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Started by SmallBlueThing, 04 February, 2011, 12:40:44 PM

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Richmond Clements

Dune. Holy sneck. That's how you make a movie.


Quote from: Richmond Clements on 23 October, 2021, 05:43:45 PM
Dune. Holy sneck. That's how you make a movie.

I'm going to take it you're talking about the new one. 

Because if you are not then I congratulate you on such a bold statement ;)


Dune, self-important bland looking, overlong even though they didn't tell the whole story so we gotta wait & see if they even bother finishing it!

Colin YNWA

There's a lot of love on here for 2003 western Open Range and I stumbled across it the other day on Prime and watched it with excitment... except I really didn't like it... well that's not fair. There is much to like but some key elements are just hollow and that makes the excellent relationship between Duvall and Costner, the superb gun battle and some good 'authentic work worth ... well if not nothing, then not very much at all.

The villains are the very worst of paper thin cliche. Thrown in to give something to rail against and not even 2 dimensional. The relationship between Costner and Benning is just terrible too. Its rushed, has no depth and just flow past like the very worst of love interest for the sake of it.

The music - poor and freeze frame in the last shot - just awful.

Its half a good western and half an absymal cliche.


Patt Garrett and Billy the kid

One of coolest westerns ever. I won't say Peckinpah's best, but it's near. I like how the film establishes early on the friendship between the two titular characters, soon to be arch nemesis. And the music and visuals are great, poetic. Btw, Bob Dylan did the score, but for some unexplainable reason, he's thrown in the film, in a very unclear role. Plus, his acting...the less said, the better. My only big disappointment is the Special Edition I had the chance to see; imho, inferior over, better, but not flawless Preview version. I guess the perfect cut would be a mix of the two, which so far no one plans to do.
Reyt, you lot. Shut up, belt up, 'n if ye can't see t' bloody exit, ye must be bloody blind.

von Boom

Silverado. Not just a great western but a great film altogether.


The Velvet Underground. This was an absolute joy for me. Todd Haynes does a wonderful job of presenting archive footage in context, often with a split screen showing Warhol films alongside interviews or other footage. It works wonderfully.

I'll also add that I could happily watch an entire film of Jonathan Richman talking about the VU.


Quote from: Richmond Clements on 23 October, 2021, 05:43:45 PM
Dune. Holy sneck. That's how you make a movie.

Gotta agree with this review.  Just saw the new film yesterday - how long until the next half?


Hellbound: Hellraiser II

Yeah, pretty much what I remember.  Like it about the same as I did as a kid.  As a follow up to the original it works well.  I'd say it's certainly worth watching the two movies as companion pieces.

Much like with the first there is some really excellent stuff and some ropey stuff.  For the most part I'd just be treading the same ground as before.

Things specifically about this film I like are the expansion of lore.  Going into the Cenobite dimension is certainly something and I think it looks really good.  I like the weird black lighthouse thing going on that is apparently Leviathan.  It's nice to see the OG Cenobites back, even if there are noticeable differences with the Chatterer make-up and the new actress for "Deepthroat".  It still works.  It is great that, in both films, these characters leave such an impression despite the extremely short screentime they get.  Less is more.

The Doctor Cenobite doesn't work as well.  It's okay and does it's job, but it set an unfortunate precedent that lead to the fucking dumb design in HRIII.  At least it wasn't quite as on the nose in this film.  Motivations are a little muddy in presentation and follow-throughs are weak for it.

Overall, another good time had.  I know what is next isn't going to be good at all.  But I know how dumb it is and maybe I'll have some fun at least sniggering at it.

Funt Solo

Scum - a tough watch that meanders a bit as it becomes less the story of Carlin and more the story of the borstal system itself. I'd call it essential cinema, but not for the faint of heart.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


Quote from: Funt Solo on 24 October, 2021, 05:04:33 PM
Scum - a tough watch that meanders a bit as it becomes less the story of Carlin and more the story of the borstal system itself. I'd call it essential cinema, but not for the faint of heart.

Haven't seen this in years.  Used to enjoy it alongside I.D.  I'd agree about it getting very grim and unpleasant.  I think it would still hold relevance today given it's commentary.  Maybe not the specifics of the Borstals but certainly establishment institutions.

After some British film-making that's not for the faint of heart?  Then I recommend Threads.

Funt Solo

I just read a quick review of Threads, and I might watch it some other time! As it came out in 1984, it reminds me that I took my dad to see Blade Runner ('82), and he complained that it was too depressing. He got his revenge a few years later by taking me to see When the Wind Blows ('86). Blade Runner's rather jolly in comparison.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


Quote from: Funt Solo on 24 October, 2021, 05:53:18 PM
I just read a quick review of Threads, and I might watch it some other time! As it came out in 1984, it reminds me that I took my dad to see Blade Runner ('82), and he complained that it was too depressing. He got his revenge a few years later by taking me to see When the Wind Blows ('86). Blade Runner's rather jolly in comparison.

When the Wind Blows is a good film and harrowing in it's mundane depiction of nuclear horror.  Threads is a lot more brutal film in it's bleakness.

I'd like to revisit myself one day soon to see how hard it punches for me now.


DUNE (2021)

Absolutely blows chunks. If you enjoyed all the scenes of space ships landing in the SW: Prequels I'm glad someone made a compilation playlist for those weirdos.


Wow, there seems to be some division on the Dune movie.  I might bother to watch it now.  I was considering not because when I last read the book I realised it's really over rated and has a multitude of issues (beyond the problematic elements).  I'm wondering if the film retains some of these issues.