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Zenith in Titan books

Started by Eldritch, 05 March, 2002, 02:40:01 PM

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>Reading the same hackneyed plot every week from Millar (invincible foe with grudge against the hero carves a path of destruction only to be beaten by a firm uppercut by our hero -See Dredd, Robohunter, Janus, Maniac 5 etc.) while he openly trashed the characters he was savaging was not really the best way to keep fans loyal during the 90's IMO.<

Probably not... but then I wasn't really paying attention. Hey, it's a comic. It's all crap. If it's good crap, it's a bonus :P

Anyway, Millar's stuff, while not exactly vintage, is better than some of the crap I've witnessed people buying in the local comic shop. Chastity, anyone?