09:57:05 AM
It's pretty good and has a dark sense of humour throughout.

"Distract 'im with your badinage."

Yeah. Really enjoyed this one, too. It's sort of like the Coen Brothers remade Reservoir Dogs.
Stupidly Busy Letterer: Samples. | Blog
Less-Awesome-Artist: Scribbles.


Think it was someone on here a few months back who brought up Leighs PETERLOO and as I hadn't seen it since it's theatrical run picked up the blu-ray and gave it a rewatch. Yup, still wonderfully low key, almost a slice of life drama until the shit hits the fan and the titular massacre begins. Probably one of the best representations of both rural and urban decay as well, with some lovely character touches. Anyone who grew up in the North can absolutely spot a regional 'type' as the Unions come together in St. Peters Field.

Oddly was reminded of Peter Watkins Culloden upon the rewatch.