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Prog 2329: Fruiting bodies!

Started by IndigoPrime, 24 April, 2023, 04:38:28 PM

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Barrington Boots

I own both of those and they're fantastic. Burns also illustrated a beautiful version of Jane Eyre for Classical Comics thats well worth a look. Sadly Jim didn't letter this one.
You're a dark horse, Boots.


Back to the prog - An enjoyable Dredd; for some reason more reminiscent of a wacky Alan Grant one than a John Wagner one, in a good way.  Also a touch of Beck and Kawl about the whole thing, and the caption at the top of the last page made me laugh.  I have to admit, though, I'm not in a rush to see the Dark Judges back any time soon; things have been a bit overkill (sorry) with them lately.

Durham Red is ok, nothing too amazing but chugging along nicely.  Good to see just how vicious she can be when she gets into her stride.  As an aside, it sometimes occurs to me that she's from Durham but it feels really weird to read her dialogue in a Durham accent.  No offence to anyone from Durham of course, it's an accent I'm very fond of.

Rogue - for some reason, this was the episode that has really got me invested in this story.  The last panel has me really looking forward to the next episode - sometimes, cliffhangers don't have to be about our hero facing certain death.

I just can't get into Enemy Earth, and I'm afraid I've always just skimmed through The Order - although, of course, the artwork is just stunning.  I had no idea JB was 85 - what a fecking legend.  Here's to many more years of his art in the prog.
"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest"


A better prog than anything recently... cover felt a bit flat colour wise.

Dredd – A fun Dredd story comes to an end,  Hopefully the Dark Judges is just a ruse to something more interesting. Googe's art is perfect for this story.

The Order – A chapter ends or rather a series, unfortunately the door is kept ajar just a little bit. I didn't enjoyed this series and would like to see the final finale.

Durham Red – Red is planet bound and the real mission can now commence, and the blood counter is already way-up. Enjoying this and for me this interpretation of Red is the best of them all.

Enemy Earth – Struggle really to get into this especially the art and the story just feels like go to a go to b with no real substance.

Rogue Trooper – Would like the story to move forward and I just feel the WW1 setting is taking up too much episode counts. Do not get me wrong a still very much invested in the story and really enjoying the return of Rogue, but had hoped for some more timey-wimey high jinks: Roman legions marching out the mist, Ensign Ewart and his Eagle, Crazy Horse in a ghost shirt! Art is fatalistic but please mister Ennis show us your hand.
DDT did a job on me


Quote from: Proudhuff on 01 May, 2023, 04:20:12 PMRogue Trooper – Would like the story to move forward and I just feel the WW1 setting is taking up too much episode counts. Do not get me wrong a still very much invested in the story and really enjoying the return of Rogue, but had hoped for some more timey-wimey high jinks: Roman legions marching out the mist, Ensign Ewart and his Eagle, Crazy Horse in a ghost shirt! Art is fatalistic but please mister Ennis show us your hand.
I'd kind of assumed that "Rogue Trooper in World War I" was the story.
AIEEEEEE! It's the...THING from the HELL PLANET!

Funt Solo

Quote from: nxylas on 01 May, 2023, 09:07:10 PMI'd kind of assumed that "Rogue Trooper in World War I" was the story.

Yes, but where's the twist?

An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a lesbian gymkhana.


Quote from: Credo! on 01 May, 2023, 09:14:56 PM
Quote from: nxylas on 01 May, 2023, 09:07:10 PMI'd kind of assumed that "Rogue Trooper in World War I" was the story.
Yes, but where's the twist?

Does there need to be a twist?  So far this has played pretty old-skool; nothing complicated.  I'm fully expecting a "the mists clear and he's back in Nu-Earth"-type ending, with bio-chips asking "Hey, Rogue, did that REALLY happen?"  Not earth-shattering, but enjoyable stuff.

Funt Solo

Quote from: A.Cow on 03 May, 2023, 10:41:47 AM
Quote from: Credo! on 01 May, 2023, 09:14:56 PM
Quote from: nxylas on 01 May, 2023, 09:07:10 PMI'd kind of assumed that "Rogue Trooper in World War I" was the story.
Yes, but where's the twist?

Does there need to be a twist?  So far this has played pretty old-skool; nothing complicated.  I'm fully expecting a "the mists clear and he's back in Nu-Earth"-type ending, with bio-chips asking "Hey, Rogue, did that REALLY happen?"  Not earth-shattering, but enjoyable stuff.

Uhm ... you missed the most important part of my post:

Quote from: Credo! on 01 May, 2023, 09:14:56 PMj/k

(I would explain further, but like the man said: "explaining a joke is like dissecting a frog. Nobody laughs and the frog dies". I said that to someone the other day and they said "jokes aren't like dissecting frogs".)

An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a lesbian gymkhana.


Quote from: Credo! on 03 May, 2023, 03:35:45 PMUhm ... you missed the most important part of my post:
Quote from: Credo! on 01 May, 2023, 09:14:56 PMj/k

Ahh ... have not come across that particular abbreviation before.  Instead, I wrongly presumed you'd accidentally included a personal sign-off, especially with it being a few lines down.

In my job I sign things 'JK' (real-life initials) to avoid confusion with several co-workers with the same first name -- perhaps I have been inadvertently telling people to ignore my messages for years...  :lol:

Colin YNWA


Had to order a copy from elsewhere and it landed today allowing me to have a triple header... as we'll see in another thread!

Anyway three weeks ago for many of you the Prog was fine. Dredd was solid middle story set up, for the next time these characters return. I imagine this take has send the Grennie theorists into a whirl. Fun with good art.

Durham Red and Rogue remain absolutely first class. Just superb both and Patrick Goddard is just sublime - I mean Ben Wilsher is good but Rogue just looks amazing!

Enemy Earth is okay, it fun, but not in the same league as the others.

The big thing I've been denied by remaining Progless is getting to the sweet ending to The Order. Arhhh loved it. I mean it was pretty unTooth but damn it was lovely and I adored it. Lovely little touch at the end just to throw that going possibility, even though we know its done. Sure last weeks was a bit rushed but this weeks more than made up for that. Superb series overall and look forward to reading this all one day.

To last week... next week... oh you know...

Funt Solo

Durham Red (Mad Dogs) is a lot of fun, but this was a bit too silly:

I had wondered if Red was hidden behind the mask on the previous page (because some skullduggery was being telegraphed) but then I noticed the four arms on the character. She had to manage doing their voice, not having blood drip, silently sawing off the arms, that not being weird on the way back to base and presumably taking part in torturing her buddy - just to get to this reveal.

Vampires in space are fine, but this was too forced.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a lesbian gymkhana.