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2000AD Theme Park.

Started by ThryllSeekyr, 18 June, 2006, 04:16:29 PM

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I don't know of how feasiable this would be. ASs I know 2000Ad is not that well kown among the common people.

Imagine something like MovieWorld ( Like we have at our own Gold-Coastin Australia.) except it's based on yours truly.

The whole place could be housed in a Mega-City like complex that can only be entered by Monorail.

The inside would mainly house the well known locales of the famous comic with actors walking around in costume & perhaps riding around on modified motor cycles also. There would be parades and shops, resturaunts, smokatariums, gifts stores, Shuggyhalls . To top it all off, there would be big stage show featuring Dredd himself. ( Simliar to the Police Academy one at Movie World.)

Other parts of the theme park may also house Nu-Earth, or Termight with a Terror-Tube under-ground  railway system connecting the diffrent areas. There would be other rides as well, as is per usual in a Theme park.

 It wouldn't have to be as detailed though. Alot of the hard to get to expencive scenery could just be painted onto large wooden backdrops behind the other buildings.

That would be cool.


Well, there's always the MEGA-SPINNER

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You can just about make out the badly-daubed movie-inspired Hammerstein, Dredd and Mean Machine on the backboard.


I suggested this ages ago, inspired by all the Japanese theme parks (there's one for Ultraman and one for Hello Kitty). Someone said something about the Durham Red bouncy castle

Steve Green

I'm quite surprised this hasn't been done more in genral. I know there's Universal Studios, but it would be great to have somewhere with reconstructions of famous sets.

The Death Star Hangar, Fortress of Solitude, the Space Jockey from Alien for example.

It always seems a shame they have to be destroyed.

- Steve

Adrian Bamforth

Be pure, be vigilant, scream if you want to go faster.">

Steve Green

A Terror Tube rollercoaster would be ace. Finish it at the Black Hole bypass.

There don't seem to be that many enclosed roller coasters for some reason. Combine a roller coaster with film projected would be superb.

As an alternative, if you loosened a couple of bolts on a Pirate Ship ride, you could have a Cloud Curragh before you knew it.

- Steve


Ohh just think, heaps of Judges would be patrolling the area, randomly pulling visiters & tourists to frisked and go through their bags and purses looking for forbidden items.

The items will be ocnficated ( Unless they are really needed and given back to them apon leaving.)

They will be given fines and told to go on their way while being told to stay out of trouble.

( Thes are of course fake and not to be taken seriously.)

Serious offenders will be forscibly hand cuffed to a holding post, until a H-wagon arrives to take them to a ISO cube.

( This of course is all in good fun and so visiters and tourists should be forewarned.)

I, Cosh

I know this is a joke, but I still have to say what a totally shit idea it is.


This would be shit.
We never really die.