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Messages - Merlinnnnn

Welcome to the board / Re: Hello from Canterbury
12 June, 2023, 01:09:32 PM
Quote from: Colin YNWA on 12 June, 2023, 11:26:01 AMWelcome aboard Rob.

Its always interesting to see what folks starting to get into immediately gravitate to. The Order gets a lot of grief for losing regulars - I personally have always really liked it. So it great to hear a new reader getting on with it.

Have fun, enjoy catching up with both the recent stuff and the old stuff. So many great comics to explore.

Regular readers are put off by The Order? Weird! What is it about that particular strip that puts people off? Especially when a series like Hope is also very continuity heavy, and features historical/fictional characters brought to life, and - apparently - doesn't get a hard time.

All I see is some stunning artwork (which reminds me of the art in old Doctor Who annual strips), interspersed with earnest emotion and the usual zarjaz thrill power.
Music / Re: Discovered / rediscovered music thread
12 June, 2023, 12:48:35 PM
Quote from: Tjm86 on 20 May, 2023, 07:03:01 PMPossibly not to the tastes of many boarders (but I may be wrong), have just stumbled across a Chumbawamba album that is absolutely fascinating.  English Rebel Songs 1381 - 1984 is so utterly different to the tracks most folks probably remember them for, is arguably more reminiscent of Steeleye Span. 

It is as political as its title suggests, literally performing protest songs of the ages acapella.  It presents a rich seam of British history, highlighting the struggles of different groups down through the years.  It's a fascinating listen.

My hardened leftist girlfriend loves Chumbawamba because they're such a radical band. A totally different band from the one I thought they were thanks to Tubthumping. I keep meaning to give them a proper listen.
Welcome to the board / Re: Hello from Canterbury
12 June, 2023, 10:43:57 AM
Quote from: JohnWare on 12 June, 2023, 10:41:15 AMGlad to have you aboard, Merlinnnnn.
Are you sure you have enough Ns?

Welcome to the board / Hello from Canterbury
12 June, 2023, 10:27:55 AM
Hello all! Rob here from Canterbury. I've been subscribed to 2000AD and JDM for about 9 months now and am loving it.

I've got a backlog of about 14 progs from when we moved house earlier this year, and am doing a zarjaz version of the Pomodoro technique during my workday - I work 25 minutes, then take a 5 minute break to read a strip. Then back to work for another 25 minutes, etc. I've always had massive trouble focusing at work, but this is giving me some much-needed consistency.

Apart from Dredd, my favourite things since I subbed have been 'Tharg's 3rillers: The Crawley Man', 'Chimpsky's Law', and I'm really enjoying 'The Order: Heart of Darkness'. And over the last few weeks have grown to enjoy 'Joe Pineapples' and 'The Out' - though I'm a bit lost. I did not enjoy 'Hope'.

I've also bought JD Complete Case Files #1 and am struck by how entertaining the strip was right from the off, and how fully formed big Joe was when he arrived. Seeing a lot of presence already with the 'war with the robots' story.