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Completely Self-absorbed Top 100 Comic Runs You Need to Read

Started by Colin YNWA, 29 October, 2023, 03:36:51 PM

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Colin YNWA

First and foremost apologise to Jim Campbell for butchering the lovely logo he created for my Completely Self Absorbed 2000ad re-read posts! Thanks and sorry Jim!

I've not done a 'thing' on the forum for a while. In the past I've done reviews tracking a couple of 'Prog Slogs', detailed the making of my nerd cave and run countless, endless voting comps... which I still dream of getting back to... one day, one day and I've been pondering doing something else for a while now, but didn't have an idea.

Then a couple of weeks ago I watched a couple of videos from the brilliant Youtube channel Cartoonist Kayfabe... side note if you are looking for a good YouTube channel that details with brilliant and intelligent analysis of a fantastic range of comics from folks MUCH smarter and more knowledgeable than me AND you've exhausted Strange Brain Parts, you won't find a better channel ... end of side note. They cover 'The Best 100 Comics of the 20th Century' as selected by The Comics Journal. Well worth watching:

100 Best Comic of the Century - Part 1 

100 Best Comic of the Century - Part 2

Now as ever with this type of thing it was in equal parts fascinating and infuriating. It flagged all sorts of comics I simply didn't know and ranked comics in a incredibly different way than I would, I mean this was from the Comics Journal after all! It also counted all sorts of things I wouldn't even count as comics. I mean I have nothing against editorial cartoons but they aren't sequential so they shouldn't be included surely... yakkerty splakerty, blah blah blah.

Same old same old with this type of thing from me really. If it's a critical, editorial piece like those above there's always a singular bias that will mean it's 100 miles from what I would include. If it's based on a popular vote then they become a little predictable and neutered with the same old 'classics' that I don't always like ranking far too high. I mean you can't deny either approach, they will define their boundaries as they see fit, popular votes will be driven by a hivemind and gravitate to the safer options. Nature of the beast.

So I sat there after really enjoying the list with the nagging feeling of 'Well my list would be nothing. NOTHING like that..."

But what would it be, my list that is... and it niggled away at me. So in a quiet moment I decided to set things to rights and as a playful exercise I decided to throw my list together, just for fun. I did... and of course it was incredibly difficult. It's not an even playing surface after all. Comics I've just read will have a much higher ranking than one's I've not read for ages... or very possibly a much lower placing as my memory has elevated my appreciation for a series I've not read for ages. Comics series or runs I've not read for 10 or more years were read by a very different person, with very different reading needs than the person who read the comics they did just a couple of months ago. What the heck I did it anyway.

Then I twiddled with it.

I remembered stuff I'd not included

I moved things around

Then I twiddled some more...

... then I got fed up messing with it, it was never going to be finished until I said ENOUGH ALREADY it's finished. So I said just that, it's finished. And I had my list. Not anyone else's, no bugger is going to agree with my list (not even me the next time I look at it!), but I had my list.

And I looked at it and wondered why it was my list and what the heck to do with it. Then I remembered you lovely lot. For the last 15 years this has been my favourite place on the internet. The place I love to whittier, not just about 2000ad, but comics in general. The forum has become almost a journal of my comics reading and fandom, so of course I knew what to do with it. I'd bored the bejeezus out of you lot and share it with you. Even if there are only like what... 20-30 of us still posting regularly, so what if only a tiny subset of those folks (or even just me!) was interested in this nonsense. What else could I do but post it here?

Well actually rather than just post the list I could try to explain why the list was like it was. What were the factors that determined what comics I love and recommend to others (or not!). So I decided to see if I could write up entries for each, not to try to recommend things, or get folks to agree with me, no, that was never going to happen. Rather this is done as much so I could work out what it is I love about comics, and the particular ones I adore. It's a natural extension of the endless poorly written guff I write about comics here. My ultimate examination of the comic I love and why I do.

So here we are. I've got a couple of introductory posts to set all this up and then 133 write ups of comic runs (look I'll explain that in my next post!) with a few other 'bonuses' (not quite sure who will see more as a bonus!). I've written the first 10 as a test that I enjoy doing this enough to justify screaming into the void and I do.

Read along and get infuriated with this very self-absorbed list, comment, disagree, scream at me with gusto... or just ignore all this and move on, up to you. Me, well I'm going for it anyway.

