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Started by SmallBlueThing, 04 February, 2011, 12:40:44 PM

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von Boom

Quote from: Hawkmumbler on 14 June, 2018, 12:54:50 PM

How can you possibly improve this movie? It would be an impossible task I suspect, it genuinely is a work of perfection the likes of which is rarely seen.

Most of the action and scares were because the shark was so well hidden. Just like our deepest fears. Need to watch again soon.

The Legendary Shark

My favourite film too, obviously! It's the inspiration behind my interweb persona. The "comparing scars" sequence is probably my favourite scene of all time.



Aye! There's just that briefest of moments where Quint and Hooper are drunkenly laughing at emotional scars, and Brody briefly looks at a stab wound on his stomach. It's brilliant character work, nothing is said but you now know exactly what drove a family man cop to move to a quite, seemingly safer island community.

Greg M.

Quote from: Hawkmumbler on 14 June, 2018, 05:01:26 PM
Aye! There's just that briefest of moments where Quint and Hooper are drunkenly laughing at emotional scars, and Brody briefly looks at a stab wound on his stomach. It's brilliant character work, nothing is said but you now know exactly what drove a family man cop to move to a quite, seemingly safer island community.

Is that what that's meant to imply? I always assumed it was an appendix scar, and he realised he couldn't compete with the other scar-stories.

The Legendary Shark

I took it as an appendix scar too but I do like the stab/bullet wound reading.

The bit I like best his how Quint stops singing first, then Hooper, then Brodie. That's just a brilliant way of demonstrating their respective experiences.



The scar WAS Roy Scheider's actual appendix scar, and I suppose it can be read either way as it was never truly explained, I always preferred reading into it as it tied into several conversation between the Brodie's about their life before moving to Amity Island.

The Legendary Shark

Maybe he got shot by accident - cool wound, crap anecdote.



Quote from: The Legendary Shark on 14 June, 2018, 06:48:53 PM
Maybe he got shot by accident - cool wound, crap anecdote.
To quote an entirely different Spielberg movie...
Shoot AAAAH!


Quote from: Hawkmumbler on 14 June, 2018, 06:20:48 PM
The scar WAS Roy Scheider's actual appendix scar, and I suppose it can be read either way as it was never truly explained, I always preferred reading into it as it tied into several conversation between the Brodie's about their life before moving to Amity Island.

Always read it the same way you did, Hawkie.  They're all having a laugh, and Brody realises his scar isn't funny to him. 


Anyway, tonight Jurassic World V II, in really glorious IMAX 3D with fantastic sound.  Feck me but I enjoyed that.  The [spoiler]underwater[/spoiler] prologue is great, then the first half is serviceable but very samey (persuading people to go on a dodgy mission, dinos in the ruins of the old park, duplicitous mercs, cracking glass, dinos loaded on ships etc.), I was getting a bit frustrated despite the volcanic novelty, but the second half - wowzers!   

Now bear in mind that I also enjoyed the previous outing, and find Pratt and Howard a watchable screen couple (Howard in particular does a good turn in this one, with Pratt maybe losing sight of the boundary between Peter and Owen a bit). But.  There are moments of proper horror/suspense filmmaking in the latter part of this movie that took my breath away, plus at least one pretty decent new idea left dangling.  I mean to say, I thought the back end of the film, and its montage-y conclusion, were just terrific. It picks up the most interesting thread from JW1, and left me longing for No. VI III.

Supporting cast is a bit weak, notable exceptions being the simply extraordinary kid who plays Maisie (Isabella Sermon, I'm told, probably the best single thing in it) and the always wonderful Toby Jones in full OTT flight (gets the best sight gag in the movie too).  They also go back to the T-Rex & Raptor well too often, and much of the plot aggressively makes no sense at all, not least the soft-rebooty disappearance of Isla Sorna, but i feel the dino-diversity balances all that out: great Carnotaurus and Baryonyx in particular.

Thumbs up from me!



Quote from: Hawkmumbler on 14 June, 2018, 05:01:26 PM
Aye! There's just that briefest of moments where Quint and Hooper are drunkenly laughing at emotional scars, and Brody briefly looks at a stab wound on his stomach. It's brilliant character work, nothing is said but you now know exactly what drove a family man cop to move to a quite, seemingly safer island community.

I always thought of it as an appendix scar too, which is why he doesn't bother.


The Last Castle.

A load of silly bollocks. Don't like Robert Redford much.


Thinking about it the script for The Last Castle could have worked if the tone had been less serious. It just came off as unintentionally hokey. They should have embraced the hokeyness and cast Nicholas Cage or John Travolta.

Funt Solo

QuoteThe Last Castle.

That was amazing(ly bad).  It flirted with being so bad it was good.  Like where did the trebuchet come from?  I was managing to go along with the internal logic right up until they magic a trebuchet out of nowhere.  There wasn't even an A-Team stylee bit where you saw them constructing it earlier.  No foreshadowing.  Just a magic trebuchet.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.

The Legendary Shark

Was this the film with James Gandolfini as a rubbish army officer forever mooning over his military memorabilia?
