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Why did Dredd object to the robo judges ?

Started by Conexus, 25 January, 2005, 02:08:46 AM

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Richmond Clements

Because no matter how well programmed they'd be, in the end, they where still only machines and unable to make a descision properly, based on the facts.


I don't know.

Why did Dredd object to the Robo Judges?


Raised in the wild by sarcastic wolves.

Previously known as L*e B*tes. Sshhh, going undercover...


yay! an ethereal Superhero with my sense of humour!

To answer Connexus Question: Dredd, since the Robot war, has had a scepticism of Robots and the fact that they are in essence governed by man, programmed by him. To have a robot laying donw the law so to speak was to have man's 'slave'(?) tell him what to do. Also Robots can easily malfunction and go awol!


The reason I asked is I'm planning on writing some Dredd fan fic, alternate history(as the story would be quite an event (i think) in the Dredd timeline ( So I'm writing the story under the series Dimensions of Dredd to make it clear it ain't supposed to be in the proper Dreddverse )Were after the events of Necropolis, Judge numbers are decimated even more than what really happened,(the academy gets hit) and the judges need new streetwise recruits fast to stem the growing tide of criminals taking advantage of the lack of Judges. (From the time line -shoulda checked before I asked -Mechismos-sp- weren't in service by then,so it wouldn't be a problem with my story -can always have a prototype going haywire no prob)So they end up hiring muties, giving them citizenship in exchange for serving for the justice dept... (as an aside, somewhat similar to what the Romans offered people they conquered-only then it was serving in the Roman army-)        

Needless to say it'll be long,and i'll take ages to write, but hopefully it'll be good enough that an aspiring art droid will offer their services drawing it.  


Don't know about muties?

How about Justice Dept. either re-animating dead judges, i.e. Zombies, or using normal Robots, but re-equipping them for the streets aka ABC Warriors? Or Titan? How about giving Judges remission from Titan to return as a judge, but they have some kind of restraint to stop them from wandering? Or Judges from other global cities being seconded to Mega City One?


Sorry, but I'm sticking with muties, cause with robots, it's the same problem as the Mechismos, Titan Judges -surely there'd be too big a risk of corruption and it would have to require proper judges to monitor them and keep them on the straight and narrow. Zombie Judges -surely to close to what they were trying to escape during Necropolis, and besides I'm a zombie traditionalist and I can't see a decaying judge dragging his arms and legs slowly wouldn't be very good at catching perps.
The international Judges could be interesting though, has to be said, but I'd need to spend a lot of time (and money) buying and reading all the neccacery world judge stories. Anyway the story line goes further than what I've said allready and I'm not sure how it would go with world judges :)


I'm sure it's gonna be really good and I don't wanna rain on your parade, but in case you haven't heard the Judges HATE Muties, almost as much as Zombies, Robots, etc.

Well, they don't HATE them, that's a bit too strong a term, but it's like racial prejudice, they have strict pass laws that keep MC-1 mutie-free (except for Maximum Allowable Mutations, which I suppose would be people with non-radiation induced deformities like Thalidomide).

Acually it could be quite interesting. The Judges do sometimes go out into mutieland and help them out on occasion, usually while they're passing through on some other mission, so they can't be that prejudiced. And it would be interesting seeing them change their rather snotty and bigoted attitude towards Muties.

Go For It man, when will we be able to read this thing?

Link: Homepage


Yeah well the bigotry is one of the main reason I descided to go with muties, coz obviously their will be friction, with Dredd putting the judges not coping too well the transition. (I guess the whole reason Muties aren't allowed in MC1 is so they don't pollute the gene pool, but Judges can't breed anyway, so that's negated)

Byron Virgo

The muties hate the Judges and the Judges hate the muties, and never the twain shall meet. This was shown quite well in Garth Ennis' Monkey on my Back in the Megazine, and the recent Damned Ranger.

Just to take up a couple fo points - the Academy was actually hit during Necropolis. One of the reasons why Judgement Day was such a disaster was because of the reduced Judge numbers.
You might want to plot the development of the Mechanismo robots (mk 1) at an earlier developmental point to the one in the actual timeline, as that doesn't actually happen until about one-two years after Necropolis. Otherwise, why not use the Justice Department robots that are used in The Cursed Earth, The Judge Child Quest and The Apocalypse War?