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Red Seas, Plageristic Rubbish!

Started by paulvonscott, 10 December, 2004, 04:24:07 AM

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I had been enjoying it, till the start of this weeks episode.

Short Woman:  What manner of man ARE you?

As we all know, Ranulf says that when he first encounters Hawk, the (better than Lord of the Rings) film, Hawk the Slayer.

And thus, the House of Cards that was Red Seas, falls down.

Yours, Chief Hawkite of the Hawk the Slayer Appreciation Society


p.s. Drogggggoooooooooooh!

Jared Katooie



Why is it that Gordon Rennie can be praised for his Oh so clever nods to cult Tv series and film references in Cabbalistics Inc (which Ive never spotted by the way), and yet when Ian Edgington tries it its dismissed as Plagerstic rubbish?!

I think someones missed the point somewhat!

House of Usher


Bad Andy

I think it might be you. Isn't PVS having a laugh and embracing his love of Hawk the Slayer?

Incidentally - Hawk the Slayer's rubbish, but I'm prepared to give Krull a try and see how we go on from there.


Oh, yeah, because "What manner of man ARE you?" is such an origional line, an hasn't been used in just about every cory oldy worldy thingy ever.

I once punched a guy for saying Hawk the slayer was rubbish, but what i should have done was said, "Dad, your right,..."


Babylon 5's a big pile of shit!

Sorry I thought this was the Spaced thread
Hmm, just pretend I wrote something witty eh?


How does quoting Hawk The Slayer make Red Seas worse?


Pah!  By the holy vat of Turkish Delight, some of you slugs wouldn't have even heard of lord Hawk if it wasn't for Spaced.

He shouldn't have said 'Dad, you're right by the way'  He should just have punched him again, or maybe ran him through with a replica Elfen Mindsword.



p.s. Krullites are thickies

p.p.s. ""Oh, yeah, because "What manner of man ARE you?" is such an origional line, an hasn't been used in just about every cory oldy worldy thingy ever.""  Yes, some sense at least.  You're right it hasn't!  Or is someone missing the point somewhat?


arrrgh! now im not sure whats serious and whats not! its a good line thats set to stand the test of ages. but then again, im a larper, so cheesy old lines are good in my opinion


I suspect that you know the line from the fact that many larpers are probably devotees of the cult of Hawk.  If you can prove it's from somewhere else, then by all means do.



p.s. (Sword and the) Sorcerites are bigger thickies than Krullites!

Bad Andy


What manner of man are you, that can summon up fire without flint or tinder? rings a bell.

(N.B. Anyone wondering why Paul's rampant fundamentalism has yet to include fans of Sword Of The Valiant? That's because there aren't any.)


"What manner of man are you that can summon up fire without flint or tinder?"

"I... am an enchanter."

"By what name are you known?"

"There are some who call me... Tim?"