Welcome to all 133 runs in my Completely self-absorbed Top 100 Comic Runs you need to read.

Le Fink

Colin YNWA

Rules / guidelines / notes

So what limits / rules / decisions have I made in creating this list and the posts that will detail the entries?

1. 100 is an arbitrary number so ignore it!

When making this list I started just throwing runs / series into a pile in no order with the thought when I ordered them I'm just use the top 100... then I decided that top 100s use an utterly arbitrary number that happens to end in a zero and why the heck shouldn't I include all 133 that made my long list.

2. A comic run can be:

  • Any series that is finite, ended or with a planned ending
  • Any run of issues that can be defined in an ongoing series by any metric. Typically by the members of the creative team, so Such 'n' such run on Batcomic. BUT I can define that anyway I choose, but try to be as consistent in how I do that. I've pretty much defined this by creators, not just plucked issue numbers I happen to like.
  • A single issue that stands alone if its designed to be a stand alone
  • A series or strip in an anthology (important for a 2000ad fan!)
  • A run of a series of strips in an anthology as per 2b, that might have had multiple creators (hello Judge Dredd!)
  • A newspaper strip. These are sequential comics. Single panel gag series are not. So say 'Peanuts' could be on the list (it's not, I've not read enough), but 'Farside' can't, however good it is.
  • Maybe a series that defines a creator's works of a particular type across a number of different titles (I'll come to that one...)

3. Consider the whole of that run as defined above. So if I'm saying (again not on the list) Walt Simonson's Thor if I happen to love the first 20 issues I need to balance that with how good the whole run (or run to date for unfinished strips) and so if I hated the last 20 issues of that run I need to take that into account when I do my placing. This is particularly important later in the list!

4. I'll stick to the list I have now and be damned regardless of changes of mind. However:

  • I might add addendums to entries if I happen to re-read a series I've placed on the list and that re-read has changed my opinion of that series.
  • I can add series I read for the first time while writing up this list but that can't change the existing order. So if I have '87. Comic series X' and I read something that I rate as much as that I can add '87a. Comic Series Y' that I happen to have read for the first time.

5. Don't worry about re-reading things I've not read for ages. I haven't the time and there's too many comics to read already. It's fine that some entries will be from addled memories and thus contain errors. This is a list based on my gut feeling in October to 2023.

6. This is a list of my favourites so don't worry about it. These don't have to be good comics, this is about what these comics mean to me.

So given that I'm going to try not to be too defensive. I mean I will be but I need to just accept this is my list of favourites. So I don't need to justify why anything is on the list BUT it's fun and interesting to me to try to work out why things are on the list and in their relative position so I will explain entries and placing AND... well see next post.

Important Note for this one: I REALLY want other folks to disagree (or agree that's cool too) with me and explain why I'm wrong, or unfair, or over-rate a series/run. Getting others' thoughts on the comics I love is half the fun.

7. I'll not publish the list now just to give the ...ahem... excitement for folks following this thread of a countdown. BUT:

If someone asks if series / run X is on the list I will say yes or no and if no maybe give some explanation (see next post). Cos it will be fun if we get little side conversations.

It will also be fun if folks add their lists, or top picks at least as well to compare notes.

8. I'm going to try to post two entries a week... let's see how I get on and fingers cross I can keep this up and the board lasts this long!

9. This is my self absorbed list so any rules / guidelines and there to be broken on a whim!

Blue Cactus

Funt Solo

An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room.

Colin YNWA

Quote from: Funt Solo [R] on 30 October, 2023, 02:14:41 PMIs Top 10 in the top ten?

Well it would be lovely but I've never read it (came out in my Wilderness Years)

1963 is suitable low in the list though!

Funt Solo

Quote from: Colin YNWA on 30 October, 2023, 03:12:40 PM
Quote from: Funt Solo [R] on 30 October, 2023, 02:14:41 PMIs Top 10 in the top ten?
Well it would be lovely but I've never read it (came out in my Wilderness Years)

So, already this project has given you an opportunity (to correct a terrible blemish on your comic-reading career).  :D
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room.

Colin YNWA

Quote from: Funt Solo [R] on 30 October, 2023, 03:49:14 PM
Quote from: Colin YNWA on 30 October, 2023, 03:12:40 PM
Quote from: Funt Solo [R] on 30 October, 2023, 02:14:41 PMIs Top 10 in the top ten?
Well it would be lovely but I've never read it (came out in my Wilderness Years)

So, already this project has given you an opportunity (to correct a terrible blemish on your comic-reading career).  :D

Speaking of all this...

Considerations of what's not on the list

Well most importantly I can only rate comics I've read and there are so SO many comics I imagine would be fantastic that I've simply not read. So for example I've not read, or read enough of the following and so they won't of course get a place on the list:

100 Bullets
Ghost World
Black Hole
Astro City
Chris Ware's stuff
Jason's stuff
Scott Pilgram
Kate Beaton

I know, I know some of them are shocking and there will be gazillion more. I've actually bought a couple of things on the basis of quickly having rattled off some examples of acknowledged classics I've not read. There's going to be some brilliant comics not here just cos I've never read um. Feel free to ask and I'll let you know if a personal fav of yours will or won't be on the list - I'll not tell you where if they are.

There are also a number of classics that appear on numerous lists of this kind that I have read and don't rate as high as many. I will be covering a few of these, as this is about what I understand about what I appreciate in comics. What I don't like, or at least rate as highly as many, is just as interesting to me as what I like. I'll dot these entries throughout my posts and expect some violent reactions to some of these... well if anyone bothers to read this nonsense.

There are some absolute doozies on that list of runs I don't appreciate as much as most and I can't wait to write some of those up. Not to fling mud, but to break it down and hopefully get some reactions and alternative takes from folks who justifiably love those comics.

I've just written the first of those entries and it was pretty good fun. It's a bit of a soft one to warm me up to getting this type of post right and fair!

AND next post after all this introductory babbling we start the list with the 133th comics run you need to read... See you in the morning...

Funt Solo

Quote from: Colin YNWA on 30 October, 2023, 07:17:12 PM133th

Quote from: Colin YNWA on 30 October, 2023, 07:17:12 PMPreacher
That's an interesting one - if I hadn't been reading the Megazine in the late 90s, I don't know if I'd have gotten into it.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room.

Colin YNWA

Quote from: Funt Solo [R] on 30 October, 2023, 08:08:04 PM
Quote from: Colin YNWA on 30 October, 2023, 07:17:12 PM133th

Quote from: Colin YNWA on 30 October, 2023, 07:17:12 PMPreacher
That's an interesting one - if I hadn't been reading the Megazine in the late 90s, I don't know if I'd have gotten into it.

I've recently picked up a full set for bobbins from Facebook BUT it'll be a good while yet before it gets to the top of the pile.

 Another victim of my Wilderness Years.

Colin YNWA

Number - 133 Copperhead

Keywords: Unfinished; 2000ad; Sci-Fi; needs a reread.

Writer -  Jay Faerber
Art - Scott Godlewski; Drew Moss
Colours - Ron Riley

Publisher: Image Comics

No. issues: 19 (unfinished)
Date of Publication: September 2014 to June 2018

Last read: 2018

Copperhead is a 'Space Western' created by Jay Faeber and artist Scott Godlewski, Drew Moss taking over the art from issue 14 until the series went on seemingly indefinite hiatus in June 2018, something I'll come back to. It's a great, character driven, action adventure sci-fi comics.

Copyright - them what created it...

The story follows sheriff Clara Bronson's adventures in the alien town of Copperhead in 24th Century. It combines two of my favourite things 2000adesque (yes that is a word!) sci-fi and western tropes. Clara arrives in the titular western town seemingly escaping her past, with her son, but she has intrigue surrounding her. She's tough, no nonsense and quickly makes an impression, even if not to the liking of many. She has an initially uneasy relationship with 'Boo' her deputy and has a past that will come back to haunt her.

Copyright - them what created it...

The first arc establishes the world as Bronson starts a murder investigation and other mysteries are set up for future adventures.

The town of Copperhead plays with many western tropes, it's a hard bitten mining town, run by a rich and none too trustworthy tycoon. It's hot, dusty, on the edges of the 'civilised' universe and full of mystery and secrets. Aliens take the roles of displaced and untrusted native americans and hicks.  It really leans hard into those tropes and uses them to wonderful effect.

It's truly the perfect western, just with aliens, spaceships and lasers and in doing that plays so well into so many of 2000ad stylings. Lawless being the obvious and easy comparison and if we get into this list you'll see why that's something I love. And this forms a great part of why the series makes this list. I really enjoy a 2000ad story washed up elsewhere. I mean I adore 2000ad - it's my favourite comic and so when a story that would fit so well in the Galaxy's Greatest is found in other areas of comics I gravitate to it instinctively. Probably elevating the story in my mind more than it would be if it was in its natural home (to me) of Tharg's kingdom. The little differences of a 2000ad story published in a different environment add something, nuances and pacing we don't get in 2000ad's 6 page thrillpowered blasts. That really appeals to me.

Copyright - them what created it...

Copperhead is however a great comic in its own right as well. Using the western tropes to make characters and setting immediately compelling. Bronson, Boo have a fantastic relationship. The setting provides tension and those mysteries I've mentioned so much already, draw you in and keep you invested and pull you into the story and its fantastic cast of western cliches, put western cliches done so well you don't care. My memories have it as a well paced, exciting and fantastically realised. Oh and the art of Scott Godlewski, who reminds me so much of the brilliant Kevin Nowlan is wonderful. You taste the dust in your mouth, you feel the heat of the arid landscapes as you engage with characters he relates to you so well with both fresh yet comfortable designs and wonderful character acting.

Copyright - them what created it...

Drew Moss who takes over on the series when it returned from its first hiatus, after the first two arcs and picks up really well. I mean he's not quite as good, but is a perfectly chosen replacement.

So why isn't this higher on the list. Well like so many series I will talk about I do wonder if it would be when I re-read (and this is scheduled somewhere on my all too long reading list...well spreadsheet) and it has everything I love about genre sci-fi. As it is though it's not left an indelible mark on me. There's no emotional connection I remember beyond it doing a type of comics I love very well. It doesn't especially offer anything new, it doesn't innovate, or cast fresh light onto what the medium can be and offer me as the reader. It's comfortable, good, possibly even great, comics.

Also it just stops. Scott Godlewski couldn't prioritise it after issue 12. Jay Faerber handed it to Drew Moss to finish when it went on hiatus for the second time in 2018. Drew Moss has apparently worked on it since, but its not been finished and thus just ends. No conclusion for the characters, story and some mysteries remain unanswered. A real shame, and something that will haunt a number of the comics on this list. As a reader you invest in these stories and we deserve an ending when promised one. We deserve it, but alas not as much as the creators deserve to make a living, or satisfy their creative needs and as such many creator owned titles have this rod to bar.

Copyright - them what created it...

For those reasons it can't be any higher and has the dubious honour of being the first comic on my list. The one that's had least impact on me on the list of comics that I really like... and it gets to be the one I start to learn how to do this list with. Curious honour indeed!

Still Copperhead makes the list and as such is a really good comics, you should look into if the idea of a 2000ad sci-fi western with great characters, fantastic art and high adventure is up your alley and as such.

Where to find it

There are four trades  that collect the whole series, apart from issue 19 to date. These can be found digitally on whatever Comixology has becomes

I'm sure with a bit of effort you could also track down the original floppies without too much difficulty or expense, though as it's never sold buckets it might take a bit of patience.

Learn more

Copperhead didn't set the world a light and as such there is not a great deal of information about it out there, beyond the standards. These are the ones I've found

obligatory Wikipaedia page
Image Comics page

Cover Gallery from Grand Comics Database - which actually give a really nice feel for the series.

You can find a smattering of reviews from the typical places with a simple Google search if you fancy too. Nothing too in depth alas.

Trooper McFad

Wow Colin this is your 1st of at least 133 posts.
That is a great overview and much more than was I expecting. If you keep this up (and I have no doubts that you won't) I will look forward to each and everyone like waiting for my weekly prog to download.

I'm sure with rundowns like this you will tempt me to splash the cash on something or another.

P.S. how many times will you hope to post/add a week?
Citizens are Perps who haven't been caught ... yet!

Colin YNWA

Thanks Trooper McFad.

I'm still working all this out but I've got 10 more banked (9 more entries and a Not on the list post which aren't quite as fully developed) and I'm hoping to keep a pace of 2 per week.

Let's see how it goes...

Trooper McFad

Citizens are Perps who haven't been caught ... yet!


Was just looking to see if this had appeared in one of the Image Humble Bundle deals as it sounds great. Doesn't look like it has though so it'll have to join the long to-buy list.