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Started by SmallBlueThing, 04 February, 2011, 12:40:44 PM

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Quote from: Apestrife on 20 September, 2018, 07:42:25 PM
Seen Kagemusha?
Have the blu-ray! It's on my list to watch soon, looks qually lush!


Kagemusha was my first Kurosawa. At the GFT.
Be excellent to each other. And party on!


Hannah Gadsby: Nanette on Netflix.
This is all a bit "look at me, a lesbian, from a town of sheep shagging inbreds" at the start but get through that(which isn't as out of context as you think) and you won't regret it. Powerful stuff.
Be excellent to each other. And party on!


Quote from: Hawkmumbler on 21 September, 2018, 02:46:19 PM
Quote from: Apestrife on 20 September, 2018, 07:42:25 PM
Seen Kagemusha?
Have the blu-ray! It's on my list to watch soon, looks qually lush!

It's amazing. Really cool story. A good tragedy. Gonna have to watch it again soon.

Steve Green

Solo - the star wars one, not the tv sitcom with Felicity Kendal.

Pretty enjoyable - some of the more interesting characters took an early bath, and L3 'doing a Rose' covered the same ground as TLJ.

I would liked to have spent a bit more time on the WW1 style planet - that looked like it had a bit more mileage in it.

Professor Bear

The Meg - more like The SMEG.
There are many good bad films, but this is not one of them, this is just bad.  The interference of China in Western films is turning me into a bit of a racist, too, because as soon as I saw the Chinese logos in the list of sponsors at the start of the film I knew this was going to be sunk by some Chinese actress with the charisma of a short plank and lo and behold, there's a Chinese actress playing a central role and it's not that she can't act for toffee, it's that she is really, really bad to the point it breaks every scene she's in.  She actually has a kid and the kid can barely speak English either and she still out-acts the actress playing her mum, though there's at least one good scene she shares with Jason Statham that serves an admirably humanitarian purpose in illustrating that Statham is not the worst actor ever - but boy does he work really hard to prove otherwise.  I think he'd do better if he hadn't tried to act at all and just been Jason Statham on-set, as he actually seems to have put in some effort, particularly when he has to do "cute" scenes with the young actress playing the sassy kid, his wrinkly old-man/baby forehead creasing all the way from his brow until it circles his skull and ends up a bunch of folds at the back of his neck as he realises he can't call on his usual lady-interaction repertoire and kiss or punch her, so instead he has to stand there and let noises fall out of his food hole and it is clearly a situation that is confusing him and making him uncomfortable.  I just kept thinking "Kelly Brook left him for Billy Zane - BILLY FUCKING ZANE - when will life stop kicking this poor man in the balls?
Lengthy scenes of carnage at one of China's most photogenic beaches are also a bit of a giveaway as to who foot the bill on this turkey, but to adhere to China's rules on content, no Chinese people actually get munched by the monster - yes, that's right, there's a 30 minute finale set in a tourist hotspot in which a rampaging dinosaur shark eats zero people.
Who is this movie made for?  On paper this should have been a no-brainer full of dumb deaths and playful gore, but instead it's a largely bloodless (the only gore is chopped-up fish and a dead whale here and there), sexless, cheap-looking, and for all its attempts to be cute, it is a remarkably humourless film.
The sooner we go to war with China the better.


That's one of the real positives about Solo - almost everything looked like it had more mileage in it than we got.  Han's Imperial career,  the Mimban conflict,  Val,  Rio, Enfys Nest,  Lando, Qi'ra,  Crimson Dawn... none of it was really flogged to death,  much if it was original,  and I could definitely stand to watch more of all of it.

Really enjoyed last night's Blu-Ray re-watch, the smaller scale works great on the small screen. I noticed all sorts of interesting things I'd missed before, and disonant elements like L3 seemed to bed in better with repeat exposure, which is always good.  It's full of odd flaws and weird structure,  and sometimes the referencing gets a bit heavy (not Rogue One heavy,  but still...), but on the whole it's just good fresh space outlaw fun with some great casting.  Pleased to have it,  wish we were getting more in the same vein.


Wow.....serious anti-Meg review  :lol:

I liked it, silly, mostly light hearted, fun.

Funt Solo

Quote from: Professor Bear on 23 September, 2018, 12:57:20 PM
The interference of China in Western films is turning me into a bit of a racist ... The sooner we go to war with China the better.

Could you try not being so much of a racist in public?

One assumes there are solutions to your perceived problem of Chinese nationals funding movies that don't involve declarations of war.  And if you're being, I don't know, post-modern, or ironic or something like that: you need to provide more clues.  You just come across as being bluntly racist.

The actress whose work you dislike is Bingbing Li.  Whilst you are, of course, free to dislike her work, she has a long and storied career which includes a few Best Actress gongs.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


Quote from: Funt Solo on 23 September, 2018, 04:24:04 PM
Could you try not being so much of a racist in public?

Forgive the Prof.; tongue welded in cheek runs through almost all his posts. We wouldn't want him any other way.

Funt Solo

If it really is tongue in cheek, then some context is required that would indicate that.  Some small clue.  Otherwise it's just offensive, and "just kidding" doesn't hold water.  It starts to sound like "I can say anything I like, however offensive, and if you don't like it I can pretend I didn't mean it."
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


I thought the hyperbole and arcane knowledge of Statham's love-life gave it away.

Funt Solo

Wait, then.  So you're saying that Professor Bear actually really loves the movie The Meg, thinks that Bingbing Li is a great actress, the amount of bloodshed in the movie was perfect and that he loves the level of financial investment in movies provided by Chinese nationals?  In other words, I need to reverse everything he says because he's playing a permanent game of Opposite Land?

Sorry: I'm not that smart.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


Quote from: JOE SOAP on 23 September, 2018, 04:29:41 PM
We wouldn't want him any other way.

I dunno, I've always felt we should rastafy him by 10%-or-so.

Professor Bear

You just want me to stop making jokes about the famine.

The phenomenon of financial interference in Western cinema by Chinese backers was first brought to the public's attention by that notoriously anti-Chinese group (checks notes) the Chinese, after some particularly glaring localisation work on one of the Iron Mans featured polorising Weibo mainstay, Bingbing Fan, and the continuing and baffling cinematic omnipresence of Jing Tian, but there is probably an important conversation to be had about the spreading influence of China's corrupt and toxic brand of authoritarian corporatism to other markets, particularly given the oppressive restrictions on foreign investment that allows the Chinese state to appropriate intellectual property (including technology patents) from the West.
On balance I decided to go with mocking how most Chinese co-financed films made for English-speaking audiences haven't been very good - because they haven't - and pretending I don't watch every film Jason Statham makes - which I don't.