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Started by SmallBlueThing, 04 February, 2011, 12:40:44 PM

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Professor Bear

Scorpion King 2: Rise of a Warrior.  There comes a point when you just have to stop and decide not to go on, and that point is when you are watching a direct-to-dvd sequel to a film starring the Rock which does not have the Rock in it and think to yourself "I will make a catalog of the things wrong with this and share it with others," so instead in it's favor I will say that this - with a fraction of the budget and none of the "name" stars - is comparable to the recent Conan The Barbarian thing in terms of scope, SFX, not good fights and making you wonder why things are happening and if the plot has become something else for some reason while you turned to open a tin.  It was probably made for tv or something, but even so I felt it dragged on a great deal, possibly because tv movies are made to fit around advertising breaks instead of the traditional three-act structure.

Scorpion King 3.  Yep, it's christmas and I have both sequels to the Rock original.  I will say only this of part 3: a film about a pre-Christian Arabian prince has no Arabs in the cast.  And has been shot in a forest.

The Thing.
  The 1982 version.  Not much point banging on about this one as you've either made your mind up already or you're in for a serious treat, but it's great to see it again if only to cleanse the palette of the recent remake, which was alright when it doesn't reference the 1982 version.  Which it does constantly.

Star Wars OT
.  For some reason a mate recommended leaving these running while trying to get to sleep as they're so familiar you're unlikely to get caught up in following the plot and will drift off into snoozeytime quite easily.  With A New Hope that's certainly true, but I found myself staying awake for Empire, and nodding off to Jedi only to awaken wondering why the whole war with the Empire was a b-plot to some storyline about Han's dealings with Jabba, even though according to the Special Edition footage that simply had to be re-inserted, the two were apparently on good terms.  I am also on the fence about the Ewoks: on one hand, clearly merchandising intruding upon the artistic integrity of the storyline, but on the other, I recall loving them when I was a nipper and there's something just plain right about the power of the Empire being destroyed by its own hubris in failing to consider the native Endorians a threat.

Battle Los Angeles, which I liked at the time it came out because it wasn't the unfocussed opportunistic mess that Skyline was, but on second viewing it has a lot of problems, most especially the shaky camerawork which is omnipresent yet never actually employed in any practical way that aids the narrative as by the time it becomes contextually appropriate when all the bangs and whizzes kick off, you're used to it because it's even used when two old blokes are sitting in their office having a cuppa and a chat about their careers.

Apollo 18  Fair enough just the notion that 1970 astronauts had camcorders and nobody on Earth has a telescope are kind of deal breakers if you apply logic to this in any way, but even so, [spoiler]MOON CRABS WILL DESTROY US ALL FROM WITHIN[/spoiler] is too much unless you're willing to put in the effort to make such a ludicrous conceit work as something we should fear, as the final onscreen text clearly establishes is the case even though we see in the film that all you need to keep evil at bay is a hammer.  A poor cash-in to an already-dated genre that even the makers of Blair Witch 2 thought had passed its sell-by date.

Roger Godpleton

Battle LA amounts to nothing less than a watershed moment in the dumbassification of the pop-cultural discourse when it ends with one of those stupid fucking boss fights from a video game where you point a laser at something and wait for planes to blow up.
He's only trying to be what following how his dreams make you wanna be, man!


Jaws. For about the 87,897,000th time. me in every time in airs on TV.


"Starship troopers 3 Marauder"-the greatest film ever in the history of the  world. Or it is after you've had loads of alcohol. Acting as corny as kansas, religion thrown in for no reason, special effects by ZX Spectrum, a world annihilated as two lovers kiss. An utter masterpiece.

I then watched "Invasion of the Bodysnatchers" the 1956 version in b&w, bloody chilling even now.
The Justice department has a good re-education programme-it's called five to ten in the cubes.


True Grit (1969). Nuff said.


Watched Kill List last night..if you have not seen this yet go out and buy the DVD now..
"We keep on being told that religion, whatever its imperfections, at least instills morality. On every side, there is conclusive evidence that the contrary is the case and that faith causes people to be more mean, more selfish, and perhaps above all, more stupid." ― Christopher Hitchens


Kung Fu Panda.  Not at all bad.  D'y'know, I'd have been a happy man if the Anakin/Obi-Wan thing in the Prequels had played out with even a fraction of the style and emotional intensity that the superficially-identical Shifu/Tai-Ling conflict did.  That's a fight between a Red Panda and his Snow Leopard former apprentice, case you haven't seen it. 


Quote from: Beeks on 01 January, 2012, 07:15:11 PM
Watched Kill List last night..if you have not seen this yet go out and buy the DVD now..

[spoiler]...then murder a paedophile.[/spoiler]


Just watched the original and still utterly amazing first Alien movie with a friend of mine who had never seen it before.

Yeah, that's what * I * said!

Completely fantastic movie, still scary after 30-odd years, and DEAR GOD was Sigourney Weaver beautiful in 1979!
Check out my DA page! Point! Laugh!


Kung Fu Oanda 2 last night, enjoyable as the first i thought (which i liked).  Some nice fight animation and it still cracks me up watching a snake do kung fu, Jack Black at his least annoying and a rather grand plot about ending Kung-fu which links to the Panda's past conviniently.

CU Radbacker


Last night I watched the Great Muppet Caper with my son to try and keep him awake till midnight so we could see the fireworks bringing in the New Year.

I was suprised at how many metta refs there were in it.  :lol:

I haven't been to the cinema for quite a while, the last film I saw on the big screen was probably Captain America.

Beaky Smoochies

Quote from: Zarjazzer on 01 January, 2012, 01:27:33 PM
"Starship troopers 3 Marauder"-the greatest film ever in the history of the  world. Or it is after you've had loads of alcohol. Acting as corny as kansas, religion thrown in for no reason, special effects by ZX Spectrum, a world annihilated as two lovers kiss. An utter masterpiece.

If Paul Verhoeven had returned to either direct or just act as an executive producer, had it been the first sequel to the 1997 awesome original (with Denise Richards and Neal Patrick Harris returning alongside Casper Van Dien), plus a bigger budget than the $9million it purportedly cost (about $20million with a better script would've been more appropriate), ST3 could've been a pretty cool little movie, and I think the whole religious thing (speaking as someone of faith myself) is supposed to be satirical, but Ed Neumeier just didn't have the directing chops by himself to convey that.  The other trouble is, it simply couldn't compete as a 'further adventures of' with the superb Roughnecks CG animated series...
"When the people fear the government there is tyranny, when the government fear the people there is LIBERTY!" - Thomas Jefferson.

"That government is best which governs least" - Thomas Jefferson.

Keef Monkey

Re-watched The Losers yesterday, really enjoyed it for a second time. Definitely think that movie should have done more business than it did as I've not heard anything about a sequel, which would be very welcome.


LOSERS Is great, I enjoyed the film but not as much as the graphic. Maybe I just missed JOCK!  ;)


Taxi Driver on Blu-ray. Seen it before and it's still brilliant, although not the best thing to watch at 1 in the morning while you're trying to get to sleep, mainly because I couldn't stop thinking about what the ending actually meant.
They say you need to spend money to make money, well I've never made any money so by that logic I've never spent any.