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Started by SmallBlueThing, 04 February, 2011, 12:40:44 PM

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I absolutely love 'The Company of Wolves'.


Me too Grimm. I love films that have a happy ending.
coming at a cinema near you soon


Crazy, Stupid, Love.

That rarest of things - a truly great romantic comedy.

It's a bit cheesy from time to time (goes with the territory) and almost stretches suspension of disbelief too far at points, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. Some darkly funny moments, a clever twisty turny plot, and an incredible ensemble cast.

A solid 4/5.



An oldie but a goodie. Michael Chrichton's precursor to Jurassic Park with the iconic Yul Brynner as the Gunslinger still stands up today - great stuff
An old-school, no-bullshit, boys-own action/adventure comic reminiscent of the 2000ads and Eagles and Warlords and Battles and other glorious black-and-white comics that were so, so cool in the 70's and 80's - Buy the hardback Christmas Annual!


X-Men Origins: Wolverine.  The laziest movie ever made.  If there's a tired cliché they didn't use, I must have dozed off and missed it.  Occasional decent action scene, mired in dull plodding 'plot' and astonishingly flat design.  The Blob's fat suit alone should have made someone pull the plug.

Kung-Fu Panda 2:  Not quite as good as the first one, but not bad!


Wolverine is a rubbish film, I switched it off about 40 mins in. To be fair on it  though, the opening credits montage, though a little daft, was very cool. Felt like they blew most of the budget on it.

Professor Bear

The best thing about the Wolverine movie is the tie-in videogame, even though the story is even more nonsensical and stupid than the movie.


Hanna - superb film about a girl brought up to be defend herself against to people coming to kill her. Eric Bana, Cate Blanchett. Some nice weirdness in it and the young girl's really good.

12? Seriously? Yeah, the cert, not the girl. That's kind of surprising, but I guess as long as there's no tits in it you can kill as many people as you like these days. Bit fucked up but there you go.


Apollo 18. Short but fine little horror piccy -some genuine scares but bits at the end looked like out of a bad music video.
The Justice department has a good re-education programme-it's called five to ten in the cubes.



I bought it this year, and I've seen it before, but I had a friend round today and I thought she might get a kick out of it.

She loved it!

I remember finding the ending sequence [spoiler]rather predictable[/spoiler], first time round. I still feel that way (although the [spoiler]amount of characters who survived[/spoiler] is unusual in this kind of film) but it's definitely one of the good ones.


The adaption of the Virginia Woolf novel


I loved the depiction of Elizabethan England in this film along with Quentin Crisp as the Queen, who bestows eternal youth on Orlando. This is a film that is exploring identity. It's a film that includes another amazing metamophoses when Orlando falls to sleep and wakes up in a female body.   
coming at a cinema near you soon


Tiny Tips started watching this and I got suckered in - don't think I'd ever seen it all the way through before.  It's a great family film. They keep it deliberately light and knockabout - befriending and riding an ant! - because a true mini people walk through a garden would be too terrifying a la the insect pit out of King Kong.

Rick Moranis is his usual likeable self, Matt Frewer gets some good sympathy for being a deeper than usual antsy neighbour and the kids all do the transition from self absorbed to team quite well.

I thought the stop motion sequences were good but lacking that "character" that you get in the best stop motion work. 

So a thumbs up - not perfect but a good way to kill 90 minutes.

And wouldn't it be great if inventors in real life had wacky inventions like they do in the movies? What would Mr. Dyson's house look like?

<Edited so it didn't look like CL"K had written it>
Be excellent to each other. And party on!

the 'artist' formerly known as Slips

500 Days of Summer.  Quirky romcom which isnt as bad as most romcom's.  Though that may be saying its the best way to remove a tooth without any anaesthetic  :-X

With a soundtrack of the alternative 80's UK indie scene (the Smiths being the most quoted in the film), its non traditional ending and its not too likeable main characters made me think its writers and directors where Brittish.  I have no idea though, havent bothered to check either.  I still get anoyed by Zooey Deschemal's voice though.  Its the same in Elf.   Irritating. 
"They tried and failed, all of them?"
"Oh, no." she shook her head "They tried and died"
Mostly Sarcastic & flippant


Highly recommend THE RUINS. Quirky little horror about killer plants (seriously).

Really enjoyed the 'making of' too, as it showed how well they mixed CGI effects with standard make-up.

Some filmmakers have got very lazy with CGI. HARRY BROWN, for example - great movie, but CGI blood? What?!


This Means War

A really fun action-rom-com that gets the balance just right between these three components. I thought all three stars did a great job and even the obligatory 'wacky best friend' character didn't outstay her welcome.
I reckon it's the perfect date movie that stands a good chance of keeping the girliest girls and manliest men entertained in equal measure.