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Started by ukdane, 03 February, 2003, 07:35:03 PM

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Hah, you all lose. Here's my recipie for Ultimate Cholesterol Toast Monsters:

When you finish a loaf, you'll undoubtedly have a pair of crusty ends left over that you're unsure what to do with. Drop 'em in the toaster on a low setting.

While you're doing that, chop an onion and fry to your taste. Stick two (or four, if you're feeling adventurous) rashers of bacon under the grill. I'd reccomend a George Foreman, though it'll work with a regular one.

The toast should have popped up by now, ever so slightly brown and starting to cool. Butter the bready side. Butter it liberally.

Place fried onions in the dip in the bread caused by toasting. Take the bacon, and divide between your bits of toast.

Here's the important bit. Put your toast on/under the grill, but don't apply heat yet. Instead, throw all the grated cheese in the world over it. Seriously, tons. You shouldn't even be able to see what's underneath it.

Close the grill.

Wait until you can see the cheese dripping liberally down on to the gunk tray (if you're using a George) or you could just look with a regular grill. It needs be deliciously brown.


Apologise to your arteries.

Spend half the day cleaning a million tons of crap off your precious George Foreman.
Nobody warned me I would be so awesome.