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Started by SmallBlueThing, 04 February, 2011, 12:40:44 PM

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Quote from: Funt Solo on 18 February, 2021, 05:15:12 PM
The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension, I enjoyed on release, then tried again maybe fifteen years ago and it was like having a six-year old jump on squeaky toys for an hour and a half whilst constantly screaming "SQUEAKY-SQUEAKY-SQUEAKY", but not being able to leave. With Barry Manilow being played through a stadium sound system. And a large video screen looping just the scenes with John Lithgow in them.

I'm going to take a wild stab in the dark and guess that you found it somewhat irritating.

Funt Solo

Yeah, but it's that thing where I have to respect younger me's enjoyment and older me's lack of patience with that sort of thing.

I have this thought experiment where you get a time machine and you go and get young George Lucas (or Spielberg) and then edit-happy older George Lucas (or Spielberg) and let them have a conversation with each other about Greedo, or Mos Eisley (or the walkie-talkies replacing the guns in E.T.).

I just want to listen to their conversation. Will they be angry, forgiving, possessive? Will older them patronize younger them. Will they age-splain?
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


I imagine both conversations will get as far "wait, I'm HOW rich in the future?" and end quite abruptly.

I, Cosh

Dunno about Spielberg but hasn't Lucas always maintained, at least back to his student days, that any work is mutable and should be constantly updated. The Special Editions were not the start. You can argue that the genesis of that is about money and what it helps you achieve but it's at the centre of his artistic philosophy.

I was also a latecomer to Buckaroo Banzai (saw it once maybe fifteen years ago) and didn't know what to make of it.
We never really die.


I think Lucas has always been much more about the money than the craft.  Let's not forget that he did give up directing because he hated making Star Wars.  Something about sand be coarse and getting everywhere.  So I don't think he'd care if older Lucas changed stuff if it made him more money.

Spielberg is somewhat different.  I do think he's a vastly overrated directed, but I think his earlier work shows a love for the craft that his more recent stuff generally lacks.  I don't know whether the talk will be so much about walkie talkies but rather why would Spielberg make utter garbage like Ready Player One.


Lesbian Vampire Killers (2009)

I don't know how creators managed to snuck up the title, that sounds rather like fajtasy porn movie, for I can't recall any movie that places a sexual orientation in its title. But, nevermind. If anything is objective here, that is that LVK is pure farcical movie. And you can measure exactly its worth by its title. And while it's not a fantasy porn, it's still is embarassing and I gotta admit shamefully, entertaining film. And I am embarassed that I was entertained by the film :D British B level production ushers us into the miserable lives of two friends, Fletch and Jimmy. Fletch is fired from his job (as a clown, he punched an annoying brat), and Jimmy is dumped by his cheating girlfriend. To escape the burden of their lives, they travel to a remote Village they deduce is rife with hot, sexy ladies. The trouble is, the village is cursed by vampiress Carmilla, in that every peasant girl will turn into lesbian vampire the moment she reaches adulthood. So our pair is basically thrown into "kill the vampires" conflict. I must say, this movie is not for anyone. Aside from B level acting, B level special effect, most of humor is rather infantile and often, sexist. Though, I admit they are few good one-liners too. Stylistically, basically like some cross between a Hammer film and Hot Tub Machine. Gore is cheap, and while there's clear erotic a gle to the film, hardly the film will make for a boy's wet dreams. In brief, I always had a penchant for movies so bad they're good and this is it. Oh, and Paul McGann (from Withnail & I) appears as crazed, but hilarious vicar in the film, and probably is the best character in the film. [spoiler]Perhaps hinting a sequel, the movie ends with gay werewolf howling at moon. [/spoiler] At least it's clocked at 85 minutes.
Reyt, you lot. Shut up, belt up, 'n if ye can't see t' bloody exit, ye must be bloody blind.


So it's a film about killing lesbians starring James Cordon?  Think I'm gonna have to pass on that one.


Yes, lesbian vampires. Yeah, I think if you hated Hot Tub Machine, you'd probably hate this one.
Reyt, you lot. Shut up, belt up, 'n if ye can't see t' bloody exit, ye must be bloody blind.


I didn't hate Hot Tub Time Machine.  It's mean spirited garbage, but I still found entertainment in it.

Whereas James Cordon.  There is no entertainment there.  He is where entertainment goes to die.  He is an entertainment graveyard, just filled with the bleached bones of long gone entertainment.  His laugh grates my nerves as well.


Quote from: pictsy on 19 February, 2021, 02:48:59 PM
Whereas James Cordon.  There is no entertainment there.  He is where entertainment goes to die.  He is an entertainment graveyard, just filled with the bleached bones of long gone entertainment.  His laugh grates my nerves as well.

I'd had almost no exposure to Corden (blissfully) when I was working one Sunday and he came on the radio doing Desert Island Discs. I stuck about fifteen minutes before I had to turn the smug, self-satisfied motherfucker off.
Stupidly Busy Letterer: Samples. | Blog
Less-Awesome-Artist: Scribbles.

Funt Solo

An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


My incomprehension at much of the contemporary world of sport and entertainment can be put down to my ageing neurons and incipient misanthropy, but nothing will convince me that I'm wrong in finding absolutely no value in the lifetime output of James Corden.


Colin YNWA

Quote from: Funt Solo on 19 February, 2021, 03:46:59 PM
I thought I was alone...

Oh gosh no - I'm sure he's lovely but he drives me nuts.


I have never known of anyone who welcomes his presence in media.

I don't know how he has managed to get the work he has because he doesn't appear to be popular and is definitely not talented.

Putting up with him for 15 minutes is an impressive demonstration of endurance